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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Analytics to Improve Customer Engagement

Using Analytics to Improve Customer Engagement

Always thought this was obvious, and it did not have to be artificial anything, just had to promote understanding  and efficiently leveraging shared data.   Survey analysis here.

Organizations that turn data into insights are

From The Eponymous Pickle

VR at the Olympics

VR at the Olympics

While listening to the opening ceremonies of the 2018 Winter Olympics.  I noted the statement that some of the things being seen on my 2 dimensional screen had been projected there from a VR model, and may (or may not) have been…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google AutoML Learns

Google AutoML Learns

Its long been suggested that the best AI is one that is the best learner.  Then it can learn from other humans, other AIs and the masses of data we are gathering.   Leading to an ultimate intelligence.  This is not quite that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Consciousness as Instinct

Consciousness as Instinct

As a long ago reader of William James, always amazed at how modern it seemed. Now what does this mean, ultimately, for the goals of AI?  Is Conscious alive?

What William James Got Right About Consciousness   By Michael S. Gazzaniga…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing the Origin of Mass

Supercomputing the Origin of Mass

In this video, Professor Derek Leinweber from the University of Adelaide presents his research in Lattice Quantum Field Theory; revealing the origin of mass in the universe. "While the fundamental interactions are well understood…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing Frontiers Europe Announces Keynote Speakers

Supercomputing Frontiers Europe Announces Keynote Speakers

The Supercomputing Frontiers conference has announced it Full Agenda and Keynote Speakers. The event takes place March 12-15 in Warsaw, Poland. "Supercomputing Frontiers is an annual international conference that provides a platform…

From Computational Complexity

A ``new'' ``application'' of Ramsey Theory/A Truly ``bad'' math song

Ian Parberry once told me (though I doubt he originated it- The first link I found says it was Mark Twain)

to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail

Indeed. Since I am teaching a grad course Ramsey theory and its…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tracking Human Movements

Tracking Human Movements

Scientists Develop Method to Track Human Movements More Accurately   in EurekAlert

Researchers at the North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Hefei University of Technology in China, and the University of North Texas (UNT)…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Molecular Swarms

Molecular Swarms

Letting Molecular Robots Swarm Like Birds   Hokkaido University  By Naoki Namba

Researchers at Hokkaido University and Kansai University in Japan have created DNA-assisted robots that autonomously swarm in response to chemical…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Massive Drone Swarms for Entertainment

Massive Drone Swarms for Entertainment

The massive use of drones at the Superbowl and Korean Opening of the Winter Olympics show the  impressive use of multiple drone swarms for art and imply their future use for business and military applications.  Clearly to bemurmuration…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (February 9th, 2018)

Science and Technology links (February 9th, 2018)

We shed 50 million skin cells every day. A mutant crayfish reproduces by cloning. To my knowledge, this might be the largest animal to reproduce by cloning. Before about 25 years ago, the species simply did not exist (…) it has…

From Schneier on Security

Calling Squid "Calamari" Makes It More Appetizing

Calling Squid "Calamari" Makes It More Appetizing

Research shows that what a food is called affects how we think about it. Research paper. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Priming the Computing Teacher Pump

Priming the Computing Teacher Pump

Where are computer science teachers going to come from? That’s the big question. OK it is one of the big questions about Computer Science for All. Increasingly CS is moving to younger and younger grades and a lot of people are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Improving the Internet

Improving the Internet

How Can the U.S. Improve Internet Security, Speed and Access?

Wharton's Kevin Werbach and Northeastern's Andrea Matwyshyn discuss how the U.S. can take internet connectivity to the next level.

A scrapped proposal for a nationalized…

From insideHPC

Nominations open for PRACE Ada Lovelace Award for HPC 2018

Nominations open for PRACE Ada Lovelace Award for HPC 2018

PRACE is once again seeking nominations for the Ada Lovelace Award for HPC 2018. The award recognizes women in Europe who are breaking new barriers in science and engineering.

The post Nominations open for PRACE Ada LovelaceinsideHPC…

From insideHPC

Reconstructing Nuclear Physics Experiments with Supercomputers

Reconstructing Nuclear Physics Experiments with Supercomputers

For the first time, scientists have used HPC to reconstruct the data collected by a nuclear physics experiment—an advance that could dramatically reduce the time it takes to make detailed data available for scientific discoveries…

From insideHPC

Call For Papers: Memsys 2018

Call For Papers: Memsys 2018

The MEMSYS 2018 International Symposium on Memory Systems has issued its Call for Papers. The conference takes place Oct. 1-4 in Washington, D.C.. "The memory system has become extremely important. Memory is slow, and this is…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Struggle To Keep Programs Simple

The Struggle To Keep Programs Simple

Debugging code is hard. Really hard. The more complicated the code the harder it is to debug. Brian Kernighan said it well.


But oh do my students write clever code. Well, they think it is clever code. If nothing else it is complicated…

From insideHPC

Inside Saturnv – Insights from Nvidia’s Deep Learning Supercomputer

Inside Saturnv – Insights from Nvidia’s Deep Learning Supercomputer

Phil Rogers from NVIDIA gave this talk at SC17. "Like its namesake, In this talk, we describe the architecture of SATURNV, and how we use it every day at NVIDIA to run our deep learning workloads for both production and research…

From Schneier on Security

Living in a Smart Home

Living in a Smart Home

In "The House that spied on Me," Kashmir Hill outfits her home to be as "smart" as possible and writes about the results....

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Mycroft Assistant

More on Mycroft Assistant

With considerable detail. Not available until December 2018

Finally, an A.I. voice assistant that doesn’t collect and monetize your data    By Luke Dormehl  in Digital Trends. ....  "

My full index of assistants, continually updated…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter & Gamble Is Genius in Digital Marketing Practices

Procter & Gamble Is Genius in Digital Marketing Practices

On Procter's use of digital marketing practices.

Procter & Gamble is a Genius   By Jack Neff. in AdAge

Procter & Gamble Co. was one of the first big marketers to jump into automated digital media buying, developing its own proprietary…


Let's Not Forget the 'Science' in 'Computer Science'

Let's Not Forget the 'Science' in 'Computer Science'

There is a growing trend to treat very difficult problems in computer science as purely engineering problems where solutions are approximated using data-driven approaches. This is a harmful trend, and we should be reminded that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unliklihood of Drone Delivery

Unliklihood of Drone Delivery

Was much intrigued by the possibilities.  The inefficiency of the last mile, and other near term issues.  Perhaps for specialty contexts, but less likely for common delivery.

Why Drone Delivery Isn't Likely to Start Anytime Soon…

From insideHPC

Sylabs Startup Forms Commercial Entity Behind Singularity For Hpc

Sylabs Startup Forms Commercial Entity Behind Singularity For Hpc

Today an HPC Startup called Sylabs entered the market to provide solutions and services based on Singularity, an open source container technology designed for high performance computing. Founded by the inventor and project lead…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon to Deliver from Whole Foods

Amazon to Deliver from Whole Foods

Toured a Cincinnati Whole Foods twice recently, noting the diversity of SKUs.    With exactly this thought in mind.   Had examined some advanced sign tech in Whole Foods some years ago.

Amazon will start delivering Whole Foods…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Go Not the Future

Amazon Go Not the Future

Some good comparisons of previous approaches.We dabbled in several.

Why Amazon’s Grocery Store May Not Be the Future of Retail

By Nick Harrison, George Faigen, Duncan Brewer  in the HBR

"  ... Amazon Go may face challenges in both…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Location of Data Science

Location of Data Science

Intriguing, though I wonder if these differences are so specific to continent,  or likely just by some narrower context.  You then wonder how results, accuracy, application approach or risk inclusion also differ.

Different Continents…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Moves on Virtual Reality

Wal-Mart Moves on Virtual Reality

Wal-Mart has always be advanced in tech,  how they might implement VR should be interesting.

Walmart Latest Acquisition Is Virtual Reality Startup Spatialand

Walmart has acquired a small virtual reality shop, called Spatialand,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mckinsey on China in 2018

Mckinsey on China in 2018

What can we expect in China in 2018?
By Gordon Orr in McKinsey

The nation could be shaped by geopolitics, momentum from robust economic growth, and a host of new leaders eager to implement new policy.

With so many new leaders put…

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