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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2010

From The Eponymous Pickle

Berners-Lee Building Web of Data

Berners-Lee Building Web of Data

Intriguing and a natural expansion on the notion of a semantic web, plus looking at the infrastructure required to deliver it. In ReadWriteWeb: Inventor of the Web Gets Backing to Build Web of Data' .. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

So, you know what

So, you know what

Most researchers are convinced that their current work is important. Otherwise, they wouldn’t do it. Yet, few of them work on obviously important things like curing cancer or solving world hunger. Rather, they do silly things…

From Putting People First

The future of health care is social

The future of health care is social

Too many of us are too busy to be healthy–not because we lack awareness. It’s finding the time to do it that’s the problem. In an age of 24/7 connectivity, time feels more pressed than ever. Yet, it may be that the very technology…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter Opens e-Store Consumer Lab

Procter Opens e-Store Consumer Lab

I mentioned this some time ago, here is more. Via Richard L. James. Procter has run physical store 'sand boxes' of this type for a long time, it is long overdue that they are also doing this online to collect consumer behavioral…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 22

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 22

March 23


The Technology and Innovation Subcommittee of the House Science and Technology Committee will hold a hearing on teh National Institute of Standards and Technology and its work in the area of technical standards…

From Schneier on Security

Even More on the al-Mabhouh Assassination

Even More on the al-Mabhouh Assassination

This, from a former CIA chief of station:

The point is that in this day and time, with ubiquitous surveillance cameras, the ability to comprehensively analyse patterns of cell phone and credit card use, computerised records …

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Building Distinctive Brand Assets

On Building Distinctive Brand Assets

Via Byron Sharp:Understanding, Identifying and Building Distinctive Brand AssetsThis post is part of a continuing series of guest posts. Jenni Romaniuk is an Associate Research Professor of Brand Equity, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute…

From Wild WebMink

? The Next Act(a)

? The Next Act(a)

The broad threats of ACTA Very useful summary indeed, although it lacks a section on the impact on software freedom (which I believe to be significant). Raed this and distribute it widely, it’s the best summary I have yet seen…

From Putting People First

Sustainable user research

Sustainable user research

Now, more than ever, it

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 22 March 2010

Interesting Links 22 March 2010

What a week. Very busy with several speaking engagements including a set of hands on labs with high school students at the University of New Hampshire Tech Day event. We built a simple game of Pong. Friday was a tech career talk…

From Putting People First

Can design save management?

Can design save management?

Although design and design thinking are having a positive impact on management practice and education, Youngjin Yoo, an associate professor at Temple University , doesn’t think that the current wave of design thinking will address…

From Putting People First

Participatory systems, moving beyond 20th Century institutions

Participatory systems, moving beyond 20th Century institutions

If the 20th century was the era of the global institution–the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the multinational corporation–then the 21st century will be the era of the participatory system, argues Participle’s…

From Wild WebMink

Blog Moved - Final Reminder

Blog Moved - Final Reminder

A final reminder that I've left Sun and this blog has now moved to Wild Webmink where you will be most welcome to join me from now on.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Simpler Strategy

Simpler Strategy

In Fastcompany: How do you make business strategy easier to understand? Have seen this happen a number of times. Then strategy has to catch up with understanding.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Is Everything a Game?

Is Everything a Game?

Jerry Michalski has an upcoming conference call talk on serious aspects of games, Monday. March 22, 2010, 10:30 PDT, 1:30 EDT, Dial-in: 1-270-400-1500, Access Code: 778778. More details here.-

From Wild WebMink

? Music Picks, Probably Free

? Music Picks, Probably Free

Goldfrapp, Bonobo, Inlets and a bunch of world music.

From Putting People First

Augmented reality: it

Augmented reality: it

Charles Arthur investigates in The Observer [Sunday edition of The Guardian] how the ways in which we watch sport, read magazines and do business with each other could change for ever. “Augmented reality

From Putting People First

A conversation with Microsoft

A conversation with Microsoft

Microsoft’s Channel 9 conducted a half hour video interview with Bill Buxton, Principal Researcher for Microsoft Research and Albert Shum, Director of Mobile Experience Design for Windows Phone 7 Series on creating compelling…

From Computational Complexity

Notes to My Dad

My father Paul Fortnow passed away thirty years ago today. Five years ago I wrote about some of the lessons I learned from him. 

Suppose I could go contact him back into time. What would I tell him?
I could tell him about his beautiful…

From The Noisy Channel

Can We Build a Distributed Trust Network?

Can We Build a Distributed Trust Network?

Mathew Ingram posted an interview with Craig Newmark (the Craig of craigslist fame) in which the latter argued that what the web needs is a “distributed trust network” to manage our online reputations. As it happens, this is…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Followers Does not Prove Influence

More Followers Does not Prove Influence

Good piece in the NYT: The Million Follower Fallacy: Audience Size Doesn't Prove Influence on Twitter Sign in to Recommend' ... A group of researchers have proven something we already expected to be the case: your Twitter follower…

From Putting People First

Can we design cities for happiness?

Can we design cities for happiness?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Total Engagement Book

Total Engagement Book

Although published late last year, this book was just brought to my attention: Total Engagement: Using Games and Virtual Worlds to Change the Way People Work and Businesses Compete by Byron Reeves and J. Leighton. The book's…

From Putting People First

Texts without context

Texts without context

From The Noisy Channel

Are Ashton Kutcher and Puff Daddy the Most Influential Twitter Users?

Are Ashton Kutcher and Puff Daddy the Most Influential Twitter Users?

In a post on ReadWriteWeb, Sarah Perez summarizes “Measuring User In?uence in Twitter: The Million Follower Fallacy“, a recent research paper by Meeyoung Cha, Hamed Haddadi, Fabricio Benevenuto, and Krishna Gummadi. The punch…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality Windshields

Augmented Reality Windshields

Early work at GM, but I do not expect it t see it available soon.-

From The Eponymous Pickle

Very Rapid Book Scanning

Very Rapid Book Scanning

Have recently taken a look at how to get printed data from books and manuals into a database. There are some new methods that look to make in volume operations of this type easier:From IEEE Spectrum: ' Scanning a book manually…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Preserving Your Giant Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Preserving Your Giant Squid


For several years von Hagens and his team experimented using smaller squid, and found that the fragility of the skin needed a slower replacement process than other animal specimens. Some 1500 litres of silicone…

From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Universe

3D Universe

You can experience Hubble's 3D universe in 3D. More background and images here.-

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Supply Chain Analytics Needed

New Supply Chain Analytics Needed

In Sascom Magazine, at a recent conference of industry practitioners: ' ... Industry incumbents, academia and industry analysts all agreed that in the new-economy, supply chains of the future need to be:Smarter (i.e., automated…

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