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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Moving UK Data

Google Moving UK Data

Note that 'where' data is held may start to become an important issue.  Note also the specific considerations that Google is indicating here, as part of Brexit and other data uses. Also related to spatial web designs?

Google Moves…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Spatial Web

The Spatial Web

Brought back to my attention,  dated  (2018) ,  The Spatial Web,  still relevant?

The Spatial Web Will Map Our 3D World—And Change Everything In the Process  By Peter H. Diamandis, MD

The boundaries between digital and physical…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (February 22nd 2020)

Science and Technology links (February 22nd 2020)

In a large cohort study, the highest probability of reaching 90 years old was found for those drinking between 5g and 15 g of alcohol per day. This does not mean that if you are not drinking, you should start. The Earth is getting…

From insideHPC

Video: A Preview of SC20 in Atlanta

Video: A Preview of SC20 in Atlanta

In this video, SC20 General Chair Christine E. Cuicchi from the DoD Modernization Program previews the Supercomputing conference coming to Atlanta in November. "Christine Cuicchi is director of the Navy Department of Defense …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Books by Stephen Few

Books by Stephen Few

A look at all of  Stephen Few's books on the viz and use  of data, including his latest:

The Data Loom, Stephen Few, $15.95 (U.S.), Analytics Press, May 15, 2019

Data, in and of itself, isn't valuable. It only becomes valuable

From The Eponymous Pickle

Simple innovations are the Most Used

Simple innovations are the Most Used

Anyone in this space for a while knows the drill.

Larry Tesler: Computer Scientist Behind Cut, Copy, and Paste Dies at Age 74     BBC News

Larry Tesler, inventor of the "cut," "copy," and "paste" commands, recipient of ACM SIGCHI's…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Architect at NVIDIA

Job of the Week: HPC Architect at NVIDIA

NVIDIA is seeking an HPC Architect in our Job of the Week. "NVIDIA is developing processor and system architectures for accelerated high performance computing, machine learning, AI, datacenter and automotive computing. We are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI and Clinical Trials

AI and Clinical Trials

General overview of the state of the technical advances.

Artificial Intelligence Ushers in a New Era of Cost-Effective Clinical Trials 
Contributed Commentary by James Streeter, Global Vice President Life Sciences Product Strategy…


Getting a Program Right (1)

Getting a Program Right (1)

Why it is good to have a systematic approach to software verification.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tag of Everything to Protect Supply Chain

Tag of Everything to Protect Supply Chain

Tagging everything uniquely.  Authenticity.  Devil in the details.  " ... Tiny, battery-free ID chip can authenticate nearly any product to help combat losses to counterfeiting. .. "

Cryptographic 'Tag of Everything' Could Protect…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: 13-foot Giant Squid Caught off New Zealand Coast

Friday Squid Blogging: 13-foot Giant Squid Caught off New Zealand Coast

It's probably a juvenile: Researchers aboard the New Zealand-based National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA) research vessel Tangaroa were on an expedition to survey hoki, New Zealand's most valuable commercial…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

My thoughts on how research funding is attributed in Canada to Computer Science

My thoughts on how research funding is attributed in Canada to Computer Science

In Canada, most computer science professors seek funding with NSERC, the main Canadian funding agency for science and engineering. It is more or less the equivalent of the American NSF. The core NSERC program is called “discovery…

From Schneier on Security

Inrupt, Tim Berners-Lee's Solid, and Me

Inrupt, Tim Berners-Lee's Solid, and Me

For decades, I have been talking about the importance of individual privacy. For almost as long, I have been using the metaphor of digital feudalism to describe how large companies have become central control points for our data…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Short History of Ethereum

A Short History of Ethereum

Ethereum provides an instuctive aspect of blockchains, including a more generalized aspect of smart contracts that is useful.

Blockchain: A Very Short History Of Ethereum Everyone Should Read
in Forbes   By Bernard Marr

Even those…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stephen Few on Logarithms

Stephen Few on Logarithms

Data viz expert Stephen Few on Logarithms.   I recall very early in my experience in the enterprise,  having to work with execs on this concept and how it could improve their understanding of visual measures, but also confuse…

From insideHPC

Bright Computing adds more than 100 new customers In 2019

Bright Computing adds more than 100 new customers In 2019

Commercial enterprises, research universities and government agencies are turning to Bright Cluster Manager to reduce complexity and increase flexibility of their high-performance clusters. Along these lines, the company just…

From insideHPC

Big Compute Fireside Chat with Sam Altman from OpenAI

Big Compute Fireside Chat with Sam Altman from OpenAI

In this video from the Big Compute 2020 event, Sam Altman from the OpenAI research laboratory discusses artificial intelligence  Shawn Hansen, COO of Rescale. "I think of the most exciting developments in the field in the last…

From insideHPC

NOAA to triple weather and climate supercomputing capacity

NOAA to triple weather and climate supercomputing capacity

The United States is reclaiming a global top spot in high performance computing to support weather and climate forecasts. NOAA, part of the Department of Commerce, today announced a significant upgrade to compute capacity, storage…

From insideHPC

Inspur Re-Elected as Member of SPEC OSSC and Chair of SPEC Machine Learning

Inspur Re-Elected as Member of SPEC OSSC and Chair of SPEC Machine Learning

The Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) has finalized the election of new Open System Steering Committee (OSSC) executive members, which include Inspur, Intel, AMD, IBM, Oracle and three other companies. "It is…

From insideHPC

oneAPI: Single Programming Model to Deliver Cross-Architecture Performance

oneAPI: Single Programming Model to Deliver Cross-Architecture Performance

Bill Savage from Intel gave this talk at the Intel HPC Developer Conference. "Learn about oneAPI, the new Intel-led industry initiative to deliver a high-performance unified programming model specification spanning CPU, GPU, …

From Schneier on Security

Policy vs Technology

Policy vs Technology

Sometime around 1993 or 1994, during the first Crypto Wars, I was part of a group of cryptography experts that went to Washington to advocate for strong encryption. Matt Blaze and Ron Rivest were with me; I don't remember who…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Superforecasting Short Course from The Edge

Superforecasting Short Course from The Edge

Quite interesting, free, have followed the concept for some time, but have yet to apply it.  Videos embedded at the link.   Good to see this followup.  Is enough said about embedded risk analysis?  Following.

A Short Course in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

Been thinking the topic late.  Goals,  risks,  Results?

Automation Maturity Still Woeful?  
Howard Sewell in Customerthink

Almost 5 years ago, our agency conducted a survey to determine whether B2B companies were getting maximum…

From Schneier on Security

Internet of Things Candle

Internet of Things Candle

There's a Kickstarter for an actual candle, with real fire, that you can control over the Internet. What could possibly go wrong?...

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coronavirus Influences P&G China Business

Coronavirus Influences P&G China Business

My former employer reports.   Would seem now that the prediction of epidemics and their influence needs to be added to supply chain demand. 

Some in-store demand has shifted to the Internet, but delivery capability is limited,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Personalization of Cyberattacks

Personalization of Cyberattacks

Disconcerting news in this

The New Attack Surface is Your Life   in Andreessen Horowitz
by Martin Casado  a 19 minute talk and supporting Deck, Notes

From business email compromise to SIM ports, cyberattacks have shifted from networks…

From insideHPC

Swiss Conference & HPCXXL User Group Events Return to Lugano

Swiss Conference & HPCXXL User Group Events Return to Lugano

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre will host the 11th annual Swiss Conference and bi-annual HPCXXL Winter Meeting April 6-9 in Lugano, Switzerland. "Explore the domains and disciplines driving change and progress at an …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Advances in Event-Based Cameras

Advances in Event-Based Cameras

This was brought to my attention based on a project we addressed some time ago, the term 'event based camera'  was brought up as a potential solution.  To address the significant monitoring of lab work.    Here advances in the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Defender Expands

Microsoft Defender Expands

Been a user of Defender for some time now, as long as it has been available..  It seems to work,   at least in the fact that no malware has gotten through recently, that I know about.   Good to have multiple capabilities at work…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

P=NP: A Story

The P=NP story without symbols. [ The Movie ] Dr. Strangelove is the classic 1964 movie about the potential for nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union during the cold war. The film was directed by Stanley Kubrick and…