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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2023

From The Eponymous Pickle

Planning for Uncertainty in Commercial Aerospace

Planning for Uncertainty in Commercial Aerospace

Aerospace and Uncertainty

Planning for uncertainty in commercial aerospace     in McKinsey

February 15, 2023   Article

By  Frank Coleman, Chris Daehnick, Morgan Holecek, Vik Krishnan

Commercial aviation faces its most uncertain future…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Releases Software Platform for Quantum Computing Developers

Intel Releases Software Platform for Quantum Computing Developers

Intel Releases Software Platform for Quantum Computing Developers

Reuters Jane Lanhee Lee, February 28, 2023

Intel Corp. has rolled out the Intel Quantum SDK, a software platform developers can use to build quantum algorithms.…

From insideHPC

DOE Announces $12M Quantum Testbed Funding Opportunity

DOE Announces $12M Quantum Testbed Funding Opportunity

March 1, 2023 — The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) has announced a $12 million quantum testbed funding opportunity. Agency contacts and more details, including eligibility…

From insideHPC

Quantum: Oxford Instruments and MagLab Partner on Superconducting Materials

Quantum: Oxford Instruments and MagLab Partner on Superconducting Materials

March 1, 2023 — Aiming to leverage the knowledge and skills available at the National MagLab’s Applied Superconductivity Center (ASC) in combination with its own superconducting magnet design knowledge, Oxford Instruments, a …

From insideHPC

Ayar Labs Claims First Demonstration of 4-Tbps Bi-directional Optical I/0

Ayar Labs Claims First Demonstration of 4-Tbps Bi-directional Optical I/0

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – March 1, 2023 – Silicon photonics company Ayar Labs today announced what it said is the first demonstration of 4 terabit-per-second (Tbps) bi-directional Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) optical technology…


Serendipity: When Research in One Area Leads to a Positive Result in Another

Serendipity: When Research in One Area Leads to a Positive Result in Another

A problem of the extremely optimal family of circulant graphs: when research in one scientific field gives an unexpected result in another.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smarter Vending

Smarter Vending

 Has been happening,   more being done. 

Adding Smarts to Vending Machines Drives Convenience, Efficiency

Advanced feature sets and functionality are projected to drive the market for connected vending to nearly nine million units…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chocolate Printing

Chocolate Printing

3D Printing  in new domains, but had seem foodexamples

 Want Healthy Chocolate? You Can 3D-Print It

By The Jerusalem Post (Israel), February 22, 2023

For the study, the researchers experimented with different ratios of the ingredients…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Revealing Metaverse Identity by Moving

Revealing Metaverse Identity by Moving

Metaverse identification


In the Metaverse, Your Identity Can Be Revealed Just by Moving

By TechRadar, February 22, 2023

As the University of Calilfornia, Berkeley, research shows, all that's needed to identify a Metaverse…

From Schneier on Security

Fooling a Voice Authentication System with an AI-Generated Voice

Fooling a Voice Authentication System with an AI-Generated Voice

A reporter used an AI synthesis of his own voice to fool the voice authentication system for Lloyd’s Bank.

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

SODA 2023

Traces of strings, plus ways of tracing accepted papers Anindya De was at Northwestern University and is now at the University of Pennsylvania—see here. He was advised by two of the top advisors ever there were: Luca Trevisan…

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