The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Actually, I’m a few days late: Monday, April 6th was the 1-year anniversary of The Noisy Channel. I was looking back at my first post and I’m happy to see that, while both the content and readership of this blog have broadened…
I have at times said some experienced-based critical things about store kiosks. Here though is an excellent example of their use. Schnucks is installing some deli ordering kiosks. The application to labor intensive things…
According to industry reports and company insiders, Sun has lost one its top CPU architects.
I am always looking for new sensory engagements with consumers. In the Economist: Trading Licks. Word of a researcher inspired by Willy Wonka's flavored wallpaper to develop flavored and edible films. Think of this included…
Hello from Saskatoon, Canada!(where in April the ice is hesitantly thawing)Let me present to you Carrie Demmans (in the photo), a 2nd year M.Sc. student in Computer Science at the University of Saskatchewan and a Science Ambassador…
Guest posts are always a pleasure, but today I’m particularly delight to have AJ Shankar of Modista share his thoughts about visual exploration. My friend Arlo and I co-founded Modista, a web site that uses computer vision algorithms…
Guest posts are always a pleasure, but today I’m particularly delight to have AJ Shankar of Modista share his thoughts about visual exploration. My friend Arlo and I co-founded Modista, a web site that uses computer vision algorithms…
First part and introduction of an analysis to common problems faced by SE students in Latin America.
Canadian designer and computer scientist Bill Buxton is Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research. Last month Bill gave a good 20-min keynote at Mix09 that kicked off a longer keynote by Scott Guthrie (corporate vice president…
Healthcare organisations are throwing mobile technology at problems without fully considering the underlying business processes or the working conditions of the end-user. This is the key finding of a multi-country report across…
I didn’t get to actually attend CHI this year, but I was fortunate to be able to hang out with attendees during the receptions on Wednesday evening. There was a respectable HCIR representation there, plus I was able to meet folks…
I didn’t get to actually attend CHI this year, but I was fortunate to be able to hang out with attendees during the receptions on Wednesday evening. There was a respectable HCIR representation there, plus I was able to meet folks…
An interesting AdfAge piece from Unilever's CMO about what they have learned about social media: " ... Unilever is only starting to understand social media, but it's already learned plenty about its capability to make and break…
I have often been asked questions like: Who is using social media? How much time does it take? What are the benefits? How can I measure success?A recent paper by Michael A. Stelzner: Social Media Marketing Industry Report…
Chris Lawer underlines that is important to identify that co-creation is not just about firms improving their social marketing, open innovation, community-building and learning efforts to generate new proprietary and valuable…
A controversial post by Sam Ladner, followed by a rich debate between the author, Paula Thornton, Peter Merholz, Raymond Pirouz, and others. Design is attractive to management because it is a de-politicized version of the well…
Simple mobile marketing idea from Kellogg UK, via Richard James.
VizWorld: Georgia Tech announced the release of “GPU VSIPL”, or vector signal image processing library on GPUs.
The latest newsletter of the Service Design Network is out and the content is highly stimulating. A selection: Thinkpublic: Video on Co-Design Thinkpublic have recently released a four-minute overview on co-design on their website…
Video of police assault on Ian Tomlinson, who died at the London G20 protest The guy was unfortunate enough to have the protest in his way as he made his way home from work selling newspapers at Monument (by the Sun office).Copyright…
So many processors on our desktops. Four cores, eight cores, soon we will see hundreds of cores. Almost all of them are going to be idle most of the time. If it is nearly free to use those idle cores, what work could we find…
Congress has approved a $5.7 million grant for the North Dakota State University Center for High Performance Computing.
Panasas has announced that they grew revenues and expanded their customer base by 25% in the first quarter of 2009, compared to Q1 of 2008.
Found at The PACE project
Now this is interesting. On Tuesday of this week AK governor Mike Beebe signed a law creating a new cyberinfrastructure task force in his state The Arkansas Cyberinfrastructure Task Force Act, sponsored by Rep. Jon Woods, raises…
HPCwire today is carrying a news release from NVIDIA about the release of the latest beta version of CUDA. Some of the new features:
Hardware debugger for the GPU Revved visual profiler Full support for Microsoft Windows…Microsoft just published a rather thorough report on the future developments of the internet across Europe. In the report, Microsoft analyses the differences in broadband penetration levels across Europe, examines the causes…
Dynamic langages like Python or Ruby are considerably easier than static languages like Java and C++. John is asking us why: How do you account for the huge increases in productivity that dynamic language advocates say they experience…
Just announced via the WRF mailing list is the 10th WRF User’s Workshop meeting.
On Monday and Tuesday I had calls from a persistent journalist trying to get me to comment on the rumoured IBM/Sun negotiations. My reply was the same as it has been to everyone else who has asked - "what way would you like me…