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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2016

From insideHPC

NNSA Unleashes Advanced Computing Capabilities to Serve Researchers at Three National Labs

NNSA Unleashes Advanced Computing Capabilities to Serve Researchers at Three National Labs

NNSA's next-generation Penguin Computing clusters based on Intel SSF are bolstering “capacity” computing capability at the Tri Labs. "With CTS1 installed in April, the NNSA scientists can continue their stewardship research and…

From insideHPC

INCITE Seeking Proposals to Advance Science with Leadership Computing

INCITE Seeking Proposals to Advance Science with Leadership Computing

The DoE INCITE program is now accepting proposals for high-impact, computationally intensive research campaigns in a broad array of science, engineering and computer science domains.

The post INCITE Seeking Proposals to Advance…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking Elections in Latin America

Hacking Elections in Latin America

Long and interesting article about a fixer who hacked multiple elections in Latin America. This isn't election hacking as in manipulate the voting machines or the vote counting, but hacking and social-media dirty tricks leading…

From insideHPC

Creating the Largest Map of the Universe with the New AMD FirePro S9300 x2 Server GPU

Creating the Largest Map of the Universe with the New AMD FirePro S9300 x2 Server GPU

Researchers at the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) will harness AMD FirePro S9300 x2 Server GPUs to analyze extraordinary amounts of data to help create a new, very detailed 3D map of the largest volume…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Quantum Computing Discovery

New Quantum Computing Discovery

The search continues.This New Discovery Could Put Quantum Computers Within Closer ReachResearchers at Florida State University's National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) have found a way to dampen quantum bits' (qubits)…

From insideHPC

Exxact to Showcase HPC Hardware at the GPU Technology Conference

Exxact to Showcase HPC Hardware at the GPU Technology Conference

Today Exxact Corporation, a leading provider of high performance computing solutions and professional workstation graphics, announced that the company will showcase its latest developments at the GPU Technology Conference April…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Encouraging Innovation

Encouraging Innovation

Broadly, make it happen in a number of ways.  Here in Innovation Excellence, music is used as a metaphor.

From Computational Complexity

The Machine Learning Turk

Google's AlphaGo took the world by storm when it won its match with Lee Sedol but Demis Hassabis now acknowledges the dark truth. Google wanted to promote its cloud computing division as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure have quite…

From Putting People First

Five cognitive biases to avoid in user research

Five cognitive biases to avoid in user research

Fabio Pereira of Australia’s Digital Transformation Office (DTO) explains why we need to be aware of our own biases and how they can affect user research (or “Discovery” as DTO’s Lisa Reichelt calls this initial stage). As human…

From Putting People First

Should financial advisors nudge their clients?

Should financial advisors nudge their clients?

Should advisors nudge clients to make prudent saving and spending decisions, asks Morey Stettner in Investor’s Business Daily. Or should they step aside after educating clients and laying out the options? Some economists argue…

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