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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2018

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Interesting Interview

Friday Squid Blogging: Interesting Interview

Here's an hour-long audio interview with squid scientist Sarah McAnulty. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here..…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How P&G and American Express Are Approaching AI

How P&G and American Express Are Approaching AI

I am quoted in the Harvard Business Review about how P&G successfully used AI in the past to improve systems, including estimates of actual value.     This HBR article has just been reposted, and the complete article is for sale…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bluefabric Defines the Smart Contract

Bluefabric Defines the Smart Contract

As we examine the idea of a Smart Contract, we are coming to realize that it's construction will be the ultimate challenge.    Never before have we had to consider all the implications, current and future of a contract.  The


From The Eponymous Pickle

Voice Assistance Resonates

Voice Assistance Resonates

 In Think with Google (And surprisingly mentions Amazon):

Three ways voice assistance is resonating with baby boomers

When new technology takes off, we sometimes assume the only early adopters are the young. While millennials are…

From insideHPC

David Bader from Georgia Tech Joins PASC18 Speaker Lineup

David Bader from Georgia Tech Joins PASC18 Speaker Lineup

Today PASC18 announced that this year’s Public Lecture will be held by David Bader from Georgia Tech. Dr. Bader will speak on Massive-Scale Analytics Applied to Real-World Problems. "Emerging real-world graph problems include…

From insideHPC

Video: NREL Evaluates Aquarius Liquid Cooling Technology for HPC

Video: NREL Evaluates Aquarius Liquid Cooling Technology for HPC

Today Aquila announced delivery and installation of the first ever fixed cold plate liquid cooled Aquarius HPC system. Sandia National Laboratories has deployed the system at the NREL in order to fully study the benefits of Aquila…

From insideHPC

TACC Podcast Previews SXSW Session on Quantum Computing

TACC Podcast Previews SXSW Session on Quantum Computing

In this TACC Podcast, Antia Lamas-Linares of the Texas Advanced Computing Center gives us a preview of her session on Quantum Computing at the SXSW conference. "Imagine a new kind of computer that can quickly solve problems that…

From insideHPC

Accelerating HPC Applications on NVIDIA GPUs with OpenACC

Accelerating HPC Applications on NVIDIA GPUs with OpenACC

Doug Miles from NVIDIA gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "This talk will include an introduction to the OpenACC programming model, provide examples of its use in a number of production applications, explain how OpenACC…

From Computational Complexity

Data-Driven Programming

Five years ago I posted about Flash Fill, a then new Microsoft Excel feature that would reformat data based on examples. I just checked the latest version of Excel and Flash Fill is still there just working by making suggestions…

From Schneier on Security

OURSA Conference

OURSA Conference

Responding to the lack of diversity at the RSA Conference, a group of security experts have announced a competing one-day conference: OUR Security Advocates, or OURSA. It's in San Francisco, and it's during RSA, so you can attend…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Windows to Integrate AI Platform

Windows to Integrate AI Platform

Will follow this closely, will it get capabilities closer to the Edge.  Running directly from Win 10 devices.  Or is it more important to be closer to the developer.

Windows 10’s next major update will include Windows ML, a new…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Operationalizing Machine Learning

Operationalizing Machine Learning

Utimately one of the most important issues  of using AI.  Making it work in operational context.  And note too the discovery of wrong assumptions, a kind of confirmation bias, that is highlighted.   All models have assumptions…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Six Months On, Six Months Off: My Experience of Maternity Leave in Tech

Six Months On, Six Months Off: My Experience of Maternity Leave in Tech

Today, my second child, Henry, turns one. I went on maternity leave for six months when he was born, which means I have also been back for six months. I was a grad student when I had my first baby, so life was pretty different…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea- Geotagging IP Packets for Location-Aware Software

Great Innovative Idea- Geotagging IP Packets for Location-Aware Software

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Tamraparni Dasu, Yaron Kanza, and Divesh Srivastava, from AT&T Labs-Research. They were one of the Blue Sky Award winners at the ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017 workshop for their paper, Geotagging…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Why Haier is Organizing itself around the Internet of Things

Why Haier is Organizing itself around the Internet of Things

After Acquisition of GE Appliances.

Corporate Strategies and News Articles on Global Business, Management, Competition and Marketing

Why Haier Is Reorganizing Itself around the Internet of Things
The world’s largest and fastest-growing…


A Computing Education Research Perspective on Programmable Programming Languages

A Computing Education Research Perspective on Programmable Programming Languages

Computing education researcher take on the implications of programmable programming languages

From insideHPC

Let’s Talk Exascale Podcast Looks at Co-Design Center for Particle-Based Applications

Let’s Talk Exascale Podcast Looks at Co-Design Center for Particle-Based Applications

In this Let's Talk Exascale podcast, Tim Germann from Los Alamos National Laboratory discusses the ECP’s Co-Design Center for Particle Applications (COPA). "COPA serves as centralized clearinghouse for particle-based methods,…

From insideHPC

New Mellanox Onyx Ethernet Network Operating System boosts Devops

New Mellanox Onyx Ethernet Network Operating System boosts Devops

Today Mellanox announced the release of Mellanox Onyx – the industry-leading open and flexible Ethernet Network Operating System for Mellanox Spectrum Open Ethernet switches. “Mellanox Onyx offers a mature Layer-3 feature-set…

From insideHPC

Preliminary Agenda Posted for HPC Advisory Council Swiss Conference

Preliminary Agenda Posted for HPC Advisory Council Swiss Conference

The HPC Advisory Council has posted their meeting agenda for their Swiss Conference. Held in conjunction with HPCXXL, the event takes place April 9-12 in Lugano, Switzerland. "Delve into a wide range of interests, disciplines…

From insideHPC

Video: The Marriage of Cloud, HPC and Containers

Video: The Marriage of Cloud, HPC and Containers

Adam Huffman from the Francis Crick Institute gave this talk at FOSDEM'17. "We will present experiences of supporting HPC/HTC workloads on private cloud resources, with ideas for how to do this better and description of trends…

From insideHPC

Intel MKL Speeds Up Automated Driving Workloads on the Intel Xeon Processor

Intel MKL Speeds Up Automated Driving Workloads on the Intel Xeon Processor

The automated driving developer community typically uses Eigen*, a C++ math library, for the matrix operations required by the Extended Kalman Filter algorithm. EKF usually involves many small matrices. However most HPC library…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Threat Intelligence Options

Threat Intelligence Options

We worked with Recorded Future in its early years, here an overview about making threat intelligence choices that is insightful.

Weighing Your Threat Intelligence Options   By Chris Pace 

Threat intelligence products and services…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Forecasting Ride Demand

Forecasting Ride Demand

Forecasting any kind of demand by consumers is always of interest, so this likely has applications beyond just ride ride prediction.

Hail Technology: Deep Learning May Help Predict When People Need Rides 

Penn State News   By Matt…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI and Customer Care

AI and Customer Care

How can we augment workers interacting with customers?  Better, faster smarter.  Note how we have been doing this for many years, and still need improvement.

AI and Customer Care: The Future is Here     By Andrew O'Brien



From Schneier on Security

History of the US Army Security Agency

History of the US Army Security Agency

Interesting history of the US Army Security Agency in the early years of Cold War Germany....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Technology Regulation

Technology Regulation

How More Regulation for U.S. Tech Could Backfire  By Larry Downes   in the HBR

" ... Innovation and its discontents are nothing new, of course, going back at least to the 18th century, when Luddites physically attacked industrial…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Iterating over set bits quickly (SIMD edition)

Iterating over set bits quickly (SIMD edition)

Suppose that you have a long sequence of bits 10101011100000… you want to visit all the bits set to 1. That is, given 10101011100000, you would like to get the indexes of all the bits set to one: 0,2,4,6,7,8,9. In a recent blog…

From The Eponymous Pickle

CSIG Talk: Big Data, AI and Law

CSIG Talk: Big Data, AI and Law

Speaker(s): Latifa AbdulKarim

March 8, 2018

Please join us for this call on Artificial Intelligence and invite your external contacts - e.g., at universities and clients. The call is in a series - and you can see the series here…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF WATCH TALK- Applications of Differential Privacy

NSF WATCH TALK- Applications of Differential Privacy

The next WATCH talk, called Applications of Differential Privacy, from Dr. Rebecca Wright at Rutgers University, is Wednesday, March 28th, from 1:30PM-2:30PM. Dr. Rebecca Wright is a professor in the Computer Science Department…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Defining Blockchain

Defining Blockchain

Bad and misleading, certainly inconsistent terminology leads to raving hype?  And don't expect the current definitions to survive.   This piece in The Verge makes the case well.      ‘Blockchain is Meaningless’    ‘You keep using…