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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Who Will Build the Next Moon Rover?

Who Will Build the Next Moon Rover?

A natural move forward:

NASA wants the auto industry to build its next Moon rover     in TNW

We've narrowed down who we think will win the contract
ASA earlier this week released an official contract inquiry seeking help from the…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

President’s Budget Highlights Need for Funding in AI and Quantum

President’s Budget Highlights Need for Funding in AI and Quantum

Yesterday, the President released his FY2021 budget request. The request includes a significant increase in nondefense AI R&D compared to the FY 2020 Budget and a commitment to double nondefense AI R&D by 2022. If enacted, it…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nokia 5G Tests with Connected Cars

Nokia 5G Tests with Connected Cars

Tests moving forward.  Look forward to seeing how this will change the way we interact with automobiles, before and after they become autonomous.  More details at the link.

Nokia supporting SoftBank Corp. in completing the world…

From insideHPC

OnScale joins Revolution in Simulation community

OnScale joins Revolution in Simulation community

Today OnScale announced their sponsorship of Revolution in Simulation, a collaborative community helping to increase the value of engineering simulation software investments through the democratization of simulation. OnScale …

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Are Large Classes The Answer To a Computer Science Teacher Shortage?

Are Large Classes The Answer To a Computer Science Teacher Shortage?

Another teacher reported on Facebook that they were going teach AP CS Principles and that this was the first time they are teaching computer science and their students have no earlier CS class. I wanted to scream. Or cry. OrBut…

From Schneier on Security

Crypto AG Was Owned by the CIA

Crypto AG Was Owned by the CIA

The Swiss cryptography firm Crypto AG sold equipment to governments and militaries around the world for decades after World War II. They were owned by the CIA: But what none of its customers ever knew was that Crypto AG was secretly…

From insideHPC

Stepping up Qubit research at the DOE

Stepping up Qubit research at the DOE

To use quantum computers on a large scale, we need to improve the technology at their heart – qubits. Qubits are the quantum version of conventional computers’ most basic form of information, bits. The DOE’s Office of Science…

From insideHPC

Postdoc Symposium at Berkeley Lab Looks to Exascale for Modeling and Simulation

Postdoc Symposium at Berkeley Lab Looks to Exascale for Modeling and Simulation

Twenty-two postdoctoral fellows from across the Computing Sciences Area shared the status of their current projects at the first CSA Postdoc Symposium, held January 30-31 at Berkeley Lab. Their presentations covered a broad range…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Solving Multiphysics Problems at the Exascale Computing Project

Podcast: Solving Multiphysics Problems at the Exascale Computing Project

In this Let's Talk Exascale Podcast, Stuart Slattery and Damien Lebrun-Grandie from ORNL describe how they are readying algorithms for next-generation supercomputers at the Department of Energy. "The mathematical library development…

From insideHPC

Exascale in Europe

Exascale in Europe

Europe has developed a strategy for exascale computing, through partnerships and collaboration of European HPC vendors, academic institutions and HPC centers. It aims to deliver exascale-class systems and place the continent …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Why Don't People Use Voice to Buy?

Why Don't People Use Voice to Buy?

 Good points made here about the buying use via smart speakers.   Privacy concerns and lack of screens hurt.    But it's also a matter of the speakers being unable to carry on a smart, contextual conversation about products. …

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM Scholarship Winners!

ACM Scholarship Winners!

The ACM Scholarship for Attendance of Research Conferences program provides support for women students in Computer Science and related programs who wish to attend research conferences. The student does not have to present a paper…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Google Meena Chatbot: Making Contextual Sense

More on Google Meena Chatbot: Making Contextual Sense

More on the recently announced Google chatbot.  As I have said before, we often see intelligence in our day to day world as a conversation.   Person to person, person to machine,  person to assistant, even person to document.…


There is More Than One Way to Become a Good Programmer

There is More Than One Way to Become a Good Programmer

A recent Communications of the ACM article casts aspersions on the innovative concept of code academy, a fast-developing approach to teaching programming. The analysis in this article, based on my own experience developing a


Talented Programmers Don't Tolerate Chaos

Talented Programmers Don't Tolerate Chaos

Talented programmers will strive to structure chaos and write perfect code.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Algorithm to Improve Marketing

Algorithm to Improve Marketing

Seems something we have done for a while.  Is the algorithm more efficient? More numerical?  Note the claim for use of statistical methods and ML.

Algorithm Analyzes Social Media Data to Help Brands Improve Marketng

From The Eponymous Pickle

Explaining Bioprinting

Explaining Bioprinting

From MIT's 'Audio Explaining' feature, well done.   Full audio at the link below.

Audio explainer: Exploring the fields of bioprinting and biohybrid materials  MIT News Office

The following audio excerpt and transcript features…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coronavirus Examination via AI

Coronavirus Examination via AI

No idea if there is any credibility in this, but the initial link is connected to the Lancet, a well known professional healthcare journal, Worth a close look. the latter in Forbes.

Some intriguing items emerged reported Via O'Reilly…

From Yoshua Bengio

Yoshua Bengio’s blog – first words

Yoshua Bengio’s blog – first words

I often write comments and posts on social media but these tend to be only temporarily visible, so I thought I needed a place to…

L’article Yoshua Bengio’s blog – first words est apparu en premier sur Yoshua Bengio.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Testing Self-Driving Cars in Extreme Conditions

Testing Self-Driving Cars in Extreme Conditions

Extremes of data can be important.  Now how are they folded into the tests being proposed?

Research Data Puts Self-Driving Cars to the Ultimate Test: Canadian Winter   By U of T News

Driving in snowy conditions.

A new dataset will…

From insideHPC

University of Florida Accelerates BioTech Research with Qumulo

University of Florida Accelerates BioTech Research with Qumulo

The University of Florida has chosen Qumulo’s distributed file system for its scalable capacity, real-time data analytics, and industry-recognized commitment to customer care. "We wanted a storage solution that would not only…


Why IT Professionals Get A Bad Rap For Their Communications

Why IT Professionals Get A Bad Rap For Their Communications

Tips for improving business IT communications.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

2020 Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant Accepting Proposals

2020 Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant Accepting Proposals

The following is a blog from Meredith Ringel Morris, Sr. Principal Researcher & MSR Dissertation Grant Chair.  We are currently accepting proposals for the Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant through March 30, 2020. You can…

From insideHPC

PASC20 talk to explore Data Landscapes to Rescue Species from Extinction

PASC20 talk to explore Data Landscapes to Rescue Species from Extinction

Today PASC20 announced that this year’s Public Lecture will be presented by Dalia Conde, Professor at the University of Southern Denmark and Director of Science at Species360. The lecture will focus on her team’s efforts in fighting…

From insideHPC

Compute Canada’s Magic Castle: Terraforming the Cloud for HPC

Compute Canada’s Magic Castle: Terraforming the Cloud for HPC

Félix-Antoine Fortin from Compute Canada gave this talk at FOSDEM 2020. "Magic Castle uses the open-source software Terraform and HashiCorp Language (HCL) to define the virtual machines, volumes, and networks that are required…

From insideHPC

Compendium of articles published on Numerical Algorithms for HPC Science

Compendium of articles published on Numerical Algorithms for HPC Science

The Royal Society Publishing has recently released a special compendium of articles based on a recent scientific discussion meeting with HPC Industry thought leaders. "This issue contains contributions from those who develop …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bots that Make the Wikipedia Work

Bots that Make the Wikipedia Work

Quite instructive and interesting look at behind the scenes at the WP.  I can see this same approach being used for some things we tried to do with enterprise level knowledge.   I note that often when I make a positive point


From insideHPC

Stanford Student Program Gives Supercomputers a Second Life

Stanford Student Program Gives Supercomputers a Second Life

A novel program at Stanford is finding a second life for used HPC clusters, providing much-needed computational resources for research while giving undergraduate students a chance to learn valuable career skills. To learn more…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Power in Chips at the Edge

More Power in Chips at the Edge

Move forward here, to learn and implement AI in edge applications of IOT,  Here a look at some progress with more to follow.

ARM’s new edge AI chips promise IoT devices that won’t need the cloud
The smart devices of the future

From The Eponymous Pickle

Arena Scale VR

Arena Scale VR

Location based experiences.  Games, entertainment and beyond.    At large scale.   Will be be able to broadly participate in large scale games?  Considerable look at what is happening in this article.

The Virtual Arena: The Standalone…

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