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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2010

From Putting People First

Two new articles on RFID interaction

Two new articles on RFID interaction

Timo Arnall, the acclaimed interaction designer, alerts us to the fact that Touch project PhD researcher Kjetil Nordby has just published two journal articles on interactions with RFID and NFC. “These articles pull together…

From Putting People First

Cellphone payments offer alternative to cash

Cellphone payments offer alternative to cash

The New York Times reports on how a number of big and small companies

From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Strategy Paper from Clario

Analytics Strategy Paper  from Clario

I have mentioned Clario in this space several times and have done some simple tests, they have published a new White paper on Analytics integration, short but useful. " ... Developing a strategy for integrating analytics into…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 28 April 2010

Interesting Links 28 April 2010

As promised here are a bunch more links that I hope you will find interesting and useful.

The CSTA blog had a couple of recent posts of interest:

  • Preparing Future Elementary Teachers to Teach Computing
  • Dealing with Competence…

    From Schneier on Security

    Can Safes

    Can Safes

    Hiding your valuables in common household containers is an old trick.

    Diversion safes look like containers designed to hide your valuables in plain sight. Common diversion safes include fake brand name containers for soda pop…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    The Power of Play

    The Power of Play

    An upcoming conference on using game play for serious ends. In September 2010, Created by Thought Bank LLC. They are looking for sponsors.The Power of Play.... The evolution of games and their growing impact on business and social…

    From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

    CRA-W Grad Cohort: Presentation Skills

    CRA-W Grad Cohort: Presentation Skills

    What makes a good oral presentation? According to Prof. Sandhya Dwarkadas (University of Rochester) and Ana Pop (Princeton University), there are three main areas of concern: Content, Design, and Delivery. These come together…

    From Computational Complexity

    A possible NP-Intermediary Problem

    (REMINDERS: STOC Early Registration closes on April 30. CCC Early Registration closes May 3. EC Early Registration closes on May 6. )

    Here is a problem whose complexity has probably not been studied. I think it is NP-Intermediary…

    From Putting People First

    Experientia seeks usability expert

    Experientia seeks usability expert

    From My Biased Coin

    Conference Registration Deadlines (and Fees)

    Conference Registration Deadlines (and Fees)

    I'm spending the morning registering for conferences.  STOC early deadline is April 30, ISIT is May 1, and EC is May 6.  I'm sure there are others coming up.  Remember to sign up now!  (Why pay the "late signup" fee of $100 or…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Internet Addiction Study

    Internet Addiction Study

    Students suffering from Internet addiction.

    From Schneier on Security

    Seat Belt Use and Lessons for Security Awareness

    Seat Belt Use and Lessons for Security Awareness

    From Lance Spitzner:

    In January of this year the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a report called "Analyzing the First Years Of the Ticket or Click It Mobilizations"... While the report is focused onTicket…

    From Wild WebMink

    ? Daily Links

    ? Daily Links

    Final servers/staff gone Network.Com was the (great) domain name that Sun used for its cloud computing initiatives. Seems it’s finally been decommissioned – not even a redirect today, there’s no ping response even…

    From Computer Science Teachers Association

    Dealing with Plagiarism

    Dealing with Plagiarism

    Plagiarism has turned out to be a major problem this year in my Computer Science class. I have had five separate situations where I caught students handing in copied code. I seem to be the only teacher in our building (there …

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    BGH Innovation Center

    BGH Innovation Center

    I have not covered this topic for some time. We visited Beijing Hualian in 2000 to help with the early consulting for the Chinese Retailer's innovation Center. Word is that it will be officially opened this summer. Here are some…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Some Knowledge is not Bulletizable

    Some Knowledge is not Bulletizable

    Another piece akin to Tufte's view of Powerpoint. My view of Powerpoint has softened over the years, but using it for everything can be mind-numbing.

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Life as a Healthcare CIO

    Life as a Healthcare CIO

    Mark Montgomery of Kyield recommends this post in the blog: Life as a Healthcare CIO.

    From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

    Interesting Links 27 April 2010

    Interesting Links 27 April 2010

    I twittered up quite a storm last week. Much of it was because of the US Imagine Cup which I was also blogging a lot about. I was also putting updates on the Microsoft Facebook account. The Imagine Cup was flat out busy but…

    From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

    Call for applications for 2010-11 Computing Innovation Fellows

    Call for applications for 2010-11 Computing Innovation Fellows

    The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) and the Computing Research Association (CRA), with anticipated funding from the National Science Foundation, are pleased to announce a new call for Computing Innovation Fellows (CIFellows)…

    From Putting People First

    Revelation reviewed

    Revelation reviewed

    Tim Macer of Research reviews Revelation, an online qualitative research environment for depth interviewing, discussions and ethnographic studies. “Online qualitative research does not need to be a pale imitation of conventional…

    From Schneier on Security

    Attack Against

    Attack Against

    This blog entry should serve as a model for open and transparent security self-reporting. I'm impressed.

    More news reports.

    From Putting People First

    Innovation study: food and digital connectivity

    Innovation study: food and digital connectivity

    Harnessing the rich detail, creativity, and individual relevance of personal narratives, and Latitude Research co-sponsored an innovation study to explore food information needs, information accessibility in decision…

    From My Biased Coin

    Last Day of Class!

    Last Day of Class!

    Sometimes, I think the students are so excited about the end of classes, they don't realize that it's almost equally exciting for the faculty.  While I enjoy teaching, by the end of the semester, I'm looking forward to the break…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    B2B Accepts Social Networking

    B2B Accepts Social Networking

    A fairly obvious conclusion based on just cursory observation online, In ECommerce Times: " ... B2B organizations have largely accepted online social media technologies as useful marketing tools, and they're working to adopt…

    From Schneier on Security

    New York Police Protect Obama from Bicycles

    New York Police Protect Obama from Bicycles

    They were afraid that they might contain pipe bombs.

    This is the correct reaction:

    In any case, I suspect someone somewhere just panicked at the possibility that something might explode near the President on his watch, since…

    From Computational Complexity

    Trading Money for Computation

    Since the beginning of complexity we talked about time complexity t(n) as a function of the input size. But it has been the inverse of this function that we really care about: We have a roughly fixed number t of computation steps…

    From Computer Science Teachers Association

    Creating Games is More than Programming

    Creating Games is More than Programming

    For me at least the academic year is about to end; my final exam is ten days away.

    And then I have to gear up full time for a June gaming institute for students and faculty from the humanities. This has been a somewhat different…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Boot Camp Digital

    Boot Camp Digital

    Lots of good things in the Boot Camp Digital Blog by Krista Neher. Including audience measurement, social media strategies, marketing your business on Facebook, social media tips and tricks and much more. You can get a freefrom…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    The Edge on The Ash Cloud

    The Edge on The Ash Cloud

    An Edge Special on how decision makers acted in response to the transportation crisis caused by the Icelandic ash cloud. A very good interpretation by a number of analysts. Implications for decision makers. In past years I…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Collective Pleasure

    Collective Pleasure

    The Engine Group posts on: Individual Choice Doesn't Take Away Collective Pleasure.