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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2010

From Putting People First

The interviews of l

The interviews of l

The bilingual (Fr/En) research journal CADI of the highly respected design school L’

From The Eponymous Pickle

Too Much Online Training?

Too Much Online Training?

This short piece questions the over-use of online training. I was involved with an analysis of face-to-face vs online methods and in-person was clearly better. Yes, it depends much on the quality of both, the difference in cost…

From Schneier on Security

ICPP Pre-Trial Settlement Scam

ICPP Pre-Trial Settlement Scam

Nasty scam, where the user is pressured into accepting a "pre-trial settlement" for copyright violations. The level of detail is impressive.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

US Imagine Cup Winners

US Imagine Cup Winners

Today after keynote presentations by James Cameron (who praised Microsoft Research for helping them create a digital asset management system that made Avatar possible), Craig Mundie, Microsoft Chief Research and Strategy Officer…

From Putting People First

Guidebook on climate communications and behavioral change

Guidebook on climate communications and behavioral change

To address global warming there must be a shift in thinking and behavior that motivates people and organizations to engage in emissions reductions and climate preparedness activities and support new policies. Mounting evidence…

From Putting People First

Eight interaction design and architecture videos

Eight interaction design and architecture videos

The disciplines of interaction design and architecture share a number of common traits

From Putting People First

Interactions Magazine

Interactions Magazine

The latest issue of Interactions Magazine is about the spread of design into new areas, write editor Jon Kolko: “The process of design is spreading into new areas of society and business, and as it does, our work gets more complicated…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of April 26

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of April 26

April 28


The House Science and Technology Committee will mark up a reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act. 10 a.m., 2318 Rayburn Building

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Findings on Blog Readership

New Findings on Blog Readership

There have been a number of reports that both blog reading and writing have decreased among younger age groups. Twitter and other social media largely being blamed. Some contradictory results reported.

From Schneier on Security

Punishing Security Breaches

Punishing Security Breaches

The editor of the Freakonomics blog asked me to write about this topic. The idea was that they would get several opinions, and publish them all. They spiked the story, but I already wrote my piece. So here it is.

In deciding…

From Computational Complexity

Google VS Experts VS readers VS Bing

If you want to find something out you can ask Google, ask an expert, or (if you have a blog) ask your readers. Google is the most common; however, there are times when asking an expert or your readers does better. In my last…

From Putting People First

How print dominates newspaper website design

How print dominates newspaper website design

In his presentation at this weekend’s Internional Symposium on Online Journalism, Nuno Vargas of the University of Barcelona (Spain) talked about how news and information is graphically presented online. His paper discusses whether…

From Apophenia

Harassment by Q&A: Initial Thoughts on

Harassment by Q&A: Initial Thoughts on

(This was written for the Digital Media and Learning Project.) Questions-and-answers have played a central role in digital bonding since the early days of Usenet.  Teenagers have consistently co-opted quizzes and surveys and…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Windows Phone 7 Rockstar Award

Windows Phone 7 Rockstar Award

If you have been reading my blog (or following on Twitter @AlfredTwo) you have been reading about the US Imagine Cup finals. Hopefully you have found some interesting things and maybe becoming interested in getting involved if…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stephen Hawking and Aliens

Stephen Hawking and Aliens

I saw the first few episodes of the Stephen Hawking Discovery Channel series on the Universe . One of the things he has received much publicity about is his advice not to talk to aliens. I have an academic background and still…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Religion and the Brain

Religion and the Brain

In Mind Hacks, a short description and links to new fmri study of religion and the brain. You may recall that Martin Lindstrom also included a set of studies based on his analyses of the biometrics of religious leaders in his…


What Security Advice Should We Give?

What Security Advice Should We Give?

Are people being rational when they ignore the security advice we give them?  If so, what advice should we give them that they would not ignore?

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Finalists for the US Imagine Cup 2010

Finalists for the US Imagine Cup 2010


From The Eponymous Pickle

Addressing Innovation and Productivity

Addressing Innovation and Productivity

I have mentioned KYield a number of times here. Here an overview of what they are about. I am on their advisory board.Semantic Solution for Challenges Facing Modern OrganizationsKyield is a semantic enterprise system designed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

TIBCO Spotfire 3.1

TIBCO Spotfire 3.1

I see that the new version of Spotfire has increased emphasis on predictive analytics.-

From Wild WebMink

? Grow Roots In Season

? Grow Roots In Season

XOOPS loss is the wider community's lesson.


Personal Factories

Personal Factories

Since several years ago, with the beginning of nanoscience, the idea having of micro factories, like household microwave ovens, is floating in the air.

From Putting People First

Dan Ariely on predicting the irrational

Dan Ariely on predicting the irrational

Tom H. C. Anderson, founder and managing partner of Anderson Analytics, discuss the book “Predictably Irrational” and the field of market research with behavioural economist Dan Ariely. Dan is also professor of Behavioral Economics…

From Putting People First

Brains, behaviour and design

Brains, behaviour and design

Over the past few decades, researchers have codified many of the patterns that describe why people behave irrationally. As researchers, how can we be on the lookout for these patterns of behavior when we go into the field? As…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Brands Grow: The Book

How Brands Grow: The Book

Correspondent Byron Sharp. Professor at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University of South Australia, has a new book out: How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don't Know. Here is the book's web site. I have mentioned the Ehrenberg…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ham Radio Still Growing

Ham Radio Still Growing

To my surprise, in Slashdot, report on the growth of Ham radio. It doesn't require connectivity and in disasters, providing there is a power source, will still work.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Full Day One for US Imagine Cup Finals

Full Day One for US Imagine Cup Finals

At 8AM this morning, judging for the US Imagine Cup finals began. Ten software design and ten game design teams each had 50 minutes to

From Wild WebMink

? Saturday Hybrids

? Saturday Hybrids

Listen to excellent dance-trance dub with us this weekend.

From Putting People First

Toward a read/write urbanism

Toward a read/write urbanism

What might we gain, asks Adam Greenfield, if we begin to conceive of cities, for some limited purposes anyway, as software under active development? What if we imagined that the citizen-responsiveness system we

From Putting People First

The imitation economy

The imitation economy

Innovation is overrated, writes Drake Bennett in the Boston Globe. It’s time to appreciate the power of the copycat. “Invaluable though innovation may be, our relentless focus on it may be obscuring the value of its much-maligned…