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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


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March 2023

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Plugins and ChatGPT

More on Plugins and ChatGPT

 Intro below,   saw the intro from wolfram. Am inclined to think this is a big deal,   Like Apps within searches.    Will be exploring this in the coming weeks.

What are ChatGPT plugins? Here’s everything you need to know  from…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gates Agrees about Importance of Current AI

Gates Agrees about Importance of Current AI

 More agreement about AI advances.

Bill Gates: AI is most important tech advance in decades

By Tom Gerken   BBC Technology reporter

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates says the development of artificial intelligence (AI) is the most…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Metal Detecting from the Air

Metal Detecting from the Air

Recall a DOD project looking a a related problem.   Hope this does not become an issue in greater Europe.

Metal-Detecting Drone Could Autonomously Find Land Mines A drone with 5 degrees of freedom can safely detect buried objects…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Legal Challenge to Algorithmic Recommendations

A Legal Challenge to Algorithmic Recommendations

Regulation required.

A Legal Challenge to Algorithmic Recommendations

By Pamela Samuelson

Communications of the ACM, March 2023, Vol. 66 No. 3, Pages 32-34

Credit: Andrij Borys Associates

A young American student, Nohemi Gonzalez,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Godfather says New Tech Could be Dangerous

AI Godfather says New Tech Could be Dangerous

 Well known AI Scientist Geoffrey Hinton,  often mentioned here,  who we followed closely n the 80s, says AI is real, and conceivably threatening humanity.    Equivalent to Invention of Wheel or electricity.  Scary statements…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The 2022 Turing Award

Bob Metcalfe is the sole winner of the 2022 Turing Award. He keyed the development of Ethernet technology growing out of his PhD thesis while at Xerox PARC in the early 1970s. Previous recognitions of his work include the IEEE…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Large Language Models: A Cognitive and Neuroscience Perspective

Large Language Models: A Cognitive and Neuroscience Perspective

Irving does an excellent review and links to much work about LLMs, Large Language Models, and oter topics that are now much in the news. Below an intro. I plan to read all the articles pointed to at the link.  A considerableA…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Capturing What is Said

Capturing What is Said

The value of good speech to text. 

Capturing What is Said,  By Esther Shein

Commissioned by CACM Staff, March 23, 2023

A very basic flow chart for the conversion of speech to text.

New AI-enabled capabilities for speech-to-text systems…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder and creator of Moore's Law, dies aged 94

Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder and creator of Moore's Law, dies aged 94

Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder and creator of Moore's Law, dies aged 94

Published, 14 hours ago  in the BBC

Silicon Valley pioneer and philanthropist Gordon Moore has died aged 94 in Hawaii.

Mr Moore started working on semiconductors…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Yes, ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Office Job

Yes, ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Office Job

Have now seen a number of posts brainstorming this,  and considering what I have seen, there re many reasonable ideas, and in particularly easy to test with even current systems.  Only overstepping regulation could get in the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Would a TikTok Ban Cripple Influencer Marketing?

Would a TikTok Ban Cripple Influencer Marketing?

Been following this recently on Youtube, novelty key.  Much more by marketing experts at the link.

Would a TikTok Ban Cripple Influencer Marketing?

Mar 21, 2023,  by Tom Ryan

The Biden administration last week threatened to banFor…

From Geeking with Greg

Are ad-driven business models bad?

Are ad-driven business models bad?

There's been a lot of discussion that ad-driven business models are inherently exploitative and anti-consumer. I think that's both wrong and not a helpful way to look at how to fix the problems in the tech industry.

I think

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

Susan Kare: Icon Draw

Susan Kare: Icon Draw

Graphical User Interfaces completely changed the way we used computers. A key to their success were clear and simple icons that had clear meanings. They were thanks to Susan Kare.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Glass is Over

Google Glass is Over

 Too bad, tried it and it was nicely done. Is the category over for now?   Has to be a place for this. 

Google Glass is finally shattered   in Popsci

10 years after its debut, Google finally shutters the headset for good.  By Andrew…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Security in Cyberspace

Security in Cyberspace

Considerable piece in Fraunhofer mag,  intro below

More security in cyberspace

Web special Fraunhofer magazine 2.2022

The invasion of Ukraine shows that fighting is no longer just on the battlefield, but also in virtual space -Months…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Researchers Develop Soft Robot That Shifts from Land to Sea with Ease

Researchers Develop Soft Robot That Shifts from Land to Sea with Ease

Mobile robotics in multiple domains.


Researchers Develop Soft Robot That Shifts from Land to Sea with Ease

By Carnegie Mellon University, March 21, 2023

Actuators allow the reconfigurable robot to curl its body to swiftly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Computers May Finally Have Practical Use

Quantum Computers May Finally Have Practical Use

 A means to generate truly random numbers for cryptology


Quantum Computers May Finally Have Practical Use

By New Scientist, March 24, 2023

Google's Sycamore quantum computer. 

Quantum computers such as Google’s Sycamore…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Creating Batteries Out of Squid Cells

Friday Squid Blogging: Creating Batteries Out of Squid Cells

This is fascinating:

“When a squid ends up chipping what’s called its ring tooth, which is the nail underneath its tentacle, it needs to regrow that tooth very rapidly, otherwise it can’t claw its prey,” he explains.

This was…


Teaching Data Science Research Methods to Human Resources Practitioners: Part Three

Teaching Data Science Research Methods to Human Resources Practitioners: Part Three

How we took advantage of students' expertise in the application domain component of data science.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Plugins to be Added to ChatGPT, to Create a Platform

Plugins to be Added to ChatGPT, to Create a Platform

Announcement relates to previous message on Wolfram Plugins, but promises more yet.

OpenAI turns ChatGPT into a platform overnight with addition of plugins  in Venturebeat

Sharon Goldman@sharongoldman,     Michael Nuñez@MichaelFNunez…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What Does it Mean to be Smart in an Age of AI

What Does it Mean to be Smart in an Age of AI

Excerpt from McKinsey  Complete video at the link.

Author Talks: In the ‘age of AI,’ what does it mean to be smart?

March 16, 2023 | Interview

As artificial intelligence gets better at predicting human behavior, a business psychologist…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wolfram can Plug into GPT

Wolfram can Plug into GPT

Saw this hinted at a while back. Wolfram Alpha has had unique analytic capabilities for some time, now you can link these to ChatGPT.  Via a plugin.   Apparently there is the ability to add other plugins as well. Thinking about…

From Schneier on Security

Exploding USB Sticks

Exploding USB Sticks

In case you don’t have enough to worry about, people are hiding explosives—actual ones—in USB sticks:

In the port city of Guayaquil, journalist Lenin Artieda of the Ecuavisa private TV station received an envelope containing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Security Issues in AI Emerge

Security Issues in AI Emerge

There seems to have been an urge to get some of these systems out before securing them.

ChatGPT bug leaked users' conversation histories  in the BBC

OpenAI launched ChatGPT last November    By Ben Derico       BBC News, San Francisco…

From The Eponymous Pickle

ML Physics Platform NVIDIA Modulus is Open

ML Physics Platform NVIDIA Modulus is Open

 New things out of NVIDIA Resources, Fascinating,  Sample Uses?

Machine Learning Platform NVIDIA Modulus Is Now Open Source

By Bhoomi Gadhia, Ram Cherukuri and Kristen Perez

Physics-informed machine learning (physics-ML) is transforming…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI being used to cherry-pick organs for transplant

AI being used to cherry-pick organs for transplant

 AI being used to cherry-pick organs for transplant

By Duncan MacRae | March 2, 2023 | MarketingTech  in ArtificialIntelligence

Duncan is an award-winning editor with more than 20 years experience in journalism. Having launched…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wave of Stealthy China Cyberattacks Hits U.S., Private Networks, Google Says

Wave of Stealthy China Cyberattacks Hits U.S., Private Networks, Google Says

 Wave of Stealthy China Cyberattacks Hits U.S., Private Networks, Google Says

By The Wall Street Journal, March 22, 2023

China has routinely denied hacking into businesses or governments in other countries.

Said Charles Carmakal…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Persistent Computing and Virtual Worlds

Persistent Computing and Virtual Worlds

 Worked a number of virtual world projects, never considered them persistent computing.  Useful thought.

Yu Yuan on Building A Persistent Virtual World The IEEE Standards Association president discusses technology for the metaverse…

From insideHPC

QuEra Partnering with NERSC on Quantum Evaluation

QuEra Partnering with NERSC on Quantum Evaluation

Boston, March 23, 2023 – Quantum computing company QuEra Computing today announced a partnership with the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center giving NERSC access to QuEra neutral-atom technology. The partnership…

From insideHPC

Interview: Ansys Talks CAD/CAE in the Cloud and Ansys Gateway Powered by AWS

Interview: Ansys Talks CAD/CAE in the Cloud and Ansys Gateway Powered by AWS

[SPONSORED GUEST INTERVIEW] In this interview with Jane Trenaman, vice president of portfolio product management at Ansys, she discusses the growing importance of the cloud for customers using Ansys engineering simulation and…