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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk: AI for Decision Support in Health - how to make it work

Talk:  AI for Decision Support in Health - how to make it work

Upcoming CSIG Meeting:

Date and Time :  Mar 15, 2018 - 10:30am US Eastern
Zoom meeting Link:
Zoom Callin: (415) 762-9988 or (646) 568-7788 Meeting id 7371462221
Zoom International Numbers: https://zoom…

From insideHPC

Cray to Build 4 Petaflop Supercomputer for Fusion Research at QST in Japan

Cray to Build 4 Petaflop Supercomputer for Fusion Research at QST in Japan

Today Cray announced that the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) selected a Cray XC50 supercomputer to be its new flagship supercomputing system. "The new system is expected to deliver…


Web-based voice command recognition

Web-based voice command recognition

Last time we converted audio buffers into images. This time we’ll take these images and train a neural network using deeplearn.js. The result is a browser-based demo that lets you speak a command (“yes” or “no”), and see theContinue…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CAREER Program Webinar

NSF CAREER Program Webinar

The NSF CAREER Coordinating Committee is hosting a webinar to answer participants’ questions about development and submission of proposals to the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) on May 15th, 2018 from 1:00…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Optimization vs AI to make things Better

Optimization vs AI to make things Better

I was reminded that my early experiences with government and enterprise systems dealt with the optimization of systems.  That is, the mathematical means of linking a specific mathematical statement of a problem, with value goals…

From insideHPC

Panasas Donates 500 TB ActiveStore Solution to CMI Center for Microbiome Innovation

Panasas Donates 500 TB ActiveStore Solution to CMI Center for Microbiome Innovation

Today the UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation (CMI) announced that Panasas has joined CMI’s Corporate Member Board and has donated a 500TB Panasas ActiveStor high-performance storage solution to support the acceleration…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W Connections – March 2018

ACM-W Connections – March 2018

Letter from ACM-W Chair Narrowing the Gender Gap in Science in Africa News from ACM-W Celebrations News from ACM-W Scholarship for Attendance at Research Conferences Program News from ACM-W Professional Chapters News from ACM…

From insideHPC

Video: Europe’s Future in HPC

Video: Europe’s Future in HPC

In this video, European officials and research scientists discuss why high performance computing is a vital component of the technologies that touch our daily lives. "I'm very pleased to see that Europe has realized that high…

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: INFOCOMP 2018 in Barcelona

Call for Papers: INFOCOMP 2018 in Barcelona

The INFOCOMP 2018 Conference in Barcelona has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place July 22-26 in Barcelona, Spain. "INFOCOMP 2018 continues a series of events dedicated to advanced communications and computing aspects…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Semantics of Image Deep Learning

The Semantics of Image Deep Learning

Google once again shows its impressive advanced AI/Deep Learning capabilities.     Which made me recall that it is often the 'semantic', or meaning in context aspects that are most important for an AI or analytic method to be…

From insideHPC

Porting Scientific Research Codes to GPUs with CUDA Fortran

Porting Scientific Research Codes to GPUs with CUDA Fortran

Josh Romero from NVIDIA gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "In this session, we intend to provide guidance and techniques for porting scientific research codes to NVIDIA GPUs using CUDA Fortran. The GPU porting effort…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assistants and Common Sense

Assistants and Common Sense

Its actually not too often that assistants speak gibberish, they more often just admit to not knowing what was asked, when a human would understand readily.  That's usually better to diminish risk.  See my previous posts on Common…

From Computational Complexity

Stephen Hawking (1942-2018)

Stephen Hawking passed away earlier this morning in Cambridge, England. As a brilliant theoretical physicist and best-selling author all while dealing with a debilitating disease, Hawking rose to be the best-known scientist…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Brings You Fresher Groceries through Eden

Wal-Mart Brings You Fresher Groceries through Eden

In Wal-Mart's blog:

Eden: The Tech That’s Bringing Fresher Groceries to You   By Parvez Musani   Vice President – Supply Chain Technology, Walmart

What’s for dinner tonight?

No matter the answer, there are some givens: It has to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neural Nets Remembering

Neural Nets Remembering

Well yes, all neural nets 'remember'.  We examined that feature in their very early days.    But they don't often remember in the way we would like memory to work.    Very quickly we need to rework their memory with new infrastructure…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of AI Assistants

Future of AI Assistants

Useful perspective from a number of players.

SXSW 2018: The Future of AI Assistants
Alexa, Google Home, Siri, and Cortana will learn to adjust to your changing life   By Stephen Cass

In the years to come, what will be the biggest…

From Schneier on Security

The 600+ Companies PayPal Shares Your Data With

The 600+ Companies PayPal Shares Your Data With

One of the effects of GDPR -- the new EU General Data Protection Regulation -- is that we're all going to be learning a lot more about who collects our data and what they do with it. Consider PayPal, that just released a list…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Happy 0x50th Birthday, Donald Knuth

Happy 0x50th Birthday, Donald Knuth

Donald Knuth’s 80th=0x50th birthday was on January 10.


Time To End The vi/Emacs Debate

Time To End The vi/Emacs Debate

If you still use Emacs, I feel for you. Perhaps it is time to give vi a try.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Iterating over hash sets quickly in Java

Iterating over hash sets quickly in Java

There are many ways in software to represent a set. The most common approach is to use a hash table. We define a “hash function” that takes as an input our elements and produces as an output an integer that “looks random”. Then…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Assistant on iPad

Google Assistant on iPad

Interesting development.  As tablets can be seen as more readily mobile devices that we carry along for convenience, why not  integrate an assistant.   And the screen broadens visual communications.  So is this still primarily…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Will AI Address Engineering Grand Challenges?

Will AI Address Engineering Grand Challenges?

The statement of the challenges alone is interesting. 

Jeff Dean Thinks AI Can Solve Grand Challenges–Here’s How
Alex Woodie in Datanami

In 2008, the National Academy of Engineering presented 14 Grand Challenges that, if solved,…

From insideHPC

New 2018 Ethernet Roadmap Looks to Future Speeds of 1.6 Terabits/s

New 2018 Ethernet Roadmap Looks to Future Speeds of 1.6 Terabits/s

Today the Ethernet Alliance announced its new 2018 Ethernet Roadmap. The roadmap traces Ethernet’s path from 10 Mb/s through present-day speeds of 1 to 400GbE, and looks ahead to future speeds achieving up to 1.6 terabits (TbE)…

From insideHPC

Video: How EuroEXA is Paving the Way to Exascale

Video: How EuroEXA is Paving the Way to Exascale

In this video, Georgios Goumas the University of Athens describes how the EuroEXA project is working to develop the exascale computers in Europe. "To accomplish this, the project takes a holistic approach innovating both across…

From insideHPC

Alces Flight: On Demand HPC now Available in the Azure Marketplace

Alces Flight: On Demand HPC now Available in the Azure Marketplace

Microsoft Azure customers worldwide now gain access to Alces Flight to take advantage of the scalability, reliability and agility of Azure. With Alces Flight, it is possible for researchers to spin up any size of High-Performance…

From insideHPC

European LEGaTO Project aims to Develop Software for Energy Efficient Computing

European LEGaTO Project aims to Develop Software for Energy Efficient Computing

A new European project aims to overcome the energy efficiency challenges of heterogeneous computing architectures by developing a new software stack. "Moore´s Law is slowing down, and as consequence hardware is becoming more …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Ups Robot Mileage

Wal-Mart Ups Robot Mileage

Technology Review writes that Robot mileage has been considerable for the Wal-Mart large scale robot test. Reported consumer interaction is interesting, similar what we say in laboratory tests.   Short piece.    " ... Walmart…

From Schneier on Security

E-Mailing Private HTTPS Keys

E-Mailing Private HTTPS Keys

I don't know what to make of this story: The email was sent on Tuesday by the CEO of Trustico, a UK-based reseller of TLS certificates issued by the browser-trusted certificate authorities Comodo and, until recently, Symantec…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Build a Retail Chatbot

Build a Retail Chatbot

Brought to my attention ...

Technical, for the development savvy. But perusing this could give you an idea of how to design and understand the possibilities.  Then you will likely need a coder to get something started.   Like


From The Eponymous Pickle

Algorithm Reads Brain Reaction to Music

Algorithm Reads Brain Reaction to Music

We experimented with fMRI to attempt to discern consumer reactions to product.    So assume this is a measure of the reaction of people to different kinds of music.  How would that end in their behavior to listening or buying…

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