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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Multi-Agent VR for Task Application?

Multi-Agent VR for Task Application?

Might this be useful for simulating multi-agent complex, interactive tasks in VR?    We encountered such problems when assigning multiple people to do a job and they needed to be informed of the location, status, actions ... …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Drone Detection and usage Database

Drone Detection and usage Database

Also would seem to create a useful database for detailed matching to contexts and task usage.

Research Improves Drone Detection
Aalto University
March 18, 2020

Researchers at Aalto University in Finland, Universite Catholique de

From insideHPC

Urban Seismology in Megacities: the Los Angeles BASIN Experiment

Urban Seismology in Megacities: the Los Angeles BASIN Experiment

Dr. Patricia Persaud from Louisiana State University gave this talk in a recent IRIS webinar. "Our goal is to first map the structure of the basins in the Los Angeles area, and to integrate the basins’ structure into computer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Virus Information Site

Google Virus Information Site

I see that Google has put out a generalized site on the Coronavirus Pandemic.    Contains lots of links to other resources.  See:   Will be following especially as it relates to new technology…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Edison Research: Infinite Dial on Podcasts, Voice Use

Edison Research: Infinite Dial on Podcasts, Voice Use

Short excerpt about Podcast use, been some time since I have followed:

Infinite Dial from Edison Research:

" .... Podcasting awareness and consumption in the U.S. continue to rise, according to the most recent information from


From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking about the Laws of Voice

Thinking about the Laws of Voice

Note that this article points to an interesting book on the topic.  Have not read, but plan to.

Voice Assistants in Pre and Post-Operative Care and the Duty to Warn Patients of Remote Risks – A Legal Discussion       By Eric Hal…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nokia Introduces Beacon for Wi-Fi 6 Mesh

Nokia Introduces Beacon for Wi-Fi 6 Mesh

Good to see more out of Wifi for enhanced communications.    Nokia puts out a useful overview of the capabilities.

Nokia introduces new Wi-Fi 6 mesh router and technology innovations to deliver ultimate gigabit experience in a…

From Putting People First

AnswerLab’s Guide to Remote Research

AnswerLab’s Guide to Remote Research

The guide includes best practices for conducting remote research, advice on creating a virtual best place to work, and selected tools for successful remote research.

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Systems Engineer at William & Mary

Job of the Week: HPC Systems Engineer at William & Mary

William & Mary in Virginia seeks an HPC Systems Engineer in our Job of the Week. "The HPC Systems Engineer provides day-to-day operations, maintenance and hardware engineering support for computer systems managed by the Research…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Healthcare Bot for COVID-19

Microsoft Healthcare Bot for COVID-19

How quickly can we create and deliver these kinds of context specific examples for epidemics will be important.   Here the Microsoft example looks very interesting.  Can it learn and adapt to new contexts as they emerge?     Make…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Orders Down in Italy

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Orders Down in Italy

COVID-19 is depressing the demand for squid in Italy. The article is a week old, and already seems almost comically quaint. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning Flaw?

Machine Learning Flaw?

Musing this, is there really a flaw here? Hmm.  OK, you need enough data to fulfill the  accuracy needed.   So a reasonable caution.

Widely Used Machine Learning Method Doesn't Work as Claimed
UC Santa Cruz Newscenter
Tim Stephens…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pattern Recognition for Dead Languages

Pattern Recognition for Dead Languages

Fascinating application of language pattern recognition.   Which shows this tech can be taken into unexpected and complex places.

Dead Languages Come to Life
By Gary Anthes   ACM
Communications of the ACM, April 2020, Vol. 63 No…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching From Home–Day 5

Teaching From Home–Day 5

As one of my co-workers put it it's been a long year this week. I might ease up on that easier say a long month this week. It sure has been a learning experience.

Today’s big learning was that setting up a virtual machine forWe…

From insideHPC

Inspur Ranks in Top Three in 2019 IDC Global Server Market Report

Inspur Ranks in Top Three in 2019 IDC Global Server Market Report

According to IDC, Inspur ranked the top three vendors in global server revenue in 2019. Inspur was the only mainstream manufacturer in the world to maintain a double-digit growth, with an increase of 18.1% in sales and a market…

From insideHPC

AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative to fight COVID-19

AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative to fight COVID-19

Today Amazon launched the AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative, a program to support customers who are working to bring better, more accurate, diagnostics solutions to market faster and promote better collaboration across organizations…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Delivering Exascale Machine Learning Algorithms at the ExaLearn Project

Podcast: Delivering Exascale Machine Learning Algorithms at the ExaLearn Project

In this Let's Talk Exascale podcast, researchers from the ECP describe progress at the ExaLearn project. ExaLearn is focused on ML and related activities to inform the requirements for these pending exascale machines. "ExaLearn…

From insideHPC

NVIDIA Gives COVID-19 Researchers Free Access Genome-sequencing software for GPUs

NVIDIA Gives COVID-19 Researchers Free Access Genome-sequencing software for GPUs

NVIDIA is offering COVID-19 Researchers free access to Parabricks genome-sequencing software for GPUs. "Starting today, NVIDIA will provide a free 90-day license to Parabricks to any researcher in the worldwide effort to fight…

From Putting People First

Beyond empathy

Beyond empathy

In design thinking and related research, there is way too much talk about empathy. It’s a fuzzy concept that subjectivizes, flattens and commoditizes the work to understand humans.

From insideHPC

Rescale Partners with Google Cloud and Azure to Offer Cloud HPC for COVID-19 Researchers

Rescale Partners with Google Cloud and Azure to Offer Cloud HPC for COVID-19 Researchers

Today Rescale, in cooperation with Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, announced a new program that immediately offers high performance computing resources at no cost to teams working to develop test kits and vaccines for COVID…

From Putting People First

Immaginare il mondo dopo il coronavirus

Immaginare il mondo dopo il coronavirus

L'idea di un "ritorno alla normalità" non sembra più sostenibile. Ci sarà una nuova normalità che per tanti versi è molto diversa dalla vecchia normalità. E le scelte che facciamo ora - in fretta e senza pensarci troppo - avranno…

From Putting People First

Imagining the world after coronavirus

Imagining the world after coronavirus

The idea of a "return to normal" seems no longer tenable. There will be a new normal that is in many ways very different from the old normal. And choices we make now - in a rush and without much thought - will impact that different…

From Schneier on Security

Emergency Surveillance During COVID-19 Crisis

Emergency Surveillance During COVID-19 Crisis

Israel is using emergency surveillance powers to track people who may have COVID-19, joining China and Iran in using mass surveillance in this way. I believe pressure will increase to leverage existing corporate surveillance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotic Light Finger Feels

Robotic Light Finger Feels

An idea that creates haptics for robots.

This Clever Robotic Finger Feels With Light
By Wired  in ACM

Robot finger meets actual finger.
A robotic skeleton developed at Columbia University is equipped with 32 photodiodes and 30 adjacent…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Folding@home Supports Coronavirus Research

Folding@home Supports Coronavirus Research

Related  to the SETI work this is a distributed protein folding approach to look for pharma solutions.

March 10, 2020
by John Chodera

Healthcare-Technical article.

This is an update


From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching From Home–Day 4

Teaching From Home–Day 4

I have no idea how long or how consistently I will be writing these posts. I guess when I have something to say. In some ways I think of this as a sort of record of what I am doing for myself and maybe for people who will beMy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Develops AI to Improve Knowledge Graph Performance

Amazon Develops AI to Improve Knowledge Graph Performance

Ultimately a very important capability in storing and utilizing knowledge to deliver intelligence.

Amazon researchers develop AI that improves knowledge graph performance   By Kyle Wiggers in VentureBeat 

In a new study  researchers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

From MIT: 34 Coronavirus Pieces in TechnologyReview

From MIT: 34 Coronavirus Pieces in TechnologyReview

34 pieces from MIT resources.  Have read a number of these.  Nicely done, largely nontechnical.   Free.  And  you can register free for daily updates. 

From insideHPC

PSSC Labs Speeds HPC with AMD EPYC Processors

PSSC Labs Speeds HPC with AMD EPYC Processors

Today PSSC Labs touted impressive performance on their server lineup powered by AMD EPYC processors. Recently named an AMD Elite Partner, PSSC Labs is developing a unique set of platforms leveraging EPYC processors for AI, Big…

From Putting People First

Doing fieldwork in a pandemic

Doing fieldwork in a pandemic

Initiated by Deborah Lupton, this crowdsourced document provides necessary information and key resources for researchers struggling to conduct traditional face-to-face research under new circumstances.

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