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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2015

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Choose to Code With TouchDevelop

Choose to Code With TouchDevelop

Looks like a good chance to earn some money for school projects and introduce students to programming. Open to US public schools only unfortunately.  More information from the Choose to Code website.

Teach your students to code…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Trends at Frito Lay

Digital Trends at Frito Lay

Always a leader in technology.  Frito Lay speaks out.  " ... How a Top Frito-Lay Marketer Keeps Up With Digital Trends ... CMO Ram Krishnan is a 'Marketing Technologist' At Snack Maker ... "

From insideHPC

Using Benchmarks to Your Advantage

Using Benchmarks to Your Advantage

Over at Admin HPC, Jeff Layton from AWS writes that while benchmarks remains contentious in the HPC industry, they still can be very useful.

From insideHPC

Quantifying The Dynamics of Your Superorganism Body Using Big Data Supercomputing

Quantifying The Dynamics of Your Superorganism Body Using Big Data Supercomputing

The human body is host to 100 trillion microorganisms, ten times the number of cells in the human body, and these microbes contain 100 times the number of DNA genes that our human DNA does. UC San Diego CSE Professor, Larry Smarr…

From The Eponymous Pickle



I see that comments on posts are increasing.  Spam has decreased now that you need to register. This decreases time needed to manage this blog.  I still approve every comment.  I usually do that within the same day, so be patient…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Science Books for Key Value Topics

Data Science Books for Key Value Topics

Detailed piece on two new books on favorite topics: Time Series and Anomaly detection.  based on my long experience in the enterprise, these were the most important topics that connect with decision science. These were important…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Making All Ads Shoppable

Making All Ads Shoppable

In Adage: L'Oreal USA Moves to Make All Types of Ads -- Online and Off -- 'Shoppable' ... Deal with Powa Could Allow Direct-Response Tags on All Ads, Promotions .. "

From The Eponymous Pickle

End of Apps via Connections?

End of Apps via Connections?

As we know them.   by Paul Adams" ...The experience of our primary mobile screen being a bank of app icons that lead to independent destinations is dying. And that changes what we need to design and build.How we experience content…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Is the BBC’s ‘Micro Bot’ the Silver Bullet

Is the BBC’s ‘Micro Bot’ the Silver Bullet

It’s been all over social media and online news the last couple of days - BBC to give out one million 'Micro Bit' computers to get kids coding. I’m a little skeptical. I’ve heard things like this before. (and blogged about it…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Algorithms of Robo Journalism

The Algorithms of Robo Journalism

In the NYT. If an Algorithm Wrote This, How Would You Even Know?LET me hazard a guess that you think a real person has written what you’re reading. Maybe you’re right. Maybe not. Perhaps you should ask me to confirm it the way…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing Face of B2B Marketing

Changing Face of B2B Marketing

In Thinking with Google.  Worthwhile examination.   " ... There have been interesting shifts in B2B in the past two years. What's changed? To find out, we surveyed B2B decision makers about their research and purchase habits.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Following Tableau 9 Beta

Following Tableau 9 Beta

This week attended an overview of Tableau 9,0  Nicely done global streamed user meeting.  I have yet to try the Beta myself. Impression based on the presentation.I much like the use of the phrase 'visual analytics'.   Visualization…

From insideHPC

HPC News Roundup for Friday the 13th

HPC News Roundup for Friday the 13th

As we pack our bags for a series of Springtime HPC conferences, it's time to clear the decks and point to some notable news items from this week that didn't make it to the front page.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominate Your Students for the Paul Baran Young Scholar Awards!

Nominate Your Students for the Paul Baran Young Scholar Awards!

Please help the Marconi Society identify outstanding Young Scholars. The Marconi Society was established in 1974 to honor Guglielmo Marconi, the Nobel laureate who invented radio (wireless telegraphy). Each year the Society gives…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rule Based Expert Systems

Rule Based Expert Systems

It is still possible to effectively build rule based expert systems.   I see that LPA has just established a new information and Download page.  Includes some good examples in a number of business contexts. Note how this relates…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pi Day of the Century, and a Piece of Pi for You.

Pi Day of the Century, and a Piece of Pi for You.

Tomorrow is the Pi day of the century.  It is 3/14/15,   More events and ruminations about the event and the inspirational, though irrational number at the Wolfram Blog.  Including a way to get your own piece of Pi!

From insideHPC

Interview: SGI’s Jorge Titinger on HPC Teamwork and other Lessons from Soccer

Interview: SGI’s Jorge Titinger on HPC Teamwork and other Lessons from Soccer

In this Purematter video, SGI CEO Jorge Titinger discusses the role that his experiences as a professional soccer player has had in both his professional development and his company’s success. He also provides insights into how…

From insideHPC

OCP Improving Datacenter Design Through Shared IP

OCP Improving Datacenter Design Through Shared IP

"Facebook had the forethought to create the Open Compute Foundation and share IP from designing a highly efficient computing infrastructure at an extremely low cost. We are now building on that collaborative development model…

From insideHPC

Dr. David A. Horner Named Director of DoD Modernization Program

Dr. David A. Horner Named Director of DoD Modernization Program

Today Dr. David A. Horner was named director of the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg.

From insideHPC

Video: Satoshi Matsuoka on the Outlook for HPC in 2022

Video: Satoshi Matsuoka on the Outlook for HPC in 2022

In this video, Satoshi Matsuoka discusses the 2022 outlook for supercomputing as he accepts the IEEE Computer Society 2014 Sidney Fernbach Award. He received the award for his work on advanced infrastructural platforms, large…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Apple ResearchKit

More on Apple ResearchKit

Now everybody can do their part to advance medical research.Medical researchers are doing some of the most important work in the world, and they’re committed to making life-changing discoveries that benefit us all. To help, we…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Traditional TV Watching Falls

Traditional TV Watching Falls

In the Washington Post, reporting on Nielsen  studies:" ... Traditional television watching is declining faster than ever as streaming services become a mainstream feature in American homes, according to new research by Nielsen…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Aloft Butler Brings you a Toothbrush

The Aloft Butler Brings you a Toothbrush

Finally a closer look at the hospitality robotic butler at the Aloft in Cupertino.  I remember when there was a version of the Aloft in Second Life that I 'stayed' in, but that is long gone.    Being used mostly to deliver things…

From Schneier on Security

Data and Goliath Makes New York Times Best-Seller List

Data and Goliath Makes New York Times Best-Seller List

The March 22 best-seller list from the New York Times will list me as #6 in the hardcover nonfiction category, and #13 in the combined paper/e-book category. This is amazing, really. The book just barely crossed #400 on Amazon…

From Putting People First

Nudging and Choice Architecture: Ethical Considerations

Nudging and Choice Architecture: Ethical Considerations

Nudging and Choice Architecture: Ethical Considerations by Cass R. Sunstein Yale Journal on Regulation January 17, 2015 50 pages Is nudging unethical? Is choice architecture a problem for a free society? This essay defends seven…

From Putting People First

The perils of the internet of things

The perils of the internet of things

In the not so distant future, every object in your life will be online and talking to one another. Although it will transform the way we live and work, Marc Goodman wants to know if the benefits will outweigh the dangers. “For…

From Putting People First

The value of design to the public sector

The value of design to the public sector

Reduced budgets mean innovation in the public sector is vital if our public services are to become more effective and improve the experience for users, argues Anna Whicher, Head of Policy, at the National Centre for Product Design…

From insideHPC

ANSYS Modernizes Code for Intel Xeon Phi

ANSYS Modernizes Code for Intel Xeon Phi

Today ANSYS and Intel announced a collaboration to speed structural code on x86 processors.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wireless Bio-sensors and Eye Tracking

Wireless Bio-sensors and Eye Tracking

Have seen this demonstrated in-store before ....  another example.   Particularly useful in understanding in-store applications that look at products in shelf context.    " ... iMotions and ASL announce the integration of live…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

WATCH Talk- Cybersecurity and Privacy: Complementary– Not Mutually Exclusive– Concepts

WATCH Talk- Cybersecurity and Privacy: Complementary– Not Mutually Exclusive– Concepts

The next WATCH Talk is Thursday, March 19, 12:00-1:00PM EDT. Mary Ellen Callahan, will discuss Cybersecurity and Privacy: Complementary– Not Mutually Exclusive– Concepts. Mary Ellen Callahan, Chair of Jenner & Block’s Privacy…

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