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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2014

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Dropbox for the Internet of Things.

A Dropbox for the Internet of Things.

In Technology Review:     Simple idea, easy to play with.  " ... With the advent of the Internet of things, potentially billions of devices will report data about themselves, making it possible to create new applications in areas…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 21 April 2014

Interesting Links 21 April 2014

I may be getting some spring fever. Next week is our school’s April vacation but mild days and a sunny sky have me wishing I had a bit more time to enjoy the day now.

For this week’s links I start up with dueling posts. That…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Baseball Scheduling

Baseball Scheduling

Scheduling complex sports events, with many restrictions and preferences, is a known difficult problem to automate.  New work at Johns Hopkins addresses the problem.  " ... A team of Johns Hopkins University researchers has developed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Data Analytics Handbook

Free Data Analytics Handbook

Looked at in Machine Learning Mastery.  " ... What is the difference between a Data Analyst and a Data Scientist and what type of work do they do all day?These questions and questions like them are answered in the new free ebook…

From Schneier on Security

Info on Russian Bulk Surveillance

Info on Russian Bulk Surveillance

Good information: Russian law gives Russia’s security service, the FSB, the authority to use SORM (“System for Operative Investigative Activities”) to collect, analyze and store all data that transmitted or received on Russian…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Simulated Design in Fashion

Simulated Design in Fashion

In DW:  Reminds me of similar methods, in completely different domains, like packaging design, which we experimented with for years.    " .. .Soft wear: computer simulated design is tailoring the future fashion industry ....Includes…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Different Goals for Information Visualizaton

On Different Goals for Information Visualizaton

Just brought to my attention.  Excellent paper.   Different goals and different looks for information visualization and statistical graphics.  By Andrew Gelman and Antony Unwin.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Luxottica to Make Google Frames

Luxottica to Make Google Frames

From a local company many of us have worked with." ... Google is hoping to make its Internet-connected eyewear more stylish as part of a partnership with the parent company of Mason-based Lenscrafters stores.The alliance with…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

In Praise Of P=NP Proofs

Why they can be important Advertising source Joe Bloggs is not a computer scientist, at least not one that we know. As noted by Wikipedia, Joe Bloggs is a “placeholder name” like “John Doe” or “Jane Roe” in the US, or “Ashok…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Robotics and AI

Social Robotics and AI

What are the implications for improving AI?   In an internet of things and people ... with things getting more intelligent and being able to take the initiative more often, what will the rules of interaction be?  Examined this…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Mess in Communications Among an Internet of Things

A Mess in Communications Among an Internet of Things

In CWorld:   Of interest, in particular standards are key to making this approach work.   Lack of interoperability, in particular in home automation, are key problems.  On the commercial side see my posts on background and status…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Twitter Classifications

Twitter Classifications

As part of a recent project about twitter feed relevancy. I found this short mention of content classification of Tweets in the wikipedia.    See the link for further references:"Content ClassificationSan Antonio-based market…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Infographic on Workplaces of the Future

Infographic on Workplaces of the Future

Yes, there are useful numbers in this graphic.  The topic is very interesting. And has a pointer to the origin of the sources.  But I count only 8 readily usable numbers from the several page document.   Its's bloat, and I cannot…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Speedier Checkouts

Speedier Checkouts

Always a big labor and satisfaction consideration for physical retail:Kroger takes retail technology of the year:" ... While the bigger retail technology buzz last year went to data tracking devices, augmented reality and drones…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualization of Telecommuting Data

Visualization of Telecommuting Data

A good data visualization of information about US telecommuting, with a strong ability to interact with the data.  In the Tableau Public site.  Much better than an infographic in display and adaptability for further study.  Answering…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Jigging

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Jigging

Good news from Malaysia: The Terengganu International Squid Jigging Festival (TISJF) will be continued and become an annual event as one of the state's main tourism products, said Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Said. He said…

From Schneier on Security

Metaphors of Surveillance

Metaphors of Surveillance

There's a new study looking at the metaphors we use to describe surveillance. Over 62 days between December and February, we combed through 133 articles by 105 different authors and over 60 news outlets. We found that 91 percent…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shoppers Want More Value

Shoppers Want More Value

Pretty obvious stuff.  Shoppers want an exchange of value.  The specific statistics are of interest.Grocery shoppers want more from mobile apps, survey finds  ... About two-thirds of grocery shoppers who own smartphones have…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Giving Up Your Right to Sue

Giving Up Your Right to Sue

In the press recently.  Users apparently giving up their right to sue via user agreements. Unclear how binding this is legally,  and the broader implications, but the I would be surprised if the bad PR does not cause General…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

A New Phenomenon Cropping Up

A New Phenomenon Cropping Up

A new phenomenon cropping up certainly among college age students that is trickling down to the K12 arena is the concept of a hackathon. Often the events take place over 24-48 hours and are sponsored by a college or university…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Hackathons as Possible Student Motivators

Hackathons as Possible Student Motivators

A new phenomenon cropping up certainly among college age students that is trickling down to the K12 arena is the concept of a hackathon. Often the events take place over 24-48 hours and are sponsored by a college or university…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Individual Data for Health

Individual Data for Health

In the CACM:   Not a new idea, but more value as we leverage analytics against bigger data.  Even for our own N=1." ... Consider a new kind of cloud-based app that would create a picture of your health over time by continuously…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mission Critical Lesson from P&G

Mission Critical Lesson from P&G

Edward Burghard comments on the A.G. Lafley speech to the Association of National Advertisers 10-15-2000.    Had not seen this, quite good.  A Mission Critical Lesson From P&G.  On What The Economic Development Profession Can…

From Computational Complexity


Time for a short rundown of announcements.

  • STOC will be held May 31-June 3 in New York City. Early registration and hotel deadline is April 30. Student travel support requests due by this Monday.
  • The newly renamed ACM Conference…

    From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

    CCC Council Member Mark Hill featured in NSF video

    CCC Council Member Mark Hill featured in NSF video

    Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council Member Mark Hill was featured by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in their “Discoveries“.  Hill’s work on the efficiencies in computer architecture is described in the article…

    From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

    Dumais Athena Lecturer Award

    Dumais Athena Lecturer Award


    Microsoft Research’s Dumais Changed the Way People Search for Information

    NEW YORK, April 8, 2014 – ACM-W (The Association for Computing Machinery’s Council on Women…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Resource Revolution

    Resource Revolution

     In McKinsey:   Good overview of the challenge.  The emergence of a resource revolution to feed the technological changes created by innovation.  Lots of needs, and new allocations will be required.  " ... The resource revolution…

    From The Eponymous Pickle

    Where will the Knowledge come From?

    Where will the Knowledge come From?

    Recent conversations have brought this to mind.  People resource definitions in particular have become specialized and necessary.  Companies are ready to pay, but also need to fit them into still tight budgets.  The knowledge…

    From Schneier on Security

    Reverse Heartbleed

    Reverse Heartbleed

    Heartbleed can affect clients as well as servers....

    From Schneier on Security

    Overreacting to Risk

    Overreacting to Risk

    This is a crazy overreaction: A 19-year-old man was caught on camera urinating in a reservoir that holds Portland's drinking water Wednesday, according to city officials. Now the city must drain 38 million gallons of water from…