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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2009

From The Noisy Channel

The Craft of Exploratory Search

The Craft of Exploratory Search

Posts like this one from Gene Golovchinsky make me feel sad that I didn’t actually attend CHI, though I’m glad I did get to hang out with the exploratory search clique that Wednesday evening. As I’m helping get the HCIR ‘09 workshop…

From The Noisy Channel

CACM Article on DB/IR

CACM Article on DB/IR

In my rush to finish writing my book this month, I haven’t had much time for reading. But I did notice an article in the April ‘09 issue of Communications of the ACM that caught my attention: “Database and Information-Retrieval…

From The Noisy Channel

CACM Article on DB/IR

CACM Article on DB/IR

In my rush to finish writing my book this month, I haven’t had much time for reading. But I did notice an article in the April ‘09 issue of Communications of the ACM that caught my attention: “Database and Information-Retrieval…

From The Noisy Channel

CACM Article on DB/IR

CACM Article on DB/IR

In my rush to finish writing my book this month, I haven’t had much time for reading. But I did notice an article in the April ‘09 issue of Communications of the ACM that caught my attention: “Database and Information-Retrieval…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The primary and secondary benefits of e-networking

The primary and secondary benefits of e-networking

Social networking tools such as blogs, microblogs (Twitter), and Facebook, extend your communication abilities. The immediate benefits are threefold:

Increased broadcast capacity: you can now reach 200, 500 or 1000 people daily…

From insideHPC

Compete for access to the world

Compete for access to the world

The DOE has recently announced its call for proposals for those seeking time on select supercomputers through the INCITE program. From the DOE HPC page For the seventh consecutive year, the Innovative and Novel Computational…

From insideHPC

MATLAB acceleration for GPUs with

MATLAB acceleration for GPUs with

NVIDIA is offering a seminar today at 1 eastern (US) time that covers MATLAB acceleration for GPUs with Jacket from AccelerEyes: Get 10x-50x speed-ups in MATLAB life science applications by using the Jacket CUDA-plugin for GPU…

From insideHPC

Sun tries to move past questions left by abandoned IBM

Sun tries to move past questions left by abandoned IBM

An article in NetworkWorld Middle East features comments by Sun’s hardware chief John Fowler aimed at getting in front of questions that potential buyers have about investing in Sun after recent talks with IBM shut down. The…

From insideHPC

New VP, new business for

New VP, new business for

Cray has been in the process of formalizing a new line of business for at least a couple of months. Its “custom engineering” business will help customers with specialized requirements get access to Cray’s engineering bench to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mindsets and Models and Risk

Mindsets and Models and Risk

From Knowledge@Wharton: Re-thinking Risk Management: Why the Mindset Matters More Than the Model. Good piece on how to think about new architectures of risk. In the past large companies cranked out the financial models and"…

From Wild WebMink

Five Ideas To Get FOSS Into Governments

Five Ideas To Get FOSS Into Governments

Why is it so hard to get governments (especially local government) to use open source software? Here are some ideas discussed during my keynote today in Oslo at GoOpen 2009 for practical steps various people, from citizens to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dan Ariely on Buggy Moral Code

Dan Ariely on Buggy Moral Code

Dan Ariely author of Predictably Irrational in a Februry TED video talk on Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (sometimes). He covers some of this same example in his book but it is also interesting to listen to. I previously…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shortcomings of the Pie Chart

Shortcomings of the Pie Chart

In Seedmagazine: Understanding the shortcomings of the pie chart can help us make sense of and improve the emerging scientific aesthetic of the 21st century? Well I am not sure I think that PC's are always the best way to visually…

From insideHPC

Platform opens cloud innovation center in

Platform opens cloud innovation center in

This week Platform Computing announced a new innovation center around its cloud software and services in Singapore Platform Computing, the leader in grid and cloud computing software, today announced plans to open a Cloud Innovation…

From insideHPC

Argonne takes more steps to manage energy

Argonne takes more steps to manage energy

I talked to Pete Beckman of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility back in December about a really simple, but interesting, idea that he had implemented to save energy in the ALCF Argonne National Labs is part of the Department…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovating in Emergent Markets

Innovating in Emergent Markets

Tata and Unilever in emerging marketings, from Andrea Meyers' Working Knowledge. " ... How you get a product to market may be as important as what you get to market... "

From Putting People First

Gathering User Ideas

Gathering User Ideas

Nokia’s IdeasProject website is intriguing. A content focused platform focused on high level discourse, it contains interviews with thought leaders in communications technology and disruptive ideas, and get’s updated on a nearly…

From insideHPC

Cooling your datacenter with outside air, and what

Cooling your datacenter with outside air, and what

Found at Enterprise IT Planet’s Green IT news weekly roundup, two items of interest to us HPC types According to a survey by IDC, 68 percent of IT executives rated energy efficiency as


Hello, Computer

Hello, Computer

Reflections on the present and future of speech-based interfaces.

From insideHPC

Intel announces Q1, reports

Intel announces Q1, reports

A quickie from Intel, announcing Q1 results: Intel Corporation today reported first-quarter revenue of $7.1 billion, operating income of $670 million, net income of $647 million and earnings per share (EPS) of 11 cents. This…

From Putting People First

Organic interfaces workshop at CHI 2009

Organic interfaces workshop at CHI 2009

Carla Diana reports on Core77 at length about the highly conceptual CHI presentation/panel “Eek! A Mouse! Organic User Interfaces: Tangible, Transitive Materials and Programmable Reality“, where heavy hitters presented their…

From The Noisy Channel

DeWitt and Stonebraker vs. MapReduce, Round 2

DeWitt and Stonebraker vs. MapReduce, Round 2

A few months ago, database titans David J. DeWitt and Michael Stonebraker wrote

From insideHPC

Sun launches new HPC

Sun launches new HPC

At Sun’s Partner Summit on Tuesday the company announced a slew of new products for HPC. The head of Sun’s HPC sales organization, Marc Hamilton, hits some performance points in a light post that you can read here, and Sun’s…

From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G's Recent Social Media Efforts

P&G's Recent Social Media Efforts

P&G's Dave Knox posts about their recent Tide 'Loads of Hope' Social media effort: "... it looks like some have thought we were

From Putting People First

Data as seductive material

Data as seductive material

Matt Jones (of Dopplr) gave a talk recently on seduction at the Sensing and Sensuality conference at the Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden. It’s all about seductive data visualisation. But as per usual, impossible to summarise…

From Putting People First

UCL London is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology

UCL London is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology

UCL (which is the abbreviation for “University College London” although you have to look at the site’s footer to find out) is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology. And it seems serious stuff. Digital technologies have become…

From The Noisy Channel

The SEO War On Terror

The SEO War On Terror

I try to keep this blog apolitical, but this is just too funny and sureally on-topic to pass up. According to The Register, the British Office of Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT) “plans to train government-approved groups…

From The Noisy Channel

The SEO War On Terror

The SEO War On Terror

I try to keep this blog apolitical, but this is just too funny and sureally on-topic to pass up. According to The Register, the British Office of Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT) “plans to train government-approved groups…

From insideHPC

Lustre Releases New Community

Lustre Releases New Community

The folks within the Lustre group at Sun have announced the release of a new community site.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Death of Consumer Segmentation?

Death of Consumer Segmentation?

Insightful piece. Though really more about rethinking the idea of consumer segmentation and how it plays out in consumer decision-making. Makes the point that many of us knew, classic segmentation is a simplification for easy…

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