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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2019

From The Eponymous Pickle

Vendor Shortlists

Vendor Shortlists

I then further ask, is there a way to update a shortlist automatically?    OR add candidates that should be separately evaluated.

What is a Shortlist Anymore?  by Hank Barnes   In the Gartner blog

As Gartner continues to explore…

From insideHPC

Hyperion Research Launches Cloud Application Assessment Tool

Hyperion Research Launches Cloud Application Assessment Tool

Today Hyperion Research launched a new Cloud Application Assessment Tool. Available free of charge to the public, this tool is an interactive grading system to assess the characteristics of HPC applications to help understand…

From insideHPC

HPC + Ai: Machine Learning Models in Scientific Computing

HPC + Ai: Machine Learning Models in Scientific Computing

Steve Oberlin from NVIDIA gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "Most AI researchers and industry pioneers agree that the wide availability and low cost of highly-efficient and powerful GPUs and accelerated computing…

From insideHPC

Finding a Solution for Ai in Government

Finding a Solution for Ai in Government

AI in governmentA new special report from insideHPC, courtesy of Dell EMC and NIVIDa explores current machine learning applications in government. And this excerpt breaks down solutions for AI in government, including Dell EMC Ready Solutions…

From The Noisy Channel

Reflecting on TunkRank

Reflecting on TunkRank

One of my earliest blog posts was “A Twitter Analog to PageRank”, in which I proposed a simple measure for Twitter influence.

As the title indicates, the measure is inspired by PageRank. It relies on the insight that Twitter users…

From Computational Complexity

Using `who will be the dem VP choice' article in class

I recently read an absurd article that speculated on who the Democratic VICE prez nominees will be. Yes, you read that right, VICE Prez. Gee, wouldn't knowing who the Prez nominees was first help. But leave it to Nate Silverarticle…

From Schneier on Security

Estonia's Volunteer Cyber Militia

Estonia's Volunteer Cyber Militia

Interesting -- although short and not very detailed -- article about Estonia's volunteer cyber-defense militia. Padar's militia of amateur IT workers, economists, lawyers, and other white-hat types are grouped in the city of…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Have Ten Years Brought Us Closer?

To solving the big questions, that is Cropped from Device Plus source Tetsuya Miyamoto is a mathematics teacher who divides his time between Tokyo and Manhattan. He is known for creating in 2004 the popular KenKen puzzle, which…

From Schneier on Security

I Am Not Associated with Swift Recovery Ltd.

I Am Not Associated with Swift Recovery Ltd.

It seems that someone from a company called Swift Recovery Ltd. is impersonating me -- at least on Telegram. The person is using a photo of me, and is using details of my life available on Wikipedia to convince people that they…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Governance, Oversight and Auditing AI Systems

Governance, Oversight and Auditing AI Systems

Good overview of the idea.  Increasingly will be proposed and required.   My own connection to legal AI systems will start to embrace this as well.     Adding this to my own investigation of regulation and liability aspects.


From The Eponymous Pickle

HIgh Order Optimization Queries

HIgh Order Optimization Queries

Package Queries, Technical, having this looked at by some practitioners.

Scalable Computation of High-Order Optimization Queries
By Matteo Brucato, Azza Abouzied, Alexandra Meliou

Communications of the ACM, January 2019, Vol. 62…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon and Outside US Cashier Free Stores

Amazon and Outside US Cashier Free Stores

The idea continues to spread How soon will it become expected?

Amazon may be close to opening its first cashier-free store outside U.S.  By Trevor Mogg in Digitaltrends
Amazon could be on the verge of opening its first cashier-free…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco Looks at the Connected Car

Cisco Looks at the Connected Car

Even before we become self driving, we will be very connected.  Cisco is starting a series of pieces on the implications, and thought provoking stats.

Connected Car – The Driven Hour
By Joel Obstfeld in the Cisco Blog

It’s time


From insideHPC

Video: Container Mythbusters

Video: Container Mythbusters

Michael Jennings from LANL gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "As containers initially grew to prominence within the greater Linux community, particularly in the hyperscale/cloud and web application space, there was…

From insideHPC

Python Power: Intel SDK Accelerates Python Development and Execution

Python Power: Intel SDK Accelerates Python Development and Execution

It was with one goal – accelerating Python execution performance – that lead to the creation of Intel Distribution for Python, a set of tools designed to provide Python application performance right out of the box, usually with…

From Schneier on Security

Cataloging IoT Vulnerabilities

Cataloging IoT Vulnerabilities

Recent articles about IoT vulnerabilities describe hacking of construction cranes, supermarket freezers, and electric scooters....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Replication Crisis in Science

Replication Crisis in Science

Following this for some time.    Reproducing results is often context dependent.   It is a serious problem, especially in the social sciences, but elsewhere too.    One reason you is need to consider context, and related biases…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How do the Great Winemakers Sell?

How do the Great Winemakers Sell?

Intriguing view of selling.  Works if you already have the established brand equity: real, bought  or imagined.

Should You Ignore What Your Customers Want? The Great Winemakers Do.
Rather than follow consumer taste, they push it…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Great Finishes

Great Finishes

Simple point, made well.  From Queue ACM.

The Importance of a Great Finish
You have to finish strong, every time.
By Kate Matsudaira

Have you ever felt super excited about the start of a project, but as time went on your excitement…

From insideHPC

Seeking Seed Money? Creative Destruction Lab offers Incubator Streams for Quantum, Blockchain, and Ai

Seeking Seed Money? Creative Destruction Lab offers Incubator Streams for Quantum, Blockchain, and Ai

The Creative Destruction Lab is now accepting applications for their 2019 Quantum Machine Learning and Blockchain-AI Incubator Streams. As a seed-stage program for massively scalable, science-based companies, the mission of the…

From insideHPC

Video: Introduction to Intel Optane Data Center Persistent Memory

Video: Introduction to Intel Optane Data Center Persistent Memory

In this video from the 2019 Stanford HPC Conference, Usha Upadhyayula & Tom Krueger from Intel present: Introduction to Intel Optane Data Center Persistent Memory. For decades, developers had to balance data in memory for performance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Speak, Spell, Language Training?

Speak, Spell, Language Training?

An instructive article in Penn Language Lab on the 'Speak and Spell'  toy reminded me of using as it model for training.   Could still see this as possible.    First produced by Texas Instruments in 1978.   A new version is coming…

From The Eponymous Pickle

eBay Sponsoring Retail Revival

eBay Sponsoring Retail Revival

Seems tough direction to compete, small retailers will still look for the volume of traffic at Amazon.   See the article for more detail.   We visited eBay some time ago in this regard.

eBay looks to lead a ‘retail revival’  by…

From insideHPC

Designing Convergent HPC and Big Data Software Stacks: An Overview of the HiBD Project

Designing Convergent HPC and Big Data Software Stacks: An Overview of the HiBD Project

DK Panda from Ohio State University gave this talk at the 2019 Stanford HPC Conference. "This talk will provide an overview of challenges in designing convergent HPC and BigData software stacks on modern HPC clusters. An overview…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Systems Administrator at the University of Chicago Center for Research Informatics

Job of the Week: HPC Systems Administrator at the University of Chicago Center for Research Informatics

The University of Chicago Center for Research Informatics is seeking an HPC Systems Administrator in our Job of the Week. "This position will work with the Lead HPC Systems Administrator to build and maintain the BSD High Performance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Holographic Car Assistant

A Holographic Car Assistant

In Indiegogo.   A Future of car assistants?

EyeDrive: All New Holographic Car Assistant.

Display navigation, music & calls on your windshield. Control them using your hand or your voice.
Designed by senior automotive engineers and…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (February 16th, 2019)

Science and Technology links (February 16th, 2019)

In their new book Empty Planet, Bricker and Ibbitson argue that within the next 30 years, Earth’s population will start to rapidly decline. They believe that official population predictions overestimate future populations because…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Advanced Surveillance at Parkland

Advanced Surveillance at Parkland

Accuracy and invasiveness are being questioned.  Back to the transparency of algorithms involved.

Parkland School Turns to Experimental Surveillance Software That Can Flag Students as Threats 
The Washington Post   By Drew Harwell…

From Putting People First

[Book] The Next Billion Users: Digital Life Beyond the West

[Book] The Next Billion Users: Digital Life Beyond the West

The Next Billion Users: Digital Life Beyond the West by Payal Arora Harvard University Press, 2019 280 pages A digital anthropologist examines the online lives of millions of people in China, India, Brazil, and across the Middle…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Sharp-Eared Enope Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Sharp-Eared Enope Squid

Beautiful photo of a three-inch-long squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

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