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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2016

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Virtual Assistant in Your Ear

A Virtual Assistant in Your Ear

In the BBC:   Sony Xperia puts AI assistant in owner's ear ... By Leo Kelion.  And much more about hands free additions to smartphone interaction.   See also their other Xperia labeled voice applications.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Infrastructure

Global Infrastructure

Bold Ideas to Transform Infrastructure ... There’s much more to be done to ensure we can deliver against 21st-century demands, according to participants in McKinsey’s Global Infrastructure Initiative.   Additional articles and…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Scientists on Tumblr

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Scientists on Tumblr

Really great Tumblr feed. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Stonefight at the Goke Corral

Will there be any man left standing? Sensei’s Library player bio source Lee Sedol of South Korea, who is currently ranked #4 on the unofficial GoRatings list, may be on his way to being #5. AlphaGo, a computer project sponsored…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Forrester on Knowledge Discovery

Forrester on Knowledge Discovery

A long time topic of interest.  You can get the full report from Forrester with Registration.  They cover a number of well known vendors in the space:   " ... In Forrester’s 31-criteria evaluation, they've identified nine big…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Do You Have a Professional Learning Network (PLN)?

Do You Have a Professional Learning Network (PLN)?

Before anyone can answer that question, a definition is needed. According to Brianna Crowley in her article, 3 Steps for Building a Professional Learning Network, at…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Speeding Through Big Data with the Wrangler Supercomputer

Podcast: Speeding Through Big Data with the Wrangler Supercomputer

In this TACC Podcast, Jorge Salazar reports that scientists and engineers at the Texas Advanced Computing Center have created Wrangler, a new kind of supercomputer to handle Big Data.

The post Podcast: Speeding Through Big Data…

From insideHPC

SimScale Offers Online F1 Aerodynamics Workshop

SimScale Offers Online F1 Aerodynamics Workshop

Today SimScale in Munich announced an online F1 workshop series focused on aerodynamics. "Today SimScale in Munich announced an online F1 workshop series focused on aerodynamics. The live online sessions will take place on Thursdays…

From Wild WebMink

Joining A Community Means Accepting Its Norms

Joining A Community Means Accepting Its Norms

The progress of Microsoft towards acceptance into the open source community continues. The Azure team is definitely a force for good in the company, constantly pushing Microsoft’s developer teams to understand how important the…

From insideHPC

Video: Fast and Robust Communications Avoiding Algorithms

Video: Fast and Robust Communications Avoiding Algorithms

"This talk will address one of the main challenges in high performance computing which is the increased cost of communication with respect to computation, where communication refers to data transferred either between processors…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Through the Looking Glass at Quantum Computing

Podcast: Through the Looking Glass at Quantum Computing

“As a research area, quantum computing is highly competitive, but if you want to buy a quantum computer then D-Wave Systems, founded in 1999, is the only game in town. Quantum computing is as promising as it is unproven. Quantum…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Grammar of Common Data Science Tools

Grammar of Common Data Science Tools

In KDNuggets:  Nice look at the practical differences between R and Python.  Now working with groups that often to use both.   As it has always been, people use what they are most familiar with,  trained in, but then when things…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Defining Research

Defining Research

Proud of the fact that even in the goal driven enterprise I have done research.  So what is research all about?   As the CACM article by Bertrand Meyer asks:  What is your research?   On some topic rather than in some area.  Made…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bayesian in R for Estimating Waiting Times

Bayesian in R for Estimating Waiting Times

Nice example of using Bayesian estimation in R.  Relatively simple example by James Dreiss. Developing and using Priors.   Recall just this sort of question for a very different problem.   Includes instructive code and visualization…

From Schneier on Security

Leaked ISIS Documents

Leaked ISIS Documents

Looks like tens of thousands of ISIS documents have been leaked. Where did they come from? We don't know: Documents listing the names of Islamic State fighters have been touted around the Middle East for months, dangled in front…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Some More VR Examples

Some More VR Examples

The Verge provides some useful virtual reality examples they have experienced.  Both playful, and apparently, useful in the office.   When I talk to people about virtual  and augmented reality I find myself giving the same examples…

From insideHPC

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Announces Haven OnDemand Machine Learning-as-a-Service

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Announces Haven OnDemand Machine Learning-as-a-Service

Today Hewlett Packard Enterprise announced HPE Haven OnDemand, an innovative cloud platform that provides advanced machine learning APIs and services that enable developers, startups and enterprises to build data-rich mobile …

From Schneier on Security

Espionage Tactics Against Tibetans

Espionage Tactics Against Tibetans

A Citizen Lab research study of Chinese attack and espionage tactics against Tibetan networks and users. This report describes the latest iteration in a long-running espionage campaign against the Tibetan community. We detail…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Federal Highway Administration Research Opportunity on Virtual and Augmented Reality

Federal Highway Administration Research Opportunity on Virtual and Augmented Reality

The National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship Programs (RAP) promote excellence in scientific and technological research conducted by the U.S. government through the administration of programs offering graduate,…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Education

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Education

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - what is their future in education? Last year at ISTE I saw a number of exhibits of educational uses of virtual Reality. And of course there has been a lot of talk about Google Cardboard

From Blog@Ubiquity

Tim Cook at the Pearly Gates

Tim Cook at the Pearly Gates

By now almost everything that can be said about the Apple-FBI riff has been said. The FBI wants to open the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone and Apple’s CEO Tim Cook wants to secure iPhones everywhere. It is a defining ……

From The Eponymous Pickle

On GE Aviation Digital

On GE Aviation Digital

By David Joyce in the GE Bikeshop:" ... Industry NeedIn aviation, operating the finest engines, components and systems made anywhere in the world can be improved—by the use of data and analytics.  A generation ago, a GE Aviation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Challenge and Value of Simplicity

Challenge and Value of Simplicity

Simplicity is challenging, but essential.  A look from the retail perspective.  In Retailwire:   " .... For the third straight year, Aldi ranked first in Siegel+Gale's Global Brand Simplicity Index. The grocer was commended for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

PurePredictive Automating Data Science

PurePredictive Automating Data Science

Another data science automation play that is worth a look." ... Visualization tools are good. But they can only tell you where you've been.Let PurePredictive Help you Discover Where you are Going. ... PurePredictive automates…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thoughts on Gartner BI Conference Next Week

Thoughts on Gartner BI Conference Next Week

Brought to my attention.  The Gartner BI conference next week.  Noted in particular the list of exhibitors.   Wide view of corporate needs there.   Who do you bet on now?   And how does BI relate to data science?  As an introduction…

From insideHPC

Debugging Slow Buffered Reads on the Lustre File System

Debugging Slow Buffered Reads on the Lustre File System

"Buffered read performance under Lustre has been inexplicably slow when compared to writes or even direct IO reads. A balanced FDR-based Object Storage Server can easily saturate the network or backend disk storage using o_direct…

From insideHPC

Bull Supercomputer Aids Discovery of Gravitational Waves

Bull Supercomputer Aids Discovery of Gravitational Waves

The discovery of gravitational waves, announced by an international team of scientists, including Cardiff University’s Gravitational Physics Group, was verified using simulations of black-hole collisions produced on a Bull supercomputer…

From insideHPC

IBM Watson CTO Rob High to Keynote GPU Technology Conference

IBM Watson CTO Rob High to Keynote GPU Technology Conference

Today Nvidia announced that Rob High, IBM Fellow, VP and chief technology officer for Watson, will deliver a keynote at our GPU Technology Conference on April 6. High will describe the key role GPUs will play in creating systems…

From insideHPC

OpenMP and SIMD Instructions on Intel Xeon Phi

OpenMP and SIMD Instructions on Intel Xeon Phi

"Vector instruction sets have progressed over time, and it important to use the most appropriate vector instruction set when running on specific hardware. The OpenMP SIMD directive allows the developer to explicitly tell the …

From Schneier on Security

Hidden Credit Card Skimmers

Hidden Credit Card Skimmers

New credit card skimmers are hidden inside the card readers, making them impossible to spot....

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