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Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2010

From Schneier on Security

Cryptography Broken on American Military Attack Video

Cryptography Broken on American Military Attack Video

Any ideas?

At a news conference at the National Press Club, WikiLeaks said it had acquired the video from whistle-blowers in the military and viewed it after breaking the encryption code. WikiLeaks released the full 38-minute…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Games can Build Leaders

How Games can Build Leaders

An interview with Stanford Prof Byron Reeves of Seriosity. " ... On Leadership: Stanford professor Byron Reeves on how online multiplayer games like 'World of Warcraft' are creating the next generation of leaders ... ' . See…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fewer Shopping Trips

Fewer Shopping Trips

Progressive Grocer reports on the continuation of fewer shopping trips and fewer purchases per trip. Interesting statistics.

From CERIAS Blog

Panel #3: The Evolution of Research Funding and Projects (Symposium Summary)

Panel #3: The Evolution of Research Funding and Projects (Symposium Summary)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Panel Members:

  • David Bell
  • Joe Pekny, Purdue University
  • Kenneth Brancik, Northrop Grumman
  • Petros Mouchtaris, Telcordia

Summary by Utsav Mittal

The panel was started by Petros Mouchtaris. He said…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Interested in a Procter Franchise?

Interested in a Procter Franchise?

I recently posted about P&G doing franchising of product oriented processes. Well known products like Tide and Mr Clean. As part of the Procter alumni network I just got a broader document about participation. You can read it…

From CERIAS Blog

CERIAS Seminar Presentation: David Bell (Symposium Summary)

CERIAS Seminar Presentation: David Bell (Symposium Summary)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Summary by Robert Winkworth

“Everything I Needed to Know About Security I Learned in 1974”

Security luminary David Bell concluded this year’s Information Security Symposium with a lecture in which…

From CERIAS Blog

Morning Keynote Address: DHS Undersecretary Rand Beers (Symposium Summary)

Morning Keynote Address: DHS Undersecretary Rand Beers (Symposium Summary)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Summary by Gaspar Modelo-Howard

Day two opened with a keynote from Under Secretary Beers, who has had a long and interesting career of over 34 years, including military service and working as staff…

From CERIAS Blog

Fireside Chat (Symposium Summary)

Fireside Chat (Symposium Summary)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Panel Members:

  • Mike McConnell, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Rand Beers, DHS
  • Eugene H. Spafford, CERIAS

Summary by Derril Lucci

The fireside chat saw Admiral John McConnell, the Honorable Rand Beers, and Professor…

From CERIAS Blog

Panel #2: Infosec Ethics (Symposium Summary)

Panel #2: Infosec Ethics (Symposium Summary)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Panel Members:

  • Nicolas Christin, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Cassio Goldschmidt, Symantec Corporation
  • Aaron Massey, North Carolina State University
  • Melissa Dark, Purdue University
Summary by Preeti…

From CERIAS Blog

Panel #1: Visualization of Security (Symposium Summary)

Panel #1: Visualization of Security (Symposium Summary)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Panel Members:

  • Donald Robinson, Northrop Grumman
  • Ross Maciejewski, Purdue
  • Alok Chaturvedi, Purdue

Summary by Ryan Poyar

The first panel of the 2010 annual security symposium kicked things off to …

From CERIAS Blog

Opening Keynote: Mike McConnell (Symposium Summary)

Opening Keynote: Mike McConnell (Symposium Summary)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Summary by Jason Ortiz

Mike McConnell, retired Admiral of the Navy, former Director of NSA and former Director of National Intelligence delivered the opening keynote speech for the eleventh annual CERIAS…


Encouraging Girls to Study Geeky Subjects (Part 1): Emotionally Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Encouraging Girls to Study Geeky Subjects (Part 1): Emotionally Intelligent Tutoring Systems

The first in a couple of articles in which I look at some ways of encouraging girls to engage with technical subjects; this focuses on an emotionally sensitive tutoring system to help girls with maths.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Interview with Zakta

Interview with Zakta

An interview with long time connection Sundar Kadayam about his very innovative search and knowledge system Zakta. We used some of Sundar's previous systems. Also some useful pointers about startups. Zakta is unique, give it…

From The Noisy Channel

Build Your Own NYT Linked Data Application

Build Your Own NYT Linked Data Application

Regular readers may recall hearing about the New York Times Annotated Corpus (which is the basis for the HCIR Challenge), and decision to publish their tags as Linked Open Data, Given that linked data applications are still a…

From Computational Complexity

But seriously now folks- what do you make of barrier results?

In my April Fools Day Post I said the following:

Here are problems that I believe can be solved with current techniques.

That was indeed true- since they were all known theorems. However, I was making a more serious point…

From Schneier on Security

New York and the Moscow Subway Bombing

New York and the Moscow Subway Bombing

People intent on preventing a Moscow-style terrorist attack against the New York subway system are proposing a range of expensive new underground security measures, some temporary and some permanent.

They should save their money…

From My Biased Coin

60-40 papers

60-40 papers

A recent paper I worked on was a 60-40 paper.  That's what I call it when one of the authors does noticeably more of the work.  Really, it could be a 70-30 paper, or some other division; or with multiple authors, it could behas…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-04-07

links for 2010-04-07

IBM: Back to the Bad Old Days? Pretty good analysis of the IBM patent aggression from ESR: "IBM has reached a critical juncture. For the last decade the company has has had it both ways

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2010 US Imagine Cup Community Showcase

2010 US Imagine Cup Community Showcase

Please join Microsoft for the

2010 US Imagine Cup Community Showcase

The US Imagine Cup team would like to extend an invitation to you to attend the Software Design and Game Design Finals at Washington…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Foundation of Semantic Web Technologies

Foundation of Semantic Web Technologies

I had a very good conversation today with Prof Pascal Hitzler. Author of the books: Semantic Web - Grundlagen and Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies. He is now a professor at Wright State University in nearby Dayton, Ohio…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brand Names in Scrabble Games

Brand Names in Scrabble Games

In the BBC: Proper nouns are now allowed in new versions of the Scrabble board game. Think of the opportunity for product placement! Though how many people play board games any more? Via the always alert correspondent Richard…

From Schneier on Security

Bypassing the Chain on Hotel-Room Doors

Bypassing the Chain on Hotel-Room Doors

Technique, plus video.

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Balancing the Needs of Industry and Academia

Balancing the Needs of Industry and Academia

As I embark on this journey that is a PhD, I constantly remind myself of my goal of remaining useful. I want to retain practical skills that could be used in outside of academia and research labs. I never, ever want to forget…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

ACM Washington Update, Vol. 14.2 (April 6, 2010)

ACM Washington Update, Vol. 14.2 (April 6, 2010)


[1] Newsletter Highlights [2] 2009 ACM Turing Award Goes to Charles Thacker [3] USACM and CRA Express Concerns with Senate Cybersecurity Bill [4] Science Funding Does Well in FY2011 Budget Request [5] NSF Revamps Computing…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Last Bug

The Last Bug

I spent much of yesterday working on a computer program. A friend of mine wrote it in Visual Basic .NET and I was converting it to C# so that it could be used as a sample solution. To safe time (famous last words) I had run most…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

External-Memory Sorting in Java : the First Release

External-Memory Sorting in Java : the First Release

In my previous post, you were invited to help with a reference implementation of external sorting in Java. Several people tested and improved the code. I like the result.

I posted the code on Google code. All contributors are…

From Computational Complexity

Finding the Right Model

Last fall I wrote about the different focus on models and proofs in the Econ and CS theory communities. Today I'll focus on the purpose of a model and what makes a good one.An economist once explained the difficulty in coming…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter and Gamble Franchises

Procter  and Gamble Franchises

An overview of P&G's activities in the world of franchising. Including Mr. Clean car washes and Tide Dry Cleaning.

From Schneier on Security

Privacy and Control

Privacy and Control

In January, Facebook Chief Executive, Mark Zuckerberg, declared the age of privacy to be over. A month earlier, Google Chief Eric Schmidt expressed a similar sentiment. Add Scott McNealy's and Larry Ellison's comments from …

From Wild WebMink

? The Digital Election

? The Digital Election

The UK Election needs to have digital liberty on the agenda. And more.