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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reducing Bias in AI by Forgetting

Reducing Bias in AI by Forgetting

Intriguing thought.   When we built a learning system we included the notion of forgetting as an aspect of scheduling maintenance, re-running and retesting particular solutions.    But not in terms of changes in bias.  Which


From insideHPC

Podcast: How Community Collaboration Drives Compiler Technology at the LLVM Project

Podcast: How Community Collaboration Drives Compiler Technology at the LLVM Project

In this Let's Talk Exascale podcast, Hal Finkel of Argonne National Laboratory describes how community collaboration is driving compiler infrastructure at the LLVM project. "LLVM is important to a wide swath of technology professionals…

From insideHPC

DDN EXAScaler with IME Accelerates Hawk Supercomputer at HLRS

DDN EXAScaler with IME Accelerates Hawk Supercomputer at HLRS

Today DDN announced that HLRS in Germany has selected DDN's EXAScaler with IME scale-out flash storage system for "Hawk," its new flagship supercomputer system, to support data-intensive workflows that combine big data analysis…

From insideHPC

Xilinx Announces Versal Premium ACAP for Network and Cloud Acceleration

Xilinx Announces Versal Premium ACAP for Network and Cloud Acceleration

Today Xilinx announced Versal Premium, the third series in the Versal ACAP portfolio. The Versal Premium series features highly integrated, networked and power-optimized cores and the industry’s highest bandwidth and compute …

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Now Recruiting: Website Editors

Now Recruiting: Website Editors

The ACM-W Communications Committee is recruiting for two volunteers to maintain our websites.

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Announcing ACM-W Downloadable Graphics

Announcing ACM-W Downloadable Graphics

Shareable graphics are now available from our website

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W India Workshop on “Women in Computer Science and Research” Report

ACM-W India Workshop on “Women in Computer Science and Research” Report

An ACM-W workshop on the theme “women in computer science and research” was organized on 14th February,2020 during the ACM Annual Event 2020 by the CSE Discipline at IIT Gandhinagar.


Beware of Hurting Our Weakest Students when Moving Classes Online

Beware of Hurting Our Weakest Students when Moving Classes Online

Our weakest students should not be the ones bearing the greatest costs of moving classes online.

From insideHPC

HPC in the Cloud: Innovating Without Infrastructure Constraints

HPC in the Cloud: Innovating Without Infrastructure Constraints

In this video from Big Compute 2020, Barry Bolding from AWS shows how high performance computing in the cloud has been enabling innovation -- without infrastructure constraints -- across multiple industries. "Millions of customers…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Kuwait STEM Grad Cohort First Workshop

Kuwait STEM Grad Cohort First Workshop

On December 7th 2019, the 1st STEM Grad Cohort Workshop was conducted at American University, Kuwait (AUK), led by Dr Zainab AlMeraj, Assistant Professor, Kuwait University. The attendees were graduates or senior undergraduate…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Maps Restaurant Dishes with Images

Google Maps Restaurant Dishes with Images

Clever idea. Integration of crowdsourced images for search.  Recall when the idea of consumers providing images to businesses came out,  seems it has slipped in the last few years.  Now Google takes advantage of the idea again…

From Computational Complexity

Theorist Paul R Young passed away

In the early days of theoretical computer science, say 1960-1990 the main tools used were logic.

This made sense since, early on:

a) Some of the basic notions like DTIME(T(n)), P, NP used Turing Machines in their definitions…

From Schneier on Security

CIA Dirty Laundry Aired

CIA Dirty Laundry Aired

Joshua Schulte, the CIA employee standing trial for leaking the Wikileaks Vault 7 CIA hacking tools, maintains his innocence. And during the trial, a lot of shoddy security and sysadmin practices are coming out: All this raises…

From Putting People First

Why Customer Experience is now job no. 1 for CEOs

Why Customer Experience is now job no. 1 for CEOs

Job No. 1 for CEOs today is ensuring the company delivers a compelling customer experience, notes this opinion piece for Knowledge@Wharton by Mark Leiter.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Fast float parsing in practice

Fast float parsing in practice

In our work parsing JSON documents as quickly as possible, we found that one of the most challenging problem is to parse numbers. That is, you want to take the string “1.3553e142” and convert it quickly to a double-precisionContinue…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What is The Best Way to Provide #CSforAll?

What is The Best Way to Provide #CSforAll?

Getting more computer science education to more people is something I think about a lot. Mark Guzdial, I want to be him if I ever grow up, has me thinking in new directions lately. Take his recent blog post for example - Defining…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Tensorflow

Quantum Tensorflow

Just released, support for testing quantum computing ideas.  Technical.

TensorFlow Quantum is a library for hybrid quantum-classical machine learning.

TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ) is a quantum machine learning library for rapid prototyping…


Getting a Program Right (6)

Getting a Program Right (6)

Thanks for your patience.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Blue Sky Conference Track at AAAI-20

Blue Sky Conference Track at AAAI-20

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently sponsored a Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track at the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 7-12, 2020 in New York, NY. The Blue Sky Ideas talk presentations…

From The Eponymous Pickle

All Models are Wrong, some Useful? Numbers are Suspect Too.

All Models are Wrong, some Useful?  Numbers are Suspect Too.

Based on the classic statement, that I often gave to execs seeking my help.    Most often about the forecast, which they were too quick to accept.

All numbers are made up, some are useful
Keeping track of stuff is hard
By Vickiin…

From insideHPC

12.8 Tbps Mellanox Spectrum-3 Ethernet Switches Optimized for Cloud, Storage, and AI

12.8 Tbps Mellanox Spectrum-3 Ethernet Switches Optimized for Cloud, Storage, and AI

Today Mellanox announced it has commenced shipments of SN4000 Ethernet switches. The SN4000 family is powered by Mellanox Spectrum-3 - the world’s best performing, most scalable, and most flexible 12.8 Tbps Ethernet switch ASIC…

From The Eponymous Pickle

BBC Reports Amazon is Offering Checkout Tech to Other Stores

BBC Reports Amazon is Offering Checkout Tech to Other Stores

Makes sense, Amazon has developed means for automatic checkout tech.  Which requires data and AI methods for its use,  Amazon and AWS is an expert at that.  In our own lab work with IBM and retail security system providers, we…

From insideHPC

TensorFlow Quantum software combines quantum and classical machine learning

TensorFlow Quantum software combines quantum and classical machine learning

University of Waterloo students have teamed up with Google to develop software to accelerate machine learning using quantum science. The collaborative effort resulted in the creation of an open-source hybrid quantum-classical…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robot Arm for Frontline Medicine

Robot Arm for Frontline Medicine

Taking up front information, saving it in context, sterilizing equipment, could save lots of time when dealing with large groups.  Training in context, as it is feasible, could be useful as needs change.  Standardizing methods…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Helping Applications Use Future Architectures with First-Rate Discretization Libraries

Podcast: Helping Applications Use Future Architectures with First-Rate Discretization Libraries

In this Let's Talk Exascale podcast, Tzanio Kolev from LLNL describes the work at Center for Efficient Exascale Discretizations (CEED), one of six co-design centers within the Exascale Computing Project. "Discretization methods…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing Perovskite Solar Cells

Supercomputing Perovskite Solar Cells

In this special guest feature, Santina Russo from CSCS writes that scientists are using the “Piz Daint” supercomputer at CSCS to investigate a perovskite material for use in solar cells. "Solar cells made out of certain perovskite…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Competing Pricing Algorithms

Competing Pricing Algorithms

In HBSWK, interesting article on competing pricing algorithms, below the intro, reading:

Warring Algorithms Could be Driving Up Prices

Companies increasingly use software to conduct rapid price changes. Alexander MacKay explains…

From insideHPC

Moving Massive Amounts of Data across Any Distance Efficiently

Moving Massive Amounts of Data across Any Distance Efficiently

Chin Fang from Zettar gave this talk at the Rice Oil & Gas Conference. "The objective of this talk is to present two on-going projects aiming at improving and ensuring highly efficient bulk transferring or streaming of massive…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Advances Checkout-free

Amazon Advances Checkout-free

Reuters report on further work by Amazon Cashier-free applications.  The claim is that major problems with the approach have been resolved.

Amazon launches business selling automated checkout to retailers
By Jeffrey Dastin, Reuters…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Envision Glasses: AI Augmentation for Vision Impairment

Envision Glasses: AI Augmentation for Vision Impairment

Had been expecting smart glasses to address visual impairment problems, now finally an example.

Envision brings AI to Google Glass to help visually impaired users see
By Jeremy Horowitz in Venturebeat

Google Glass might not have…

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