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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2013

From Computational Complexity

Opera and MOOCS

I've really learned to enjoy opera (the art form not the browser) and while I've come to really enjoy Atlanta, the city only has a regional opera company. So I tried out the Metropolitan Opera HD broadcasts in a local movie theater…

From Wild WebMink

Speak Up For SHIELD

Speak Up For SHIELD

If you’re a US citizen, your support for the bipartisan SHIELD Act could strike a decisive blow to patent trolls by making them pay costs if they lose patent actions and allowing judges to require a bond for costs from them before…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tracking Sensors in the Workplace

Tracking Sensors in the Workplace

Via the CACM and the WSJ:   We examined this approach, using RFID badges and portal sensors in the Innovation Centers.  It made things more efficient by letting you know where people were in a large and complex facility.  HR's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Strong Collaborative Skills Matter

Strong Collaborative Skills Matter

From CIO:   Almost nothing of note in IT can be done today without extensive collaboration.  The skills to do this are essential in companies large and small.   This is obvious.   A puff piece stating that, yet I had not seen…

From Wild WebMink

Red Hat Picks Up Dropped Java 6

Red Hat Picks Up Dropped Java 6

Red Hat put out a press release yesterday that didn’t instantly make sense to me. After a chat with their GM of Middleware, I realised actually they had all done us a favour picking up care of OpenJDK 6 that Oracle had dropped…

From Schneier on Security

Oxford University Blocks Google Docs

Oxford University Blocks Google Docs

Google Docs is being used for phishing. Oxford University felt that it had to block the service because Google isn't responding to takedown requests quickly enough.

Think about this in light of my essay on feudal security.…

From The Noisy Channel

The Noisy Channel Has Moved To LinkedIn

The Noisy Channel Has Moved To LinkedIn

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably interested in my current writing. You can find my latest posts on my LinkedIn author page.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Finding and Amplifying Creativity

Finding and Amplifying Creativity

In the HBR Blog:  Why we implemented an innovation center in 2000.  "  ... In 2010, IBM ran a survey of 1,500 CEOs and found that the most valuable management skill was no longer "operations" or "marketing" but "creativity."

From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing Role of IT

Changing Role of IT

Bill Inmon on the changimg role of IT.  The evolution of technology and how the IT department reacted.  Including a look at some of the glorious failures we have all decided to forget.

From The Eponymous Pickle

CPGs Load for Mobile

CPGs Load for Mobile

A survey of CPG spending that points towards much more spending in the mobile space.  Not unexpected, the new consumer is moving quickly, and they are increasingly looking for mobile answers.  More data will be generated and…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Where Are the Teachers in

Where Are the Teachers in

Earlier this month, computer science education fever spread throughout the nation as promotional videos from were publicly released. The media frenzy can be linked to the endorsement of 84 "Leaders and Trendsetters "from…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Checking the Higgs Boson

Reliability and scientific discovery Cropped from src. Dennis Overbye is Deputy Science Editor of the New York Times. He has just written the lead article for Tuesday’s “Science” section of the Times, which is entirely devoted…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Disappearing Interface

Disappearing Interface

On the disappearing Interface:  " ... Instead of all-purpose, full-focus devices, these new tools are migrating outward, on and around our bodies, to our fingers and heads and wrists and ears, and even feet. From there, they…

From Schneier on Security

How the FBI Intercepts Cell Phone Data

How the FBI Intercepts Cell Phone Data

Good article on "Stingrays," which the FBI uses to monitor cell phone data. Basically, they trick the phone into joining a fake network. And, since cell phones inherently trust the network -- as opposed to computers which inherently…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Addressing Showrooming with Price Matching

Addressing Showrooming with Price Matching

In Shopperception.  Good thoughts on this threat:  " ... Throughout this article we presented a possible threat and how retailers are reacting with defensive campaigns that may just make people wonder about prices even more.…

From Wild WebMink

A Broken Promise

A Broken Promise

Microsoft was fined for being a scofflaw and for failing to self-regulate as it had promised, not (just) for a “technical oversight”. I explain more on InfoWorld today.

From Schneier on Security

Browser Security

Browser Security

Interesting discussion on browser security from Communications of the ACM. Also, an article on browser and web privacy from the same issue.

From Putting People First

What form of behaviour change does climate change call for?

What form of behaviour change does climate change call for?

Jonathan Rowson @Jonathan_Rowson, who leads the RSA Social Brain Centre, recently gave a 15 minute presentation on the Social Brain Centre’s emerging ideas relating to behaviour change in the context of Climate Change. The title…

From Putting People First

Reaching those beyond Big Data

Reaching those beyond Big Data

Opening up the Stories to Action edition of Ethnography Matters is Panthea Lee’s @panthealee moving story about a human trafficking outreach campaign that her company, Reboot, designed for Safe Horizon. In David Brook’s recent…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tableau Webinar Tomorrow

Tableau Webinar Tomorrow

Of interest: " ... web seminar Tableau is hosting tomorrow (3/6). The webinar starts at 2p eastern and will feature current Tableau customers speaking about how they’ve been able to drive user engagement with interactive dashboards…

From The Eponymous Pickle

To Sell is Human

To Sell is Human

FromWharton:  Excellent interview and video with Daniel Pink, a favorite author of mine.  He was recently a guest lecturer at my Alma Mater.   About his new book: To Sell is Human, the Surprising Truth About Moving Others.  "…

From Schneier on Security

The NSA's Ragtime Surveillance Program and the Need for Leaks

The NSA's Ragtime Surveillance Program and the Need for Leaks

A new book reveals details about the NSA's Ragtime surveillance program:

A book published earlier this month, "Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry," contains revelations about the NSA's snooping efforts, based…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Challenges of Mobile Business Intelligence

Challenges of Mobile Business Intelligence

A topic I am currently exploring.   Scale of display, security, effectiveness of interaction are among the concerns.  And software that can properly deal with that.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Measuring Advertising

Measuring Advertising

Measurement of outcomes is always interesting to me, so this led to the announcement below:The Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI) and the SEI Center's Future of Advertising Program (SEI FoA) are pleased to announceField…

From The Eponymous Pickle



In Popsci: Understanding gestural generation of text.  Airwriting.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cautions About Big Data

Cautions About Big Data

In TDWI:  Three things that matter with Big Data.  These cautions apply to all data based projects and thus should always be considered and addressed.   I would add: You should always know where the data is used  today in the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Credit Card Usage

Online Credit Card Usage

In Supermarket News:   A snippet of information about online credit usage.  " ... Many Wal-Mart Stores shoppers who purchase online and opt to pay with cash at a store actually end up using a credit card, Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

ACM/IEEE-C​S CS2013 Ironman-v1​.0 draft released

ACM/IEEE-C​S CS2013 Ironman-v1​.0 draft released

Those of you interested in undergraduate computer science education will be interested in the latest draft of the ACM/IEEE-CS CS 2013 curriculum recommendations. This is the all but final draft. The final draft will be released…

From Schneier on Security

Al Qaeda Document on Avoiding Drone Strikes

Al Qaeda Document on Avoiding Drone Strikes


3 – Spreading the reflective pieces of glass on a car or on the roof of the building. 4 – Placing a group of skilled snipers to hunt the drone, especially the reconnaissance ones because they fly low, about six…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Radio Gets Second Screen

Radio Gets Second Screen

In AdAge:     Music ID App Soundhound will lead you to supporting screen for music playing nearby,   Will be interesting to see how well the combination of media work.