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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopping in Virtual Reality

Shopping in Virtual Reality

Spent some time looking at how people might shop using virtual reality.  In particular was part of a retail innovation group that looked at Second Life for this.  That broader 3D environment there did change the result. Our outcome…

From insideHPC

Predictions for HPC in 2015 from Intersect360 Research

Predictions for HPC in 2015 from Intersect360 Research

Intersect360 Research has published their Top Six Predictions for HPC in 2015.

From insideHPC

ARM Joins OpenMP ARB

ARM Joins OpenMP ARB

ARM has joined the OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB), a group of leading hardware and software vendors and research organizations creating the standard for the most popular shared-memory parallel programming model in use…

From insideHPC

Slidecast: John Gustafson Explains Energy Efficient Unum Computing

Slidecast: John Gustafson Explains Energy Efficient Unum Computing

"Written by one of the foremost experts in high-performance computing and the inventor of Gustafson’s Law, The End of Error: Unum Computing explains a new approach to computer arithmetic: the universal number (unum). The unum…

From Putting People First

Human-centered design should be a CMO’s best friend

Human-centered design should be a CMO’s best friend

The average tenure of a CMO is just 45 months, according to a recent study released by executive recruiting firm Spencer Stuart. Fortunately, for CMOs in need of help, there’s an elegant and simplistic process called “human-centered…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Linear vs Jackknife Regression

Linear vs Jackknife Regression

A technical and practical  piece on the topic.  I recall a project in the enterprise that could have used this explanation.  The idea is not used often enough, perhaps because it is not taught fundamentally in analytics overviews…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Expanding Gannt Modeling

Expanding Gannt Modeling

More dimensions applied to the Gannt chart. Knowledge Cubes they are calling it.  From Metier.  Inspired by Tufte. Its certainly an expansion of data in the process space,  but not what I would call Big Data.   Interesting view…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Wearables

Designing Wearables

On Wearable design. Do people have to re-learn how to wear, and utilize a watch.    Or has it become pure ornamentation for a few?

From Schneier on Security

The Democratization of Cyberattack

The Democratization of Cyberattack

The thing about infrastructure is that everyone uses it. If it's secure, it's secure for everyone. And if it's insecure, it's insecure for everyone. This forces some hard policy choices. When I was working with the Guardian on…

From insideHPC

Big Energy Breaks New Ground in Supercomputing

Big Energy Breaks New Ground in Supercomputing

"Today, energy companies mark the world leaders in commercial supercomputing. Companies like Total are utilizing high performance computing (HPC) to deliver an optimal combination of performance, price and efficiency. Supercomputers…

From Putting People First

Ethnographic research increasingly informing business strategy

Ethnographic research increasingly informing business strategy

Corporate ethnography isn’t just for innovation anymore. It’s central to gaining a full understanding of your customers and the business itself, writes Ken Anderson, anthropologist at Intel Research, in the Harvard Business Review…

From Putting People First

Ethnographic film and book on people living off the grid

Ethnographic film and book on people living off the grid

Life Off Grid is a two-year journey exploring the lives of Canadians in every province and territory who have made the choice to disconnect. Life Off Grid is a film and book about people who have chosen to build their lives around…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 2 March 2015

Interesting Links 2 March 2015

Back in school today. It was nice to have a break but I am looking forward to time with my students today. I got no school work done at all during the week off. I’m going to be paying for that this week though. Well that is life…

From Wild WebMink

New Role At WiPro

New Role At WiPro

I’ve news. Starting today, I will be working full time in a new role. I’m now a Director at the global consulting firm WiPro in their Open Source practice, advising both customers and implementation teams on open source issues…

From insideHPC

The Past, Present, and Future of OpenACC

The Past, Present, and Future of OpenACC

In this video from the University of Houston CACDS HPC Workshop, Jeff Larkin from Nvidia presents: The Past, Present, and Future of OpenACC. "OpenACC is an open specification for programming accelerators with compiler directives…

From insideHPC

Video: Fujitsu HPC Gateway to Desktop Supercomputing

Video: Fujitsu HPC Gateway to Desktop Supercomputing

In this video, Fujitsu CTO Pierre Lagier describes how the company enables customers to access high performance computing capabilities on desktop PCs with the Fujitsu HPC Gateway and the Intel Cluster Ready program.

From The Eponymous Pickle

IKEA to Sell Furniture that Charges Devices

IKEA to Sell Furniture that Charges Devices

At least with Android devices.    I am a long time follower of office design that embeds technology. Despite how that is seemingly becoming obsolete.    Was unaware of this line, but look forward to wireless clutter.   " More…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Keys to Presentation and Storytelling

Keys to Presentation and Storytelling

In Presentation Zen:   Have not visited for some time.  Good thoughts. " ... The key to success with presentation—and storytelling in general—is to focus not on getting approval or a particular response from the audience, but…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Zakta Search and Social Intelligence

Zakta Search and Social Intelligence

I went back to look at Zakta, a company formed by a number of former colleagues.  A few years ago I had cause to take a deeper dive.  Now looking again.    " ... Zakta is the Social Intelligence Platform. Enable smarter decisions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Challenges of Synchronizing Marketing and Technology

Challenges of Synchronizing Marketing and Technology

MIT Tech Review:   Some of the motivations and approaches behind cognitive approaches that address delivering intelligence.  Thoughtful piece.   Noticing these dynamics:" ... “I very much admire the end goal,” said Boris Katz…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Strategy

Big Data Strategy

Teradata Magazine on Big Data Strategy.   Nicely done, readily scannable information and graphics.   Useful statistics and detail.  A number of useful case studies.

From Putting People First

Towards multi-species ethnography

Towards multi-species ethnography

The well known anthropologist and sociologist Anne Galloway just announced the launch of the More-Than-Human Lab at Victoria University (New Zealand), which extends and augments human-centered design practices to our multi-species…

From Putting People First

Italian bank offers user-friendly home security kit

Italian bank offers user-friendly home security kit

The Smart Care unit of the insurance arm of the Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo has just launched an innovative home security offering. Branded “ACasaConMe” [AtHomeWithMe], the service combines a personalized insurance package and…

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