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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2010

From Putting People First

Search Patterns: an Interview With Peter Morville

Search Patterns: an Interview With Peter Morville

Peter Morville and Jeffery Callender recently released their brand new book “Search Patterns: Design for Discovery“. It’s an excellent, must-read book for the user experience community. Brad Nunnally, user experience designer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Where 2.0, The Next Wave of AR

Where 2.0, The Next Wave of AR

A very good piece on: The Next Wave of AR: Exploring Social Augmented Experiences at Where 2.0. It describes upcoming work at the forthcoming conference. My interest in retail applications continues, will cover aspects of…

From Computational Complexity

Book Review Column AND request for reviews

A while back I posted a list of books that I need reviews for my column in SIGACT NEWS. This was legitimate--- I really did want reviewers--- but it was also an experiment in the power of this blog. Would I get more reviewers…

From Putting People First

The urban age

The urban age

How cities became our greatest design challenge yet. Justin McGuirk, the editor of icon, the UK’s leading architecture & design magazine, argues in The Guardian that, amid unprecedented levels of urbanisation, designers must…

From Schneier on Security

Identifying People by their Bacteria

Identifying People by their Bacteria

A potential new forensic:

To determine how similar a person's fingertip bacteria are to bacteria left on computer keys, the team took swabs from three computer keyboards and compared bacterial gene sequences with those fromProceedings…

From Wild WebMink

? Washed Up and Sold Out

? Washed Up and Sold Out

Parliament’s wash-up’s a

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smartphones Will Rule

Smartphones Will Rule

Nielsen says that although only about 21% of phones today are smart, it will be 'most' by 2011, and 35% in the US by the end of 2010. Fast changes. This could make for lots of opportunity for location services and communicating…


How Much Software Testing Is Enough?

How Much Software Testing Is Enough?

Investing in a large amount of software testing can be difficult to justify, particularly for a startup company. How much software testing is enough?

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 29 March 2010

Interesting Links 29 March 2010

In yet another example of how poorly I do at predicting what is going to be interesting and/or controversial almost no one read and absolutely no one commented on my post about companies getting involved in curriculum writing…

From The Noisy Channel

Want a Quora Invite?

Want a Quora Invite?

I have 10 invites for Quora, a social search site launched earlier this year by a bunch of ex-Facebookers (including former CTO Adam D

From The Eponymous Pickle

Five Things you Need Before Deploying BI

Five Things you Need Before Deploying BI

From Kevin Quinn of Information Builders, a 19 page paper: ' ... Before you start your next BI project, take a look at my recent white paper, Five Things You Need to Know About Your Users Before Deploying BI, and learn how to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

L'Oreal Advances With Mobile

L'Oreal Advances With Mobile

In Consumer Goods Technology. A good interview ... requires registration. L'Oreal Case Study: Advancing Mobile Technology in the FieldCGT Executive Editor Kara Romanow talks with Kelly Malone, Vice President at Spring Wireless…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Play Fast Flip in Google Reader

Play Fast Flip in Google Reader

The Google Reader RSS system now has a way to fast-flip through images. Good way to preview possibilities within your feed. It is also able to recommend other resources outside the space of your feed. Well done.

From Wild WebMink

? More Music Picks

? More Music Picks

Free music from Cydelix, Zoey Van Goey, Loscil and Justin Bieber, plus album-length samplers.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Statistical Methods for Behavioral Modeling

Statistical Methods for Behavioral Modeling

Steve Miller on misconceptions about using statistics for behavioral models. ' ...

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Scent and Scent in Marketing

Digital Scent and Scent in Marketing

A recent query about the progress of digital scent made me review the mentions of the idea in this blog. Have always been interested in the idea, and have been involved in a number of related innovation center investigations.…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Wondering whether DARPA has changed?

Wondering whether DARPA has changed?

If there is any doubt in your mind (or even if there is not!), read the testimony delivered by Regina Dugan to the House Armed Services Committee on March 23.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tableau IPhone Visualization

Tableau IPhone Visualization

Michael Cristiani sends along a link to a test App for Tableau to do BI style visualization on the IPhone. Nice idea, I think having mobile visual business intelligence is very useful. The lesser real estate of a phone makes…

From The Noisy Channel

The Evolution of Social Search

The Evolution of Social Search

Earlier this week, I had the good fortune to attend the New York Semantic Web Meetup, which featured three excellent presentations. I’ll confess that I primarily attended the event in order to learn more about open data platform…

From The Noisy Channel

New Toys from Hunch

New Toys from Hunch

I’ve been following Hunch for a while, and my impression has evolved from the

From The Eponymous Pickle



Newly discovered: ' ... NeuroPod is the neuroscience podcast from Nature, produced in association with the Dana Foundation. Each month, join us as we delve into the latest research on the brain, from its molecular makings to…

From Putting People First

Design for social innovation

Design for social innovation

Petz Scholtus reports in TreeHugger on presentations by Alastair Fuad-Luke, Gui Bonsiepe and Alfred Astort during the recent 1st International Congress of Design and Innovation of Catalonia (CIDIC) at the ESDi School of Design…

From Wild WebMink

? Politics of Copyright

? Politics of Copyright

The Politics of Intellectual Property by Jessica Litman This much shorter paper (from a conference address) is valuable as an explanation and description from a respected and knowledgeable expert on why we are getting such bad…

From Putting People First



A new study by the Associated Press has come to the conclusion that consumers are

From The Eponymous Pickle

EmSense Announces New Headgear

EmSense Announces New Headgear

New sensory development in EEG sensors: ' ... EmSense proprietary sensors provide more targeted measurement with greater precision than medical sensors. The Contact Cluster technology enables the ability to take individual anatomical…

From Putting People First

New methods for user driven innovation in the health care sector

New methods for user driven innovation in the health care sector

This project of the Nordic Innovation Center aimed to draw attention to user driven innovation in the health care sector, and to develop and test methods for user driven innovation in the context of health care. “The report consists…

From Putting People First

Private lives

Private lives

Our personal details are used everywhere. And it’s more easy to share, mine and exploit them than ever before. This new report by the UK think tank Demos is an up-close and personal investigation into how people feel about the…

From Putting People First

World Bank, Nokia fund mobile app labs in Africa

World Bank, Nokia fund mobile app labs in Africa

The World Bank in partnership with mobile handset maker Nokia is set to fund the establishment of mobile applications laboratories in Africa in a move to boost innovation in the field. “The mobile laboratories will help assist…

From Putting People First

Privacy in a public world

Privacy in a public world

The concept of

From Putting People First

What does ethnography give you that statistics don

What does ethnography give you that statistics don

Qualitative, and especially observational or ethnographic, research enables us to delve much more deeply into the relationship between our firm and its product/service and the customer, argues Roger Martin, dean of the Rotman…