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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2017

From insideHPC

Video: Overview of Scientific Workflows

Video: Overview of Scientific Workflows

Scott Callaghan from the Southern California Earthquake Center presented this talk as part of the Blue Waters Webinar Series. "I will present an overview of scientific workflows. I'll discuss what the community means by "workflows"…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Global Technology Policy Newsletter – March 2017

Global Technology Policy Newsletter – March 2017

ACM PUBLIC POLICY HIGHLIGHTS ACM provides independent, nonpartisan, and technology-neutral research and resources to policy leaders, stakeholders, and the public about public policy issues, as drawn from the deep technical expertise…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Examining Facebook Messenger Bots

Examining Facebook Messenger Bots

Had a number of times mentioned our experiments with chatbots here.  Illuminating approaches, but too early.  In a recent conversation I was told I really needed to look at the offering through Facebook Messenger.     Although…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Overview of Data Governance

Overview of Data Governance

I'With a long time involvement in the big enterprise ... this was always being tested.  Later much more metadata considerations were considered.  Good overview here via O'Reilly..

From The Eponymous Pickle

Protecting yourself from Doxing

Protecting yourself from Doxing

Computer security expert Bruce Schneier blogs about Doxing.  (spreading private information, true or not).  The solutions are not unexpected, but worth repeating.   Much in the news of late.  Its just to easy to spread information…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Driving without Backup?

Self Driving without Backup?

In Reuters.   Seems premature.    Though I agree that the behavior of such a car needs to be different and well understood.    Could that be best done in simulators?  How far away is this?  A decade, two? Sooner.

California paves…

From insideHPC

Introduction to Data Science with Spark

Introduction to Data Science with Spark

The Data Science with Spark Workshop addresses high-level parallelization for data analytics workloads using the Apache Spark framework. Participants will learn how to prototype with Spark and how to exploit large HPC machines…

From insideHPC

Accelerating the Alibaba Cloud with Intel Arria FPGAs

Accelerating the Alibaba Cloud with Intel Arria FPGAs

The Alibaba Cloud has announced a pilot program with Intel for a cloud-based FPGA acceleration service with the goal of enabling customers to have virtual access to powerful compute resources in the cloud to help them manage …

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What’s New in C# 7.0 for Beginning Programmers

What’s New in C# 7.0 for Beginning Programmers

Well it looks like Visual Studio 2017 is out. I've installed the of the community edition on my Surface (not enough disk for everything I'd like :-( ) but enough to try some things out. I found this awesome blog post on what.…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Cooking Techniques

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Cooking Techniques

Here are some squid cooking tips. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From Schneier on Security

Podcast Interview with Me

Podcast Interview with Me

Here's a video interview I did at RSA on the Internet of Things and security....

From insideHPC

Video: Mont-Blanc Project Advances HPC for TermoFluids

Video: Mont-Blanc Project Advances HPC for TermoFluids

In this video, Ricard Borrell from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center describes how the Mont Blanc Project Industrial End User Group on TermoFluids is advancing HPC on ARM-based platforms.

The post Video: Mont-Blanc ProjectinsideHPC…

From insideHPC

New Paper Surveys Cache Partitioning Techniques

New Paper Surveys Cache Partitioning Techniques

A new paper from IIT Hyderabad in India surveys cache partitioning techniques for multicore processors. Now accepted in ACM Computing Surveys 2017, the survey by Sparsh Mittal reviews 90 papers. "As the number of on-chip cores…

From insideHPC

Interview: XTREME DESIGN Automates HPC Cloud Configurations

Interview: XTREME DESIGN Automates HPC Cloud Configurations

Tokyo-based Startup XTREME DESIGN recently announced it has raised $700K of funding in its pre-series A round. Launched in early 2015, the Startup’s XTREME DNA software automates the process of configuring, deploying, and monitoring…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chatbot Concierge for your Hair

Chatbot Concierge for your Hair

Not far different from some of our own attempts to provide a concierge style link that could help both the consumer and the brand.   An advisory

What a Chatbot Can Teach You -- and Unilever -- About Hair    By Jack Neff

 " ....…

From insideHPC

Moving to Exascale – Closer Than We Think?

Moving to Exascale – Closer Than We Think?

"Back in 2013 I wrote the following blog expressing my opinion that I doubted we would reach Exascale before 2020. However, recently it was announced that the world’s first Exascale supercomputer prototype will be ready by the…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (March 10, 2017)

Science and Technology links (March 10, 2017)

In Mnemonic Training Reshapes Brain Networks to Support Superior Memory (published in Neuron, March 2017), we learned that 6 weeks of mnemonic training at a rate of 30 minutes a day lead to a large scale brain network re-organization…

From insideHPC

E4 Computer Engineering’s Showcases New Petascale OCP Platform

E4 Computer Engineering’s Showcases New Petascale OCP Platform

Today E4 Computer Engineering from Italy showcased a new PetaFlops-Class Open Compute Server with "remarkable energy efficiency" based on the IBM POWER architecture. "Finding new ways of making easily deployable and energy efficient…

From Schneier on Security

Defense Against Doxing

Defense Against Doxing

A decade ago, I wrote about the death of ephemeral conversation. As computers were becoming ubiquitous, some unintended changes happened, too. Before computers, what we said disappeared once we'd said it. Neither face-to-face…

From Putting People First

How many users are enough in user research?

How many users are enough in user research?

The British consumer cooperative Co-op uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches to make decisions about products. While quantitative research is best when you want to understand the scale of something (such as how many…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Walking the Experience Talk

Walking the Experience Talk

In Customerthink, good consideration.

What is Walking the Customer Experience Talk? Featured Column by
Lynn Hunsaker  CustomerThink Advisor featured columnist  Top 10 Author: Rank = 5 | Mar 9,  
 What does it really mean to “walk…

From Computational Complexity

The Beauty of Computation

Lisa Randall wrote a New York Times book review of Carlo Rovelli's Reality Is Not What It Seems with some interesting responses. I want to focus on a single sentence from Randall's review.

The beauty of physics lies in its precise…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea- Scaling Maps To Zettabytes and Beyond

Great Innovative Idea- Scaling Maps To Zettabytes and Beyond

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Mohamed Sarwat, Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University. Sarwat presented his poster, GeoExpo-Interactive and Scalable Exploration of Big…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing for Alexa

Designing for Alexa

Intriguing thoughts, and I then ask: Is Alexa Skill management best  architected to produce easy to create and maintain  knowledge?   The latter is a huge deal, it caused us to quickly lose momentum  the last time around.


From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC System Administrator at University of Oxford

Job of the Week: HPC System Administrator at University of Oxford

"Would you like to help manage and develop a state-of-the-art High Performance Compute (HPC) facility to enable cutting-edge biomedical research? This is an exciting opportunity to gain skills and experience as part of a friendly…

From insideHPC

Podcast: IBM Researchers Store Data on a Single Atom

Podcast: IBM Researchers Store Data on a Single Atom

Today IBM announced it has created the world’s smallest magnet using a single atom – and stored one bit of data on it. Currently, hard disk drives use about 100,000 atoms to store a single bit. The ability to read and write one…

From insideHPC

Atos Bullion Breaks Record for SPEC Performance

Atos Bullion Breaks Record for SPEC Performance

Today Atos announced record SPEC benchmark performance on its bullion x86 servers. Performed with a 16-socket configuration, this benchmark demonstrates that the high-end enterprise bullion x86 servers perform at exceptional …

From insideHPC

Introduction to GPUs in HPC

Introduction to GPUs in HPC

"This video is from the opening session of the "Introduction to Programming Pascal (P100) with CUDA 8" workshop at CSCS in Lugano, Switzerland. The three-day course is intended to offer an introduction to Pascal computing using…

From insideHPC

Intel MPI Library 2017 Focuses on Intel Multi-core/Many-Core Clusters

Intel MPI Library 2017 Focuses on Intel Multi-core/Many-Core Clusters

With the release of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017, the focus is on making applications perform better on Intel architecture-based clusters. Intel MPI Library 2017, a fully integrated component of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On AI Adoption

On AI Adoption

Good thoughts.  really for any kind of  'automation'   adoption.  And the complexities of introducing any kind of non trivial change.  I recently taught this at Columbia.

AI adoption at the atomic level of jobs and work

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