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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2012

From The Eponymous Pickle

Coca Cola Research on Social Media Users

Coca Cola Research on Social Media Users

A report in Progressive Grocer on Coca Cola's analysis of social media users.   " ... A report from the Coca-Cola Retailing Research Council divides social media users into the categories of bonders, sharers, professionals and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Visual Culture Taking Over

Visual Culture Taking Over

In Adage:  On the increase of image based culture.  Pinterest and the increase image tweets are just a few examples.  Easier to scan, yes.  A thousand words?  But also a dumbing down of interaction?

From Computational Complexity

We Think Like Our Fields

Have lunch with economists and they'll talk about the decision making processes and equilibriums of everything from politics to sports. Computer scientists worry about the misuse of information. Systems people create policies…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Our colleagues over at

From Schneier on Security

Computer Forensics: An Example

Computer Forensics: An Example

Paul Ceglia's lawsuit against Facebook is fascinating, but that's not the point of this blog post. As part of the case, there are allegations that documents and e-mails have been electronically forged. I found this story about…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

DigiGirlz Cambridge MA

DigiGirlz Cambridge MA

Last Friday Microsoft NERD (New England Research and Development Center) was pleased to host DigiGirlz Day for close to 300 high school girls from around Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

About DigiGirlz Day

From Putting People First

Mayo Clinic on empathy and design

Mayo Clinic on empathy and design

James Oliver Senior and Adam Dole, resp. designer and business planner at Mayo Clinic, argue that health-related apps often fail to take into account any understanding of medicine. “At Mayo Clinic, we work on inter-disciplinary…

From Putting People First

Service design talk by Anna Meroni in Sweden

Service design talk by Anna Meroni in Sweden

Anna Meroni, PhD, is a scholar and professor in Service and Strategic Design at Politecnico di Milano. She works on design activism, social innovation and sustainability, with a specific focus on food and housing systems. In…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chronicle of Philanthropy

Chronicle of Philanthropy

A visualization of philanthropic stories.   A gallery of stories about why people should give using infographics

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Defining the "Not Enough People" Problem Differently

Defining the "Not Enough People" Problem Differently

Recently, Solving the Pipeline Problem: How to Get More Women in Tech and Facebook message: Girls, too, can do computers are two examples of hand-wringing over how few women go into computer science. There's no doubt there's …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Books and Websites

Books and Websites

Books should be as easy to produce as websites.   In O'Reilly Radar.   On publishing platforms.     " ... There are countless author and book production platforms to choose from these days. So why would you want to use a new

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White House, Labor Dept. Announce Summer Jobs+ Code Sprint

White House, Labor Dept. Announce Summer Jobs+ Code Sprint

Calling all developers! Late this afternoon, the White House and Department of Labor announced the Summer Jobs+ Code Sprint,

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Offers Recommendations On Data Privacy Codes of Conduct

USACM Offers Recommendations On Data Privacy Codes of Conduct

Part of the Obama Administration’s proposed online privacy initiative involves consumer data privacy codes of conduct. These codes would be developed through a multi-stakeholder process, and the National Telecommunications and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Visualization Landscape

Data Visualization Landscape

Short thoughtful piece in Forbes on the landscape of data visualization.    Note the mention of storytelling.

From The Eponymous Pickle

So What is Best Price?

So What is Best Price?

What is the right price?    It is always a tough question in retail.  Prices map to profits, and also strongly influence how consumers regard the retailer, both about a particular product and about the retailer in general.   …

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Weight of Data

On the Weight of Data

Jim Harris writes about the weight of data.    Thoughtful metaphor to use with management.  " ... weight is a gravitational force acting on data, and perhaps a way to represent subjective data quality.  Since most data can not…


­Using 'Averages' While Thinking About Social Behavior? That's Probably Wrong!

­Using 'Averages' While Thinking About Social Behavior? That's Probably Wrong!

Using "averages" as a metric while thinking about Social Systems is probably wrong.

From Schneier on Security

Buying Exploits on the Grey Market

Buying Exploits on the Grey Market

This article talks about legitimate companies buying zero-day exploits, including the fact that "an undisclosed U.S. government contractor recently paid $250,000 for an iOS exploit."

The price goes up if the hack is exclusive…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Towards Smarter Cities and Homes

Towards Smarter Cities and Homes

This week’s Science

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 2 April 2012

Interesting Links 2 April 2012

I spent part of last week Getting Ready For Windows 8. Sad to admit but it took me until last week to install the Windows 8 Consumer Preview over the developer preview I had been running.  But I did. And I also installed Visual…

From Writing

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Scala, Day 3

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Scala, Day 3

After some functional programming on day two, it's time for the third and final day of Scala in Seven Languages in Seven Weeks.Scala, Day 3: Thoughts After two lengthy chapters on the object oriented and functional programming…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Blending in Tableau

Data Blending in Tableau

An academic perspective about data blending.  Aimed at the non-expert in the use of data and modeling.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Psych of Casino Design in Retail

Psych of Casino Design in Retail

A while back we examined some of the work that had been done designing casino spaces for maximum efficiency and return.  We were attempting to see how these same ideas could be used more generally in simulating and designingIn…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

An article

From Wild WebMink

April Cherry Blossom

April Cherry Blossom

April Cherry Blossom, originally uploaded by webmink.

From Computational Complexity

Trick question or Stupid question?

April fool days Blogs or Columns may

present an open problem as closed,

present a closed problems as open,

make us wonder if it's a joke or not, (Lance STILL isn't telling!), or

make us question some well held…

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