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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2010

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Google Map Maker Locations

More Google Map Maker Locations

I was reminded of Google Map Maker by this post. A means for users to share more about their part of the world. It appears to continue to prosper, with many new countries added. They now have 160 edited regions. Worth a look…

From Putting People First

Putting People First content partner of Appliance Design

Putting People First content partner of Appliance Design

Putting People First has become a content partner of Appliance Design, the site of the US-based magazine of the same name that caters to designers and engineers in the global, commercial and medical appliance/durable goods industry…

From Schneier on Security

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Againt SSL

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Againt SSL

Says Matt Blaze:

A decade ago, I observed that commercial certificate authorities protect you from anyone from whom they are unwilling to take money. That turns out to be wrong; they don't even do that much.
Scary research

From Putting People First

Mobile app developers tackle Africa

Mobile app developers tackle Africa

Mobile app developers are sprouting in Africa to help tackle that continent’s problems. Many create applications that can be used with phone text messages. The African technologists say local knowledge is key to their successes…

From Computational Complexity

Deriving sum of squares: How much to cheat?

In discrete math (or other courses) we teach AND DERIVE the formula for 1+2+3+...+n. We then look at the sum 12+22+...+n2. Here there are some options.

State the formula and prove it by induction. PRO: This is a good example…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of April 12

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of April 12

April 15


The Communications, Technology and the Internet subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on the national broadband plan. 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn Building

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

What I

What I

I’m currently a tenured professor with research grants and graduate students.

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-04-12

links for 2010-04-12

The Wellington Declaration – PublicACTA I signed the Wellington Declaration on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement and I think you shoulkd consider doing so too. Sign today and you can be included in the copy presented to…

From Schneier on Security

Makeup to Fool Face Recognition Software

Makeup to Fool Face Recognition Software

An NYU student has been reverse-engineering facial recognition algorithms to devise makeup patterns to confuse face recognition software.


Encouraging Girls to Study Geeky Subjects (part 2): Programmable Bracelets

Encouraging Girls to Study Geeky Subjects (part 2): Programmable Bracelets

Some thoughts about novel ways to attract girls to study computing: e-textiles and computational crafts.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 12 April 2010

Interesting Links 12 April 2010

What does this say?

01000010 01100001 01110010 01100010 01101001 01100101

It says

From Wild WebMink

? Geeks Vote Too

? Geeks Vote Too

Get the "Geeks Vote Too" logo to use freely and widely.

From The Eponymous Pickle

One Million PayPal App Downloads

One Million PayPal App Downloads

Evan Schuman, of StorefrontBackTalk, overviews the PayPal IPhone App, now with over one million downloads. -

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cycles of Data Impoverishment

Cycles of Data Impoverishment

From well know visualization methods expert Stephen Few, the problem of data impoverishment, see his examples: ' ... It is not difficult to present data in clear, accurate, and meaningful ways. The skills that are required to…

From Wild WebMink

Comment ratings enabled

Comment ratings enabled

From Putting People First

Interactions Magazine

Interactions Magazine

The latest issue of Interactions Magazine is about a new intellectualism of design, write co-editors Richard Anderson and Jon Kolko: one that embraces discourse, dialogue, systems thinking, and the larger role of designers in…

From Putting People First

Debunking the myths of online usability testing

Debunking the myths of online usability testing

Bill Albert, director of the Design and Usability Center at Bentley University, highlights five common myths related to online (unmoderated) usability testing, and explaining why he thinks these myths are not true. “The motivation…

From Putting People First



In a three-part article series, Dina Mehta, founder and managing director of Mosoci India, argues that durability is losing its power as a consumer driver in some product categories in India. Somehow this is sad news. “For the…

From Putting People First

Your life in 2020

Your life in 2020

Forbes Magazine, in collaboration with Frog Design, has been looking at what the future in 2020 might look like in a range of areas: computer, choice, classroom, commute, home, job, diet, health and reputation. Some articles…

From Putting People First

Designing navigation systems for developing communities

Designing navigation systems for developing communities

How do people in developing communities give and take directions? The people from Raaya Design report. “During some research in these communities in India and Peru we gathered some interesting insights around how people give…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alice, 3D and Seeking True Virtual Experiences

Alice, 3D and Seeking True Virtual Experiences

I recently saw Burton's Alice in IMax 3D, and have long loved the story itself. I was struck though my the limitation of the 3D experience. It provided some layers of depth, but not much better than those in the Vincent Price…

From Putting People First

Toolkit for influencing behaviour through design

Toolkit for influencing behaviour through design

UK researcher Dan Lockton announces that his new Design with Intent toolkit is ready: Officially titled Design with Intent: 101 Patterns for Influencing Behaviour Through Design, it

From Putting People First

The triumph of the ordinary cellphone

The triumph of the ordinary cellphone

What if, globally speaking, the iPad is not the next big thing? What if the next big thing is small, cheap and not American? A good reflection by Anand Giridharadas in the New York Times. “Forgotten in the American tumult is…

From Wild WebMink

? Happy Birthday Copyright

? Happy Birthday Copyright

On the 300th anniversary of copyright law, it's time for reform

From My Biased Coin

Crimson Article on Women in Computer Science

Crimson Article on Women in Computer Science

From a few days ago: Computer Science at Harvard Sees Large Gender ImbalanceIt's listed as a news article, although I don't think this is news.  It is something we are trying to figure out, and do better:


Internet Information Freedom Revisited.

Internet Information Freedom Revisited.

Many countries have started to control access to information on Internet for their citizens, most famous case being China, but Latin America does not escape this situation.

From The Eponymous Pickle



I see that Nicholas Carr has been running something called Luddite Week on his blog, with lots of little historical snippets, cautions and minutiae. Just now reading it. The last article discusses some articles by Pynchon and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Can EEG Activity be Analyzed in Real Time?

Can EEG Activity be Analyzed in Real Time?

A Neuromarketing discussion started by Ron Wright Of Sands Research in Linkedin (You may need to join this discussion group to chime in).-

From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSTA Membership Survey Raffle Winners

CSTA Membership Survey Raffle Winners

Two CSTA members who completed the 2009-10 Membership Satisfaction Survey have been selected as the winners of our member survey raffle.

Deboarah Gilliam of Alma J. Brown school in Grambling, LA and Elaine Adams of Hollidaysburg…

From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2010: An Update

HCIR 2010: An Update

I hope a number of you are planning to participate in the HCIR 2010 workshop! Here is a quick update:

Program Committee chair Rob Capra has assembled a program committee that includes Susan Dumais, Gary Marchionini, and many…

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