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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2013

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Value Stories

Data Value Stories

Some stories about the value of data in GigaOM.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Informs Analytics

Informs Analytics

Upcoming Informs Analytics meeting in San Antonio in early April.  I have attended many, hosted a few, written speeches for them, presented at many, even received  an few awards there.  A good conference, like many of them are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Planning

Analytics Planning

Something we did for thirty plus years.   Under all sorts of regimes and priorities.  Among what the article suggests, to be ready for chaos.  Be agile.  Be ready embrace new ideas and technologies without getting buried in their…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rethinking Product Form for 3D Printing

Rethinking Product Form for 3D Printing

An interesting view.  I am still skeptical about the general use of 3D printing for manufacturing.  But there are some broadening thoughts here.  The designs have to be considered, of course." ... 3D printing has already changed…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: WTF, Evolution?

Friday Squid Blogging: WTF, Evolution?

WTF, Evolution? is a great blog, and they finally mentioned squid.

From Computer Science Teachers Association

K-8 Take Aways from SIGCSE

K-8 Take Aways from SIGCSE

I just returned from my first SIGCSE conference inspired and renewed. After listening to Dr. Margolis' closing keynote session, where she confirmed that computer science education is truly for all students and that early exposure…

From Wild WebMink

Google, VP8 and Codec Standards

Google, VP8 and Codec Standards

The politics around codecs are complex and the incumbents are prone to deceptive feints, like in 2010 when MPEG-LA claimed that H.264 was available “free” for web uses (but content owners probably still paid multiple fees in…

From Schneier on Security

xkcd on PGP

xkcd on PGP

How security interacts with users.

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

This Year's Grace Hopper Submissions

This Year's Grace Hopper Submissions

Tonight is the deadline for the 2013 edition of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing's Call for Participation.  Although I wasn't sure I was going to submit anything this year, I ended up submitting twice! HereGram…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New Robotics Roadmap Presentation to Congress March 20

New Robotics Roadmap Presentation to Congress March 20

On Wednesday, March 20, a new Robotics roadmap will be presented to the Congressional Caucus on Robotics. The presentation program will include: • Overview – Henrik Christensen • Manufacturing – Rethink Robotics – Rodney Brooks…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter and Verix Partnership

Procter and Verix Partnership

More on the Procter -  Verix partnership , from CEO magazine.  Delivering easier to apply Business Intelligence:  " ... After a year of intensive teamwork between Verix and P&G, we have developed in-depth CPG domain expertise…

From Computational Complexity

Goodbye Old Friends

We had two terrible losses this week. Not people but websites, Intrade and Google Reader.

The corporate auditors for the real-money Irish prediction markets site Intrade found improprieties with payments to the late founder…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizing the Internet

Visualizing the Internet

Flowing data describes an App that provides a 3D representation of the infrastructure of the Internet.  No specific value, except the knowledge that we are riding on top of something very complex.

From Schneier on Security

Stuxnet is Much Older than We Thought

Stuxnet is Much Older than We Thought

Symantec has found evidence of Stuxnet variants from way back in 2005. That's much older than the 2009 creation date we originally thought it had. More here and here.

What's impressive is how advanced the cyberattack capabilities…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

TouchDevelop–This is Cool!

TouchDevelop–This is Cool!

I finally decided to get serious about learning TouchDevelop this week. I have sort of toyed with it from time to time and I’ve seen the development team do demos several times. But I never really focused my attention on learning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Standards in the CPG and Retail Industry

Standards in the CPG and Retail Industry

An interesting report via GS1 from CapGemini on the future of standards there.  These are key issues to make these spaces more efficient. " ... Capgemini has released a report entitled "The Future of Standards in the Consumer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Reader Gone

Google Reader Gone

Google reader RSS is scheduled to be gone in 70 days.  I have used it since it first arrived.  It is a simple way to do information feeds.  Very popular from what I can see.  From the complaints I see the speculation is thatThere…

From Writing

What my grandfather taught me about happiness

What my grandfather taught me about happiness

Boris K.1919-2013
This is the eulogy I gave for my grandfather on March 14, 2013. He was 93 years old. 
I want to share with you something I learned from my grandfather. It may sound a bit odd at a time like this, but I want to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Glass as Newton as Vision

Glass as Newton as Vision

A colleague sends along this view in Quartz, of Google Glass as something akin to the Apple Newton, visionary in direction, but something that will pave the way for future applications and players in this space.  I repeat too…

From Schneier on Security

On Secrecy

On Secrecy

Interesting law paper: "The Implausibility of Secrecy," by Mark Fenster.

Abstract: Government secrecy frequently fails. Despite the executive branch’s obsessive hoarding of certain kinds of documents and its constitutional…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cheap Gene Machines

Cheap Gene Machines

Simpler, cheaper gene analysis could revolutionize medicine.  In IEEE Spectrum.   " ... Soon, Rothberg says, everybody will be sequenced—probably as infants—and will be able to make diet, lifestyle, and medical choices based

From Putting People First

Book: Present Shock – When Everything Happens Now

Book: Present Shock – When Everything Happens Now

Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now by Douglas Rushkoff Current Hardcover March 2013, 216 pages [Amazon] Abstract This is the moment we’ve been waiting for, explains award-winning media theorist Douglas Rushkoff, but we…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever's Dove is Mobile

Unilever's Dove is Mobile

In Mobile Marketer, how Unilever is using mobile and video to promote their Dove brand.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Promotions and Impulse Buys

Mobile Promotions and Impulse Buys

In Progressive Grocer: Perhaps a non intuitive linkage?  " ... Research published by the American Marketing Association shows that shoppers make more unplanned purchases when prompted by promotions through a mobile device. "Retailers…

From Putting People First

UK Government Service Design Manual

UK Government Service Design Manual

The UK Government Service Design Manual provides a (draft) digital by default service standard, as well as guidance and tools for building world-class digital services. The Government Digital Strategy set an ambitious target…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Real Life Is …

Real Life Is …

One of my favorite sayings is that “real life is an open book test.” I don’t remember where or when I first heard it but it is something I repeat rather regularly. I was thinking about this and other things that the real world…

From Schneier on Security

Nationalism on the Internet

Nationalism on the Internet

For technology that was supposed to ignore borders, bring the world closer together, and sidestep the influence of national governments the Internet is fostering an awful lot of nationalism right now. We've started to see increased…


What Does 'Big Data' Mean (Part 4)?

What Does 'Big Data' Mean (Part 4)?

The "big variety" use case is examined, in this fourth post in a series on big data.

From My Biased Coin

But I Haven't Thought of You Lately At All....

But I Haven't Thought of You Lately At All....

I realize the times they-are-a-changing, and so maybe I shouldn't find this unusual, but...Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas put up a Kickstarter campaign to raise 2 million to make a Veronica Mars movie.*  They gave the project 30…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Computing Again: D-Wave

Quantum Computing Again: D-Wave

Now a number of years ago I met with some former colleagues  to pose appropriately difficult problems for their recently constructed quantum computer D-Wave.   The relationship of quantum computing to computationally complexNew…

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