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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Recent Posts relating to Pandemic Conditions and Related Emergent Tech

Recent Posts relating to Pandemic Conditions and Related Emergent Tech

Recent posts that relate to Contravirus and COVID-19 in this blog.  Primarily dealing with data, prediction, data visualization, Modeling, communication, AI and emergent technologies role in addressing pandemic issues.     Please…

From insideHPC

NPR Podcast: Scientists Use Supercomputers To Search For Drugs To Combat COVID-19

NPR Podcast: Scientists Use Supercomputers To Search For Drugs To Combat COVID-19

In this segment from the NPR Here and Now program, Joe Palca talks to researchers using ORNL supercomputers to fight COVID-19. "Supercomputers have joined the race to find a drug that might help with COVID-19. Scientists are …

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM, Oracle Team for WHO Virus Data Hub: MiPasa

IBM, Oracle Team for WHO Virus Data Hub:  MiPasa

Now have looked at lots of sites claiming to provide accurate data in this space,  and it is clear you can drive wrong results from much that is out there.  So this effort addresses a need.

World Health Organization Teams With…

From insideHPC

Video: Quantum Computing and Supercomputing, AI, Blockchain

Video: Quantum Computing and Supercomputing, AI, Blockchain

Shahin Khan from gave this talk at the Washington Quantum Computing Meetup. "A whole new approach to computing (as in, not binary any more), quantum computing is as promising as it is unproven. Quantum computing goes…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Multisensory Adventures

On Multisensory Adventures

Vint Cerf on a favorite topic.   The senses.  He points to two inspirational books on the topic.  We are starting to 'understand' senses, at least if we use as a measure how we are able to mimic them.

Multisensory Adventures

From The Eponymous Pickle

Recognizing Objects

Recognizing Objects

More advances in fast vision systems.

Optical System Could Lead to Devices That Can Recognize Objects Instantly
UCLA Newsroom
Matthew Chin
March 4, 2020

An optical neural network developed at the University of California, Los Angeles…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emergence of the AI Risk Manager

Emergence of the AI Risk Manager

In our day this was integrated with other kinds of analysis and management.   It may well make sense to focus this more generally. 

The emergence of the professional AI risk manager

By Kenn So  in Venturebeat

When the 1970s and


From The Eponymous Pickle

Rand on Force Planning

Rand on Force Planning

Rand piece on the topic developed for Military scenarios, but could it be used for systems that include coopetition as well?    Costs, resources, strategies.

Force Planning in the New Era of Strategic Competition
The RAND Blog

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching From Home–Day 10B–Plan? What Plan?

Teaching From Home–Day 10B–Plan? What Plan?

When administration announced we were moving to remote teaching I started adjusting my plans. Now understand that when the semester started I had a plan for every singe school day for every one of my classes. They were greatSo…

From Computational Complexity

Robin Thomas

Graph Theorist and Georgia Tech Math Professor Robin Thomas passed away Thursday after his long battle with ALS. He was one of the giants of the field and a rare double winner of the Fulkerson Prize, for the six-color case…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (March 28th 2020)

Science and Technology links (March 28th 2020)

In a laboratory, we know how to turn any of our cells into youthful stem cells using something called the Yamanaka. If you expose cells to such factors for a short time, they appear to remain functional specialized cells butContinue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Low-Code Taking Over

Low-Code Taking Over

 Ultimately this will take over for most coding.

Low Code And No Code: A Looming Trend In Mobile App Development   By Nitin Nimbalkar -

Today’s businesses are implementing enriching their operations with capabilities little by


From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Research Scientist at the University of Wyoming

Job of the Week: Research Scientist at the University of Wyoming

The Center of Innovation for Flow through Porous media (COIFPM) at the University of Wyoming has multiple openings for highly motivated research scientists to join its computational research branch. The focus of the modeling …

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching From Home–Day 10A –I'm One of the Lucky Ones

Teaching From Home–Day 10A –I'm One of the Lucky Ones

There has been a lot in the news about schools being closed and how schools are dealing with it. There seems to be everything for regular online synchronous teaching like my school is doing to no school at all. A range in between…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The COVID-19 Virus and What the Recommendations Mean

The COVID-19 Virus and What the Recommendations Mean

Very nicely done,  just eight minutes plus animated video about the topic.  For the whole family to understand.   By the German Kurzgesagt animation studio.

Kurzgesagt Animation Studio  (with other language translations)

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Can Edit Their Own Genome

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Can Edit Their Own Genome

Amazing: Revealing yet another super-power in the skillful squid, scientists have discovered that squid massively edit their own genetic instructions not only within the nucleus of their neurons, but also within the axon -- the…

From insideHPC

Intersect360 Research Lowers 2020 HPC Market Forecast for COVID-19

Intersect360 Research Lowers 2020 HPC Market Forecast for COVID-19

Intersect360 Research has released a new report guiding its clients that the market for HPC products and services will fall significantly short of its previous 2020 forecast, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The newly-revised…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watermarking Control Data for Safety from Hackers

Watermarking Control Data for Safety from Hackers

Thoughtful and apparently simple idea.

Approach Could Protect Control Systems From Hackers
IEEE Spectrum
Michelle Hampson
March 26, 2020

Researchers at Siemens and Croatia’s University of Zagreb have developed a technique to more

From The Eponymous Pickle

Linden Labs Gives up on VR Spin off

Linden Labs Gives up on VR Spin off

Note our examination of virtual world retail, mentioned here earlier.  This piece gives us a look at the current status of world tech with current supporting tech like VR.   Last I looked SL was not heavily used.

Why 'Second Life'…

From insideHPC

Exascale Computing Project Releases Milestone Report

Exascale Computing Project Releases Milestone Report

The US Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has published a milestone report that summarizes the status of all thirty ECP Application Development (AD) subprojects at the end of fiscal year 2019. "This report…

From insideHPC

WekaIO Receives Artificial Intelligence Excellence Award

WekaIO Receives Artificial Intelligence Excellence Award

Today WekaIO announced that The Business Intelligence Group has named Weka a winner in its Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards program. “the WekaFS file system can deliver 80 GB/sec of bandwidth to a single GPU server, …

From insideHPC

New Intel oneAPI DevCloud makes it easier for coders working from home

New Intel oneAPI DevCloud makes it easier for coders working from home

Today Intel introduced the oneAPI DevCloud to make it easier and more productive for coders currently working from home. "Developing code at home requires access to compute cycles, the latest software development tools, access…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesla Autopilot Detecting Traffic Lights

Tesla Autopilot Detecting Traffic Lights

An example of systems including more environmental context for making decisions, ultimately essential.

Tesla's Autopilot could soon detect traffic lights
A video shows a Tesla stopping autonomously at a red light.   ....

By Christine…

From insideHPC

Manufacturing Engineers can turn to Cloud HPC for Work from Home

Manufacturing Engineers can turn to Cloud HPC for Work from Home

In this special guest feature, Wolfgang Gentzsch from the UberCloud describes how engineers can perform work from home in the same way they do at their offices, while maintaining or even increasing productivity. "In our short…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Novel Risks in the Enterprise

On Novel Risks in the Enterprise

Something we studied in some detail, solution was to have sufficient knowledge and resources, internal and access to external to be able to address the context of such problems.   Making them less 'Novel'.    Not sure how well…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning

Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning

On the safety of Reinforcement Learning.  Considerable,largely technical piece.

Physically Realistic Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning  Bair Berkeley  By Adam Gleave     

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has achieved superhuman…

From insideHPC

LLNL Researchers aid COVID-19 response in anti-viral research

LLNL Researchers aid COVID-19 response in anti-viral research

Backed by five high performance computing (HPC) clusters and years of expertise in vaccine and countermeasure development, a COVID-19 response team of LLNL researchers from various disciplines has used modeling & simulation, …

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching From Home–Day 10–When Remote is Really Remote

Teaching From Home–Day 10–When Remote is Really Remote

For the last several years I have had international students in some of my classes. Most from China but also South Korea, Viet Nam, and Cambodia. This year I have had two from China who have gone home already because of COVID…

From Schneier on Security

Story of Gus Weiss

Story of Gus Weiss

This is a long and fascinating article about Gus Weiss, who masterminded a long campaign to feed technical disinformation to the Soviet Union, which may or may not have caused a massive pipeline explosion somewhere in Siberia…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Joins Hyperledger

Wal-Mart Joins Hyperledger

Wal-Mart's early looks at this seem to be identification and tracking related supply chain applications.    Is this an indication of further dives into the space?

Walmart Joins Hyperledger Alongside 7 Other Companies  By Samuel…