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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2015

From insideHPC

Video: Current Status of ZFS as Backend File System for Lustre

Video: Current Status of ZFS as Backend File System for Lustre

"Intel supports users, system integrators, and OEMs using ZFS with Intel Lustre. In this presentation, we summarize the results of proof-of-concept (PoC) on a variety of the ZFS configurations. We cover sequential and metadata…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How To Tell Your 1:1 Program is Going to Fail

How To Tell Your 1:1 Program is Going to Fail

I saw this question on Facebook.

My schools going to all iPad next year for the students. Can we do the coding that we need to for AP Computer Science on an iPad?

My first reaction, and second reaction, and third reaction was…

From The Eponymous Pickle

EU Strategy for Tech Market

EU Strategy for Tech Market

In FastCompany:Europe unveils strategy to finally compete with US Tech Titans ....  The EU's proposed "Unified Digital Marketplace"  Would Revise Laws that Discourage Cross-Border Trade and Access to Services like Netflix ...…


CHI Day 3

CHI Day 3

Disclaimer: CHI is a multiple track conference, with a dozen of parallel sessions, so the truth is: I’ve never felt a bigger desire for ubiquity (the great thing is that this year things are being recorded and will be on ……

From The Eponymous Pickle

Benford's Law for Twitter Data

Benford's Law for Twitter Data

Nicely done Tech Review piece on Benford's Law, a practical piece of pattern recognition knowledge every analyst should know.  It is used in fraud and risk analysis.  It finds strangeness in certain kinds of patterns.   Learned…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Largest Largest IT Investor

Wal-Mart Largest Largest IT Investor

In the world?  Surprising claim, that I find hard to believe.   Still there is a lot there:" ... Walmart topped IDC's "The Big Guns: IDC's Worldwide Top 10 IT Spenders" report beating out heavy hitters like Citigroup, AT&T and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Update: Polinode Visualizes Organizations

Update: Polinode Visualizes Organizations

Continue to follow Polinode as a means to model and analyze organizations.  The Australian company has added some new features that are of interest.  This is a survey based system that allows you to construct a visual graph model…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Knowing what Part of your Knowledge and Data Matters

Knowing what Part of your Knowledge and Data Matters

K&W:   Talk and transcript.   And you can add to this, data as an asset, both structured and unstructured.   Data can be turned into applicable knowledge with analytics, which nicely combines all of these concerns and measurements…

From insideHPC

Asetek Lands Largest Order Yet for RackCDU with Fujitsu

Asetek Lands Largest Order Yet for RackCDU with Fujitsu

Asetek has announced its first production order for its RackCDU Direct-to-Chip data center liquid cooling system under the previously announced OEM purchase agreement with Fujitsu.

The post Asetek Lands Largest Order Yet for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Resist False Big Data Promises

Resist False Big Data Promises

In Forbes via McCain:    Good points to consider before diving in.  In particular I emphasize asking how do the possibilities connect to real business decisions?  Have seen many projects started that do not first examine this…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Research Committee Survey Information

Research Committee Survey Information

The Research Committee does just what the name implies – research surrounding computer science education in K-12 setting.  The research is often in conjunction with other organizations, such as Oracle that led to the recent CSTA…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Engaging Undergraduates in Research:  Upcoming Workshops at ICRA and FCRC

Engaging Undergraduates in Research:  Upcoming Workshops at ICRA and FCRC

The following is a guest blog post by Ran Libeskind-Hadas, R. Michael Shanahan Professor and Computer Science Department Chair at Harvey Mudd College, Susanne Hambrusch, Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University, and…

From insideHPC

Intel’s Diane Bryant on Bringing Diversity to the Tech Sector

Intel’s Diane Bryant on Bringing Diversity to the Tech Sector

How does a woman break through the glass ceiling? In this video from the Re/Code Conference, Intel's Diane Bryant discusses the pathway to diversity in the tech sector.

The post Intel’s Diane Bryant on Bringing Diversity to the…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Case Against Cases

How to avoid too many cases at least some of the time Theon of Alexandria was history’s main editor of Euclid’s Elements. Today I want to talk about case analysis proofs. The connection is that Euclid is sometimes credited with…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

#CSK8 has been nominated for a Bammy Award in Education

#CSK8 has been nominated for a Bammy Award in Education

#CSK8 is the Twitter chat community and online discussion that is being run by the CSTA K8 task force. In a short period of time it has built a large community of educators helping each other with ideas and support for teaching…

From insideHPC

Video: Lustre Network (LNET) Router Configuration and Tuning

Video: Lustre Network (LNET) Router Configuration and Tuning

"n this session, Seagate covers configuration guidelines and tuning of LNET Routing from InfiniBand to Ethernet using Lustre 2.1 through 2.6 server/clients as well demonstrating performance results by means of a synthetic benchmark…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning to Love Your Robot Colleagues

Learning to Love Your Robot Colleagues

In the WSJ:    A historic view about how workers dealt with classic factory robots.  But this goes beyond history and robotics.  With the emergence of new, smarter, more autonomous AI systems, more workers will have to deal with…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Knowledge Based Trust

Knowledge Based Trust

Some of Google's work on knowledge-based trust is reviewed.  But it is still unclear what this is.  Are we trusting Google to determine truth?  You could say they have been doing that for a long time with search algorithms.  Is…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ineffectiveness of Time Management Training

Ineffectiveness of Time Management Training

In the HBR:   " ... The problem’s not just that we’re getting distracted from work; it’s that we’re getting distracted from important work by other work. How many times have you sat down to do more thoughtful, in-depth tasks,…

From Computational Complexity

The New Oracle Result! The new circuit result! which do you care about?

You have likely heard of the new result by Ben Roco, and Li-Yang on random oracles (see here for preprint) from either Lance or Scott or some other source: Lance's headline was PH infinite under random oracle Scott's headline…

From Schneier on Security

"Hinky" in Action

"Hinky" in Action

In Beyond Fear I wrote about trained officials recognizing "hinky" and how it differs from profiling: Ressam had to clear customs before boarding the ferry. He had fake ID, in the name of Benni Antoine Noris, and the computer…

From insideHPC

NERSC to Install Cori Phase 1 Supercomputer this Summer

NERSC to Install Cori Phase 1 Supercomputer this Summer

Today NERSC announced that their Cori Phase 1 system will be the first supercomputer installed in the new Computational Research and Theory Facility, which is now in the final stages of construction at LBNL. Expected to be delivered…

From insideHPC

Introduction to the Lustre File System

Introduction to the Lustre File System

Although there are a number of truly huge implementations of Lustre today, the community is still far from reaching the maximum configurations that the Lustre architecture is designed for. Inside the Lustre File System describes…

From insideHPC

RCE Podcast Looks at SaltStack Scalable System Configuration Manager

RCE Podcast Looks at SaltStack Scalable System Configuration Manager

In this RCE Podcast, Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Mike Place about SaltStack, a fast and scalable systems and configuration management software for predictive orchestration, cloud and data center automation, server…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing Challenge Winners Examine Nanotech for Fighting Cancer

Supercomputing Challenge Winners Examine Nanotech for Fighting Cancer

This week LANL announced that high school students Meghan Hill and Katelynn James took the top prize in the 25th New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge. Their research project, “Using Concentrated Heat Systems to Shock the P53 Protein…

From insideHPC

TACC’s “Wrangler” Uses DSSD Technology for Data-Intensive Computing

TACC’s “Wrangler” Uses DSSD Technology for Data-Intensive Computing

Today the Texas Advanced Computing Center announced that the Wrangler data analysis and management supercomputing system is now in early operations for the open science community. Supported by a grant from the NSF, Wrangler uses…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Field Report from LUG2014

Radio Free HPC Field Report from LUG2014

In this podcast, Rich Brueckner reports back from the LUG 2015 Lustre User Group Meeting. With something like 188 attendees this year, LUG reflects a user community that has come together to foster the world’s fastest parallel…


CHI Day 2

CHI Day 2

The second day of CHI started off quite happily for me as I was presenting my new work on Proprioceptive Interaction (sorry for shameful link!) at the muscle-interfaces session which was very interesting. In this session researchers…


CHI day 1

CHI day 1

The first day of CHI started with a great opening plenary by Lou Yongqi (check keynotes here and yes, check out WHO is the closing plenary!), which came forward and highlighted the importance of Sustainability in research! Followed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More HoloLens Intro

More HoloLens Intro

More on Microsoft HoloLens.  Impressive examples shown.  You can sign up for alerts.  Currently examining business and personal applications.  When will this come into common use?  What other advances, image recognition for example…

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