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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2016

From insideHPC

Seagate Demonstrates 10 GB/sec SSD Flash Drive for OCP

Seagate Demonstrates 10 GB/sec SSD Flash Drive for OCP

Today Seagate unveiled a production-ready unit of the fastest single solid-state drive (SSD) demonstrated to date, with throughput performance of 10 gigabytes per second. The early unit meets Open Compute Project (OCP) specifications…

From insideHPC

Registration Opens for ISC 2016

Registration Opens for ISC 2016

Registration now open for ISC High Performance, the largest high performance computing forum in Europe. By registering between now and May 11, attendees can save over 45 percent off the onsite registration rates. Now in its …

From Putting People First

Behavioral modeling – Shaping cultural change and behavioral evolution

Behavioral modeling – Shaping cultural change and behavioral evolution

One of the things we do here at Experientia that really sets us apart from other UX agencies is behavioral modeling. Our cognitive and behavioral models go beyond the standard customer journeys and personas (both useful tools…

From insideHPC

Flash Storage Arrays in HPC Applications

Flash Storage Arrays in HPC Applications

In this week’s Sponsored Post, Katie Garrison of One Stop Systems explains how Flash storage arrays are becoming more accessible as the economics of Flash becomes more attractive. "Comprised of a unique combination of a Haswell…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco on the Business Internet of Things

Cisco on the Business  Internet of Things

Cisco has a new Internet of Things white paper.  (Registration required)  Good, non-technical introduction.  It is likely Cisco will be a major player in this space, both in industry and in the home, so their view is useful."…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Web plasticity

Web plasticity

When the Internet started out, people wanted to use it to chat and discuss. So we did as human beings had always done. We created tribes. In this manner, we got newsgroups, posting boards and so forth. This worked very well at…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future Mobile Trends Need Cognitive and Analytics

Future Mobile Trends Need Cognitive and Analytics

Seven Mobile Trends That Will Change How Consumers and Brands InteractAs Mobile World Congress Gets Started, Mobile Innovation Is Far From Over ...I note that a number of these trends, like chatbots and advanced messaging, include…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitive Organizations

Cognitive Organizations

What is the meaning of a cognitive organization?  Can it have direct conversations with us, and also attentively watch and let us know what is useful, and perhaps most problematically, tell us what to do?     The Cognitive Organization…

From Schneier on Security

Cheating at Professional Bridge

Cheating at Professional Bridge

Interesting article on detecting cheaters in professional bridge using big-data analysis. Basically, a big part of the game is the communication of information between the partners. But only certain communications channels are…

From insideHPC

Agenda Posted for OpenFabrics Workshop in Monterey

Agenda Posted for OpenFabrics Workshop in Monterey

The 2016 OpenFabrics Workshop has posted their speaker agenda with session abstracts. The event takes place April 4-8, 2016 in Monterey, California. "The Workshop is the premier event for collaboration between OpenFabrics Software…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Who Needs a Real Class To Learn Computing?

Who Needs a Real Class To Learn Computing?

You hear it all the time “all the resources you need to learn computer science are online!” and “you can get help from professionals in online forums.” Sure you can. It’s all true. Does it work in real life? Absolutely! DoesFriction…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Report on the Use of Voice Assistants

Report on the Use of Voice Assistants

An interesting report on the increasing use of voice assistants.   Is this the interaction channel that will become common in the future.  By Mindmeld, a well known player in the space,  I am continuing to experiment with voice…

From Schneier on Security

Interesting Research on the Economics of Privacy

Interesting Research on the Economics of Privacy

New paper: "The Economics of Privacy, by Alessandro Acquisti, Curtis R. Taylor, and Liad Wagman: Abstract: This article summarizes and draws connections among diverse streams of empirical and theoretical research on the economics…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A History of Machine Learning. What is Machine Learning?

A History of Machine Learning.  What is Machine Learning?

Bernard Marr in Fortune: A short history of Machine Learning.   This certainly alerts managers to the direction and speed of how this area is starting to move.   The examples shown are excellent. My only caution is that 'learning'…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Matter of Agreement

On the 2015 Turing Award Mirror image of source Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, and Ralph Merkle publicly broke the yoke of symmetry in cryptography in the 1970s. Their work created the era of modern cryptography—all previous…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Register Now for the Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam

Register Now for the Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam

The registration for the Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam (GCTC) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) campus in Gaithersburg, MD on March 22-23, 2016 is now open. The Tech Jam will provide opportunities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Magazine: Analytics in the Cloud

Analytics Magazine: Analytics in the Cloud

The cover story of the March/April issue of Analytics magazine focuses on predictive analytics in the cloud and how every business is now a data business, whether they know it or not. You can also read about the "power company"…

From insideHPC

STAR-CCM+ Moves to the Cloud with ACTnowHPC

STAR-CCM+ Moves to the Cloud with ACTnowHPC

Today Advanced Clustering Technologies announced it has partnered with CD-adapco to offer the company’s industry-leading engineering simulation software solution, STAR-CCM+, to customers using Advanced Clustering’s on demand …

From insideHPC

Video: Boosting HPC with Cloud

Video: Boosting HPC with Cloud

"Rescale provides a unified HPC simulation platform for the Enterprise IT environment. Rescale’s platform integrates with existing job schedulers to burst workloads to cloud computing resources. We provide high performance computing…

From insideHPC

ASRock Rack Joins Open Compute Project U.S. Summit 2016

ASRock Rack Joins Open Compute Project U.S. Summit 2016

At the Open Compute Project Summit this week, ASRock Rack will showcase its OCP3-1L and OCP3-6S servers for cloud-based datacenter and High Performance Computing. The event is the annual gathering for industry’s top leaders to…

From insideHPC

Mellanox Introduces Open Composable Networks for OCP Platforms

Mellanox Introduces Open Composable Networks for OCP Platforms

Today Mellanox unveiled its next-generation Open Composable Networks (OCN) platform at the Open Compute Project (OCP) Summit. OCN delivers ground-breaking open network platforms for enterprises and service providers to unlock…

From insideHPC

E4 Computer Engineering to Distribute BOXX Technologies in Italy and Switzerland

E4 Computer Engineering to Distribute BOXX Technologies in Italy and Switzerland

Today E4 Computer Engineering announced that it has recently sealed an agreement with BOXX Technologies to become their exclusive manufacturing and distribution partner for Italy and Switzerland. As one of the world’s leading…

From Computational Complexity

When do we care about the constants?

I've been reading two books recently: Asymptopia by Joel Spencer (He turns 70 soon!  Workshop for it!. My nephew things that celebrating your bday with a workshop would be... odd) and   The Joy of Factoring by Simon Wagtaff.Asymptopia…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon and the Smart Home

Amazon and the Smart Home

In SiliconAngle:  Amazon continues to ride ahead on improved smart home efforts,  Exceeding Apple and Google efforts.  A short overview.  Ultimately Amazon has gotten me to experiment with more methods than any other smart capabilities…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 7 March 2016

Interesting Links 7 March 2016

Well last week was a busy one. I spent the first few days in Memphis working on the K-12 CS Curriculum Framework. (Blogged about that at Writing the K12 CS Framework). Then school. Saturday I attended an unconference – EdCamp…

From The Eponymous Pickle

E Mail Inventor Dies

E Mail Inventor Dies

I remember being introduced to E mail at the Pentagon in about 1974.    Was used then to simply alert people about test results for software and arrange new experiments.  Previous to that we messaged the people running the machines…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mass Data Simulations

Mass Data Simulations

In DSC: Fascinating piece on ' Mass Data Simulation'.  The earliest part of my career used monte carlo simulation linked with parameterized data, to predict outcomes.   The data involved was 'small', but the results were certainly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Aeron Chair

Aeron Chair

In FastCodesign: A look at the history of Herman Miller's iconic Aeron Chair.   Known for being common in pre crash startups.  We worked with Herman Miller in the innovation space and put some of their designs in our spaces to…

From CERIAS Blog

Another year, another RSAC

Another year, another RSAC

I have attended 10 of the last 15 RSA conferences. I do this to see what’s new in the market, meet up with friends and colleagues I don’t get to see too often, listen to some technical talks, and enjoy a few interesting restaurants…

From CERIAS Blog

Another year, another RSAC

Another year, another RSAC

I have attended 10 of the last 15 RSA conferences. I do this to see what’s new in the market, meet up with friends and colleagues I don’t get to see too often, listen to some technical talks, and enjoy a few interesting restaurants…