The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date. lets you play with an Android virtual machine, try apps before you buy them I’ve installed Amazon’s AppStore on my Android phone and I’m finding it much more compelling than Android Market. I bet it’s much more compelling…
New paper by Ross Anderson: "Can We Fix the Security Economics of Federated Authentication?":
There has been much academic discussion of federated authentication, and quite some political manoeuvring about
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred ThompsonInteresting Projects
It seems as though teachers are always looking for new projects to use with students. Projects get stale (at least to a teacher who has been grading lots of them for a long time) or seem to not fit with a current crop of students…
From The Eponymous PickleSmartphones and Shopping
Chief Marketer dissects a recent study of smartphones for retail. The overall conclusion is they are in heavy use for information gathering. This study includes all uses of smartphones, whether it is in-store or not, Useful…
From Computational ComplexityAn unusual Voting Scheme
(I want to thank Bobby Kleinberg for bringing this to my attention.)
Consider the following voting scheme
Choose a random person A1. A1 chooses a set at random of 30 people. Call the set A2. Choose a random set of 92…
From Schneier on SecurityDetecting Liars
Nice infographic.
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACMHill Tech Happenings, Week of March 28
UPDATE: The March 29 hearing on cyber attacks has been postponed. No new date has been scheduled.
March 29
The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on the economic impacts of …
From The Eponymous PickleAdmitting Failure
Charlene Li in the HBR, on the art of admitting failure.
From Wild WebMinklinks for 2011-03-28
U.S. Develops 'Panic Button' for Democracy Activists – Amazing they can say all this without noting that the very same technique used by an individual stopped by the TSA/DHS/FBI/DEA would lead to prosecution for obstruction…
From The Eponymous PickleAgile Data Integration
What is agile data integration?, and how do you do it? Good overview in BeyeNetwork by Ralph Hughes that lists alternatives and describes directions.
From The Eponymous PickleBBC Dimensions
A simple BBC site that allows you to graphicaly deal with relative sizes: " ... Dimensions takes important places, events and things, and overlays them onto a map of where you are. Type in your postcode or a place name to get…
From Schneier on SecurityBiliteral Ciphers
Interesting article on William Friedman and biliteral ciphers.
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred ThompsonInteresting Links 28 March 2011
I didn
From The Eponymous PickleLibrary Augmented Reality for Grocery Shelves
Found this Readwriteweb article on book shelf placement to be interesting. I have worked with libraries on catalog systems. It is not only libraries where things can become become disarranged. Shelves in grocery often do not…
From The Noisy ChannelSteal These Ideas!
Talk is cheap, as the saying goes. That’s a good thing, since I am always overflowing with ideas that I have neither the time (I love my day job!) nor the money to advance. What I do have is a blog that I hope inspires readers…
From Wild WebMink? Updated Events List
Events bookings have become busy lately and I realise I need to put more data online. I’ve been working on the About and Events Booking pages on the site and in the process have added a Past Events page which I’ll gradually populate…
From The Eponymous PickleFacebook's Question Tool
On Facebook's Question Tool. How is this just released tool good for businesses and brands? Examining further now. " ... The feature, which Facebook rolled out to all users March 24, functions as a recommendation engine. It…
From The Eponymous PickleFacebook's Question Tool
On Facebook's Question Tool. How is this just released tool good for businesses and brands? Examining further now. " ... The feature, which Facebook rolled out to all users March 24, functions as a recommendation engine. It …
From The Eponymous PickleGetting the Most Out of Adwords
Good article on the topic in Mashable. Continuing to get a grounding in the advertising aspects and how to link that to available quantitative data that supports related promotion data. There is much of this data available…
From The Eponymous PickleSocial Media Detox
If you think you need a social media detox, check out this post via GigaOm.
From The Eponymous PickleProtein Folding Modeling
Speeding up the understanding of how proteins fold, from the MIT CSAIL Laboratory. We examined related approaches in the enterprise. " ... Processing vast amounts of genomic data is an ongoing battle, but a new technique coming…
From Wild WebMink? San Francisco and The Bay Bridge
I’ve been quite lucky with shots taken from aircraft. My photo of Mount Shasta has been purchased by a publisher as an illustration in a geology textbook, and my photo of the San Francisco Bay salt pans has been used to make…
From The Eponymous PickleConversational Marketing
Since the Cluetrain Manifesto we have been pushing 'conversational marketing'. Yet I have also observed that it is fairly rare that you get a robust conversation going on between company and customer. So is there a way that…
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred ThompsonCould Taking A Computer Science Course Change Your Life?
Well it did mine. And Mark Guzdial ha a post last week in which he told two stories of young women taking his Media Computation course at Georgia Tech and how it changed the direction of their careers. (Read Impact of CS on female…
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog
Many of us have completed our share of March Madness brackets, competing in leagues or pools to see who can be best at predicting the outcome of the annual NCAA Tournament.
From The Eponymous PickleNeurosense
Was just reminded of the UK firm: Neurosense. Who I connected with at a Krakow conference a few years ago. " .... Accurate insight into consumer responses to products, advertisements and mainstream marketing materials depends…
From The Eponymous PickleMore on the Effectiveness of QR codes
Another look at QR Codes, which makes some obvious conclusions. It is true that the mere use of a QR code in an ad or display may attract your attention. Yet you also have to have a smartphone AND be willing and able to use it…
From Schneier on SecurityFriday Squid Blogging: Squid Fabric Designs
Some of these are actually nice.
From Putting People FirstSitra article on how to best change lifestyles to mitigate climate change
Vesa-Matti Lahti, senior lead of the Energy Programme at Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund, describes why much more is needed than just correct information if we want people to pull together to mitigate climate change. “Behavioural…
From Wild WebMink? Avoiding Skype
As you may recall from my links a few days ago, I actively avoid using Skype. I’ve explained why in more detail over on ComputerWorldUK today.