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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2021

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Advancing and Counting

Announcing tomorrow’s Women in Data Science workshop, plus a US State Department event for International Women’s Day (also March 8) Santa Fe Inst. external faculty src Dana Randall is an ADVANCE Professor of Computing and also…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sidewalk Robots Get Rights

Sidewalk Robots Get Rights

Coming changes in urban and suburban views.

Sidewalk robots get legal rights as "pedestrians"   By Jennifer A. Kingson in Axios

As small robots proliferate on sidewalks and city streets, so does legislation that grants them generous…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Non-Fungible, Blockchained, Unique and Expensive

Non-Fungible, Blockchained, Unique and Expensive

Don't fully understand this, but if someone is willing to pay for something provably unique?  The picture is shown at the link.

How a 10-Second Video Clip Sold for $6.6 Million   By Reuters, March 5, 2021  Reuters

An art collector…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Effect in Erasing

Quantum Effect in Erasing

Pondering the implications of this.

The Demon Is in the Detail—Trinity Team Discovers Uniquely Quantum Effect in Erasing Information

Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)   October 16, 2020

Researchers at Ireland's Trinity College Dublin…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (March 6th 2021)

Science and Technology links (March 6th 2021)

Increasing schooling does not improve social outcomes at a population level. Venitian glass was made near Venice as early as 450 BC. It spread worldwide through trade. Venetian glass made its way as far as North America. We have…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Material AI Invention and Discovery

Material AI Invention and Discovery

New directions in new material discovery.  As it mentions, AI-driven molecular driven platform that is said to invent new molecular structure

IBM launches AI platform to discover new materials

Kyle Wiggers  @Kyle_L_Wiggers   in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stop Conversations Sooner?

Stop Conversations Sooner?

Perhaps a guide for chatbots?  Or is the guide for them different?  Though like all such guides, and rules of thumb, depends highly on context.

When Should You End a Conversation? Sooner Than You Think, Harvard Research ShowsBy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google to Stop Tracking Users for Targeted Ads

Google to Stop Tracking Users for Targeted Ads

Has long been done with cookies.  More recently has been more dangerously proposed via  'CName Collusion'  See:  ... 

From Schneier on Security

On Not Fixing Old Vulnerabilities

On Not Fixing Old Vulnerabilities

How is this even possible?

…26% of companies Positive Technologies tested were vulnerable to WannaCry, which was a threat years ago, and some even vulnerable to Heartbleed. “The most frequent vulnerabilities detected during …

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Cartoon

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Cartoon

Squid ink.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.

From Schneier on Security

Hacking Digitally Signed PDF Files

Hacking Digitally Signed PDF Files

Interesting paper: “Shadow Attacks: Hiding and Replacing Content in Signed PDFs“:

Abstract: Digitally signed PDFs are used in contracts and invoices to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of their content. A user opening…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Imaginary Numbers Essential for a Quantum Reality

Imaginary Numbers Essential for a Quantum Reality

Good piece, math-technical, worth a skim regardless.   Intro below.  

Imaginary Numbers May Be Essential for Describing Quantum Reality

A new thought experiment indicates that quantum mechanics doesn’t work without strange numbers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook's Seer Recognizes Images

Facebook's Seer Recognizes Images

Thinking the implications of this in business practice.

Facebook’s new AI model SEER can teach itself to recognize images  By Mike Wheatley in SiliconAngle

Researchers at Facebook Inc. have created an artificial intelligence-based…

From Schneier on Security

No, RSA Is Not Broken

No, RSA Is Not Broken

I have been seeing this paper by cryptographer Peter Schnorr making the rounds: “Fast Factoring Integers by SVP Algorithms.” It describes a new factoring method, and its abstract ends with the provocative sentence: “This destroys…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Changing Human Choice and Chance?

AI Changing Human Choice and Chance?

Perhaps it will, but its still in very small ways.  We are not even close to major changes.   .... 

AI is killing choice and chance—changing what it means to be human  by Nir Eisikovits and Dan Feldman  in Techexplore

The history…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Syncing time on Smartphones for Measurements

Syncing time on Smartphones for Measurements

Can be useful for synchronization of measurement.

Twist-n-Sync: Skoltech Scientists Use Smartphone Gyroscopes to Sync Time Across Devices

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Russia)

February 19, 2021

A software-based algorithm…

From Putting People First

What’s mine is ours: how consumption is changing

What’s mine is ours: how consumption is changing

When customers form an emotional attachment or self-identify with a product, that sense of “mine” enhances its luster and keeps them coming back for more. As shoppers shift away from owning material things, how can marketers…

From Putting People First

[Book] A City Is Not a Computer

[Book] A City Is Not a Computer

A bold reassessment of "smart cities" that reveals what is lost when we conceive of our urban spaces as computers

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

WSJ Meets Group Algorithms

Our whole life is solving puzzles. — Ernő Rubik Cropped from source Jessica Fridrich is a Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Binghamton University. She is an expert on data hiding, that is, steganography…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

WSJ Meets Group Algorithms

Our whole life is solving puzzles. — Ernő Rubik Cropped from source Jessica Fridrich is a Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Binghamton University. She is an expert on data hiding, that is, steganography…

From insideHPC

IBM Says Quantum Error Correcting Software Coming in 2023 – ‘Quantum Comes of Age’

IBM Says Quantum Error Correcting Software Coming in 2023 – ‘Quantum Comes of Age’

If quantum isn’t to be a technology “that’s always 10 years away,” then quantum error correction (QEC) – one of the high hurdles to quantum becoming a practical reality – must be tamed.  This week at a Wall Street Journal virtual…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AWS Enhances Amazon Managed Blockchain with Ethereum support

AWS Enhances Amazon Managed Blockchain with Ethereum support

 This is interesting because it incudes ethereum support for Smart Contracts, being examined here.

AWS Enhances Amazon Managed Blockchain with Ethereum support  By Maria Deutscher  in SiliconAngle

Amazon Web Services Inc. has launched…


Is the Pandemic Affecting Science and Engineering Undergraduate Students?

Is the Pandemic Affecting Science and Engineering Undergraduate Students?

The importance of the students’ voice.

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Finds Battery Materials

AI Finds Battery Materials

More detail about the method at the link.

Using AI to Find Essential Battery Materials

As battery demand soars, researchers are turning to artificial intelligence for more effective and sustainable methods    By Maria GallucciDemand…

From Schneier on Security

Four Microsoft Exchange Zero-Days Exploited by China

Four Microsoft Exchange Zero-Days Exploited by China

Microsoft has issued an emergency Microsoft Exchange patch to fix four zero-day vulnerabilities currently being exploited by China.

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Video Analysis in Athletics

AI Video Analysis in Athletics

An example of how AI pattern recognition can achieve fine grain pattern detection and matching.   Here in athletic training planning and evaluation.   Note links to an athletic tracking system that might be used to provide data…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How does your programming language handle “minus zero” (-0.0)?

How does your programming language handle “minus zero” (-0.0)?

The ubiquitous IEEE floating-point standard defines two numbers to represent zero, the positive and the negative zeros. You also have the positive and negative infinity. If you compute the inverse of the positive zero, you get…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Soft Robot Swims in the Mariana Trench

Soft Robot Swims in the Mariana Trench

An example of extreme exploration, using a soft biomimicking design.  Considerable possibilities here.

Soft robot swims in the Mariana Trench  in Techexplore by Bob Yirka 

A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Charges Ahead with National Digital Currency

China Charges Ahead with National Digital Currency

Implications of these changes for US and Others? 

China Charges Ahead with National Digital Currency  By The New York Times,  March 4, 2021

China has charged ahead with a bold effort to remake the way that government-backed money…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Wavelength Switch

Quantum Wavelength Switch

Interesting direction outlines.   Note the number of users in the quantum network being key.

Quantum Internet Closer to Reality, Thanks to This Switch

By Purdue University News,  March 3, 2021

A new study has found that using aEngineers…