The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Interesting, this point of view from the Samsung Economic Research Institute: “As demand for CRT display devices winds down and the penetration rates of TVs and PCs in advanced markets rises, the rise in demand for display devices…
Researchers at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Spain have studied how older people interact and use email in their daily life. The study, conducted by Sergio Sayago, was carried out in social centres in Barcelona and will…
The Economist explores the topic of consumer research in emerging markets: “Emerging markets are far more varied and volatile than mature ones. There is little money around: the average income per person in China is around $3…
A few days back I posted about the US Library of Congress saving all Tweets. I just came upon a book: This Book is Overdue ... by Marilyn Johnson. Which covers lots of related issues. She reminded me of the loss of the content…
An interesting example of Lego using extended packaging to excite potential buyers, partnering with Metaio, see also, related work with Adidas. 'LEGO Group Brings its Augmented Reality Boxes to All Its Stores Worldwide After…
There's been discussions of late on the possibility of offering our intro CS class in two flavors -- a "graded" and "SAT/UNSAT" version. (Same class, just two different grading options formalized into two course numbers.)I was…
Herman Wouk on God as a mathematician. Is it, as Wouk suggests: The Language God Talks ... "? . More on writer Herman Wouk.-
In Harvard Business: The Secret Sauce of Low Cost Winners. " ... it is a culture that is "proud to be cheap" in good times and bad. Their people cut erasers in half, turn off the lights when they leave the building, bring…
A friend of mine at Quora invited me into their private beta a couple of weeks ago, and by now I suspect that many of you are using it–especially since I’ve somehow managed to be the top hit for [quora invite]. Speaking of which…
Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, the current Director of NSA, has been nominated to head the US Cyber Command. Last week Alexander appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee to answer questions.
The Chairman of the Armed …April 21
The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on cybercrime and identity theft. This was previously scheduled for April 8. 10 a.m., 226 Dirksen Building
The Communications, Technology and the Internet…Tennessee is talking! Well, at least in a very small corner of Tennessee, Chattanooga to be precise, the community of Computer Science Educators is beginning to grow.
After the summer leadership cohort workshop in Chicago…I'm happy to introduce Justin Thaler, a first-year graduate student at Harvard that I'm advising. You can find out more about Justin at his home page. Justin volunteered to write a post about a paper we (Cormode, Mitzenmacher…
Peter Morville (pictured) and Jeffery Callender, who recently released the book
The following is from an Ask Marilyn Column. I paraphrase this since its from memory.
READER'S LETTER: I have heard of exams where you are penalized for guessing. How do they know you are guessing?
ANSWER: These are multiple…Interlocking Rings – Set of 2 I can think of a Lego fan who would love these. I wonder how long the trademark and patent threats that take these off the market will take to come? (tags: Lego Jewelery Rings art design)
Planes…Friday morning this week I head to Washington DC for the 2010 US Imagine Cup Finals. You can come by the US Imagine Cup Community Showcase on April 26, 2010 from (AM until 2Pm at the Newseum, Washington, DC. Register HERE: www…
In 2006, writing about future threats on privacy, I described a life recorder:
A "life recorder" you can wear on your lapel that constantly records is still a few generations off: 200 gigabytes/year for audio and 700 gigabytes…On the Data Singularityby Michael E. Driscoll "... In a nutshell, the Data Singularity is this: humans are being spliced out of the data-driven processes around us, and frequently we aren
The ever interesting Will Richardson got me thinking again today. He talks about how to credentialize learning in a post titled An Open Mind (In Higher Ed at Least) from open course ware such as the MIT OpenCourseWare project…
Newly discovered company. Note the emphasis on letting experts discover hidden patterns. That's useful, but I think it better to let experts and less-than-expert people with new ideas also work with the data. Not crowd sourcing…
Economist article on the superabundance of data. The value and the complexity it produces. New techniques, hardware and pushing the manipulation of this data down from the high end analysts to the end users is crucial.
From the CACM:Recipe for Efficiency: Principles of Power-Aware ComputingPrior work on power management reflects recurring themes that can be leveraged to make future systems more energy efficient ... "
In the whimsical four block world: Computers getting cheaper an better.-
ACTA opens up at last; password changes pointless; crowdsourcing is not open source; and more.
Scott Golder recently wrote blog post at Cloudera entitled “Scaling Social Science with Hadoop” where he accounts for “how social scientists are using large scale computation.” He begins with a delightful quote from George Homans…
This is the text for some brief remarks I made about open architecture democracy at the beginning of a panel on the subject, moderated by Tad Homer-Dixon, and with co-panelists Hassan Masum and Mark Tovey. One day…
An excellent paper by Lawrence Lessig leads to the question why we are criminalizing the next generation in protection of the past.
A recent experience brought to us by a school within our local CSTA chapter drives home some of the unusual difficulties we have in developing Computer Science programs in our high schools.
It seems that seventeen students chose…A recent experience brought to us by a school within our local CSTA chapter drives home some of the unusual difficulties we have in developing Computer Science programs in our high schools.
It seems that seventeen students chose…