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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Retail Blockchain

More Retail Blockchain

Another Retailer moves to Blockchain, apparently also for food tracking and safety supply chain approaches.   But also consider other uses of the supply chain understanding,  like Smart Contracts.  Great opportunity to add deeper…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Ecosystems

Digital Ecosystems

Yes, often an issue.  The ecosystem is key. 

Competing in a world of digital ecosystems

New players and blurring sector borders are starting to influence the competitive outlook in a wide range of industries. Here’s a close-in…

From insideHPC

BSC Adopts Supergeek Mascot to get kids into Supercomputing

BSC Adopts Supergeek Mascot to get kids into Supercomputing

Getting young people interested in STEM careers is a big concern for the HPC community. Maybe what we really need is a superhero. "A new mascot at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) has the mission to bring supercomputers…

From insideHPC

Univa Grid Engine Comes to AWS Marketplace

Univa Grid Engine Comes to AWS Marketplace

Bill Bryce writes that Univa Grid Engine is now available on the Amazon AWS Marketplace. As a leading distributed resource management system, Univa Grid engine powers enterprises in life sciences, oil and gas, and other sectors…

From insideHPC

Living Heart Project: Using HPC in the Cloud to Save Lives

Living Heart Project: Using HPC in the Cloud to Save Lives

Burak Yenier and Francisco Sahli gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "Cardiac arrhythmia can be a potentially lethal side effect of medications. Before a new drug reaches the market, pharmaceutical companies need to…

From insideHPC

Call for Proposals: International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems in New Zealand

Call for Proposals: International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems in New Zealand

The 12th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2018) in New Zealand has issued their Call for Proposals. The event takes place June 25-29 in Hamilton, New Zealand. "Over the past decade, the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Discovery Tutorial

Watson Discovery Tutorial

Just mentioned I had taken another look at Watson Discovery,  a means to find leverage-able patterns in the kind of data that many corporations have lots of.   Was one of our first interests. Including both internal proprietary…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Operationalizing Analytics

Operationalizing Analytics

Good points, barriers yes, but not as difficult as it is stated.  We did it years ago.  Depends too upon what you mean by 'analytics', I define it broadly as using computational means to regularly improve decisions.  Embedded…

From Schneier on Security

Malware from Space

Malware from Space

Since you don't have enough to worry about, here's a paper postulating that space aliens could send us malware capable of destroying humanity. Abstract: A complex message from space may require the use of computers to display…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Prediction by the Numbers

Prediction by the Numbers

The current PBS NOVA : Prediction by the Numbers, does a quick and well done hour long view of statistics from Pascal to deep learning AI. I could see a Jr High student and up understanding it, especially as to new applications…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IARPA Wants better Machine Learning

IARPA Wants better Machine Learning

Machine Learning: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Government Computer News,  Matt Leonard

Although machine-learning technology is still in its early stages, the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) has

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF invests $30 million to pursue transformative advances at frontiers of computing and information science

NSF invests $30 million to pursue transformative advances at frontiers of computing and information science

The following is an excerpt from a National Science Foundation (NSF) news release.  The NSF announced three new Expeditions in Computing awards, each providing $10 million in funding over five years to multi-investigator research…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Empathy Sparks Innovation

Empathy Sparks Innovation

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella: How Empathy Sparks Innovation

" .... Nadella also referenced Microsoft’s work with AI, holograms, and virtual reality for various professional fields. On the medical front, InnerEye is an AI product…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopping Curation by Assistant

Shopping Curation by Assistant

So what is shopping curation?    It gives the choice of product or brands or services in the hands of a smart device.   For first purchase or replenishment.   By suggestion, friendly influence or by direct substitution.    As…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Discovery Demo

Watson Discovery Demo

At today's talk by Niall Cargill of IBM on Artificial Intelligence - How Developers Benefit Today. ... 

Recording and slides of talk here:  Join us for future talks, inquire…

From insideHPC

Breaking News: Major Enhancements to the SC18 Papers Submission Process Planned

Breaking News: Major Enhancements to the SC18 Papers Submission Process Planned

In this special guest feature, SC18 Papers Chair Torsten Hoefler from ETH Zurich writes about big changes to the conference papers program. It's timely news as SC18 Paper Submissions open today. "In the light of this year’s “HPC…

From insideHPC

Spectra Logic rolls out New Tape Library Offerings

Spectra Logic rolls out New Tape Library Offerings

Today Spectra Logic announced a pair of new tape library products. These products include the all-new Spectra Stack, a highly scalable, modular and affordable tape library that allows users to start with a single tape drive and…

From insideHPC

Sharing High-Performance Interconnects Across Multiple Virtual Machines

Sharing High-Performance Interconnects Across Multiple Virtual Machines

Mohan Potheri from VMware gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "Virtualized devices offer maximum flexibility. This session introduces SR-IOV, explains how it is enabled in VMware vSphere, and provides details of specific…

From insideHPC

Performance Insights Using the Intel Advisor Python API

Performance Insights Using the Intel Advisor Python API

Tuning a complex application for today’s heterogeneous platforms requires an understanding of the application itself as well as familiarity with tools that are available for assisting with analyzing where in the code itself to…

From insideHPC

Liquid Cooling is Hot – CoolIT Systems Reports 60% Revenue Growth in 2017

Liquid Cooling is Hot – CoolIT Systems Reports 60% Revenue Growth in 2017

Today CoolIT Systems reported company revenue for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017 (FY2017) increased by 60%. Among the market segments driving growth in FY2017, Data Center saw the most significant escalation with sales…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Translators Needed

Analytics Translators Needed

I want to say that anybody that does analytics work should be able to translate the results and methods used to a business leader.  The best translator is someone who knows the business well, and ideally is known by management…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reasoning with Common Sense

Reasoning with Common Sense

Can we teach machines common sense?  Which points back to our own look at the work Doug Lenat was doing with the Cyc Project. We wanted to create a means by which an agent could understand the basic terminology and goals of an…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Registration Now Open for Computer Science Teachers Association’s 2018 Annual Conference

Registration Now Open for Computer Science Teachers Association’s 2018 Annual Conference

The Computer Science Teachers Association’s 2018 Annual Conference will take place July 7-10, 2018 in Omaha, NE. Don’t miss out on this world-class professional development opportunity, and the ability to network with peers in…

From Schneier on Security

Russians Hacked the Olympics

Russians Hacked the Olympics

Two weeks ago, I blogged about the myriad of hacking threats against the Olympics. Last week, the Washington Post reported that Russia hacked the Olympics network and tried to cast the blame on North Korea. Of course, the evidence…

From Computational Complexity

Me and My Bolt

On Tuesday I got a knock on my car's window. Rolling it down someone asked if I liked my car as he was thinking of buying one himself. Was I driving the latest Tesla? No, the Chevy Bolt, General Motor's newest fully electric…

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