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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2016

From insideHPC

RCE Podcast Looks at the Impala Project

RCE Podcast Looks at the Impala Project

In this RCE Podcast, Marcel Kornacker from Cloudera describes the Impala project. Impala brings scalable parallel database technology to Hadoop, enabling users to issue low-latency SQL queries to data stored in HDFS and Apache…

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: New York Scientific Data Summit

Call for Papers: New York Scientific Data Summit

The New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place August 14-17 in New York City.

The post Call for Papers: New York Scientific Data Summit appeared first on insideHPC.

From insideHPC

WOS Object Storage Increases Momentum at DDN

WOS Object Storage Increases Momentum at DDN

Today DDN announced a year of unprecedented growth in the usage of its advanced WOS object storage platform. In less than a year, use of the company’s object storage solutions have grown by more than 150 percent to 500+ billion…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

No more leaks with sanitize flags in gcc and clang

No more leaks with sanitize flags in gcc and clang

If you are programming in C and C++, you are probably wasting at least some of your time hunting down memory problems. Maybe you allocated memory and forgot to free it later. A whole industry of tools has been built to help us…

From insideHPC

Video: AMD ROC – Radeon Open Compute Platform

Video: AMD ROC – Radeon Open Compute Platform

Gregory Stoner from AMD presented this talk at the HPC User Forum. "With the announcement of the Boltzmann Initiative and the recent releases of ROCK and ROCR, AMD has ushered in a new era of Heterogeneous Computing. The Boltzmann…

From Blog@Ubiquity

An Evolutionary Singularity

An Evolutionary Singularity

The drumbeats of the singularity advocates is getting louder with the constant refrain that humanity is doomed at the hands of machine intelligence. Although their argument is machine intelligence is inevitable, many people do…

From Schneier on Security

Helen Nissenbaum on Regulating Data Collection and Use

Helen Nissenbaum on Regulating Data Collection and Use

NYU Helen Nissenbaum gave an excellent lecture at Brown University last month, where she rebutted those who think that we should not regulate data collection, only data use: something she calls "big data exceptionalism." Basically…

From ACM on Huffington Post

"Hope You're Doing Well"--Thoughts on Automated Social Pleasantries

"Hope You're Doing Well"--Thoughts on Automated Social Pleasantries

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: 2016 Hot Interconnects Conference

Call for Papers: 2016 Hot Interconnects Conference

The 2016 Hot Interconnects Conference has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place August 24-26 at Huawei in Santa Clara, California. "Hot Interconnects is the premier international forum for researchers and developers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Following Neuromarketing Beyond the Hype Cycle

Following Neuromarketing Beyond the Hype Cycle

In Adage:  Interesting view of the apparent advance of the use of neuromarketing, especially by Nielsen.  Often covered here.  Have followed this progress for some time, sometimes quite closely by being involved with companies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchain Addressing Counterfeit Drug Problem

Blockchain Addressing Counterfeit Drug Problem

Blockchain Technology Could Help Solve $75 Billion Counterfeit Drug ProblemCounterfeit drugs are a growing problem, but one company wants to use blockchain technology, which underpins bitcoin, to help eradicate it by creating…

From Schneier on Security

GCHQ Gets Involved in Mundane Surveillance Matters

GCHQ Gets Involved in Mundane Surveillance Matters

GCHQ detected a potential pre-publication leak of a Harry Potter book, and alerted the publisher. Is this what British national intelligence is supposed to be doing?...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Inclusive Access Workshop Report

Inclusive Access Workshop Report

The organizing committee for the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) sponsored Promoting Strategic Research on Inclusive Access to Rich Online Content and Services has released their workshop report. The workshop, held in September…

From insideHPC

Spectra Logic Rolls Out World’s Largest Capacity Tape Library

Spectra Logic Rolls Out World’s Largest Capacity Tape Library

Today Spectra Logic announced the Spectra TFinity ExaScale Edition, the world’s largest and most richly-featured tape storage system. "Since 2008, Spectra Logic has worked with engineers in the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS)…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Computer Science for All – Are We Asking the Right Questions?

Computer Science for All – Are We Asking the Right Questions?

Every two weeks, the CSTA K-8 task group hosts a twitter chat using the hashtag #CSK8. These twitter chats help teachers like me connect with other computer science education enthusiasts; they offer us a place to share and learn…

From insideHPC

Intel DAAL Data Analytics Acceleration Library Moves to Open Source

Intel DAAL Data Analytics Acceleration Library Moves to Open Source

Today Intel announced the inception of the Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel DAAL) open source project. "Intel DAAL helps to speed up big data analysis by providing highly optimized algorithmic building blocks …

From insideHPC

Altair HPC Cloud Challenge Shows Customers a New Way Forward

Altair HPC Cloud Challenge Shows Customers a New Way Forward

Today Altair announced that eleven international customers participated in the company's recent HPC Cloud Challenge. The contest was set up to demonstrate the benefits of leveraging the cloud for large-scale design exploration…

From insideHPC

XSEDE Awards 324 Million CPU hours to NSF Research Projects

XSEDE Awards 324 Million CPU hours to NSF Research Projects

The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), a five-year project supported by the US National Science Foundation, has awarded 324 million cpu hours, valued at $16.2 million, to 150 research projects throughout…

From insideHPC

Video: Europe’s Fastest Supercomputer and the World Around It

Video: Europe’s Fastest Supercomputer and the World Around It

Michael Resch from HLRS gave this rousing talk at the HPC User Forum. "HLRS supports national and European researchers from science and industry by providing high-performance computing platforms and technologies, services and…

From Technology News

Transport security focus at London counter-terror fair

Transport security focus at London counter-terror fair

The computer screen lights up as a man with a dummy gun in the back of his trousers and a fake suicide vest under his jacket demonstrates a body scanner at a counter-terrorism technology fair in London on Tuesday.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automating Data Science

Automating Data Science

In the DSC:Data Scientists Automated and Unemployed by 2025!Posted by William Vorhies Summary:  The shortage of data scientists is driving a growing number of developers to fully Automated Predictive Analytic platforms.  Some…

From Putting People First

Co-creating policy and public services in Ireland

Co-creating policy and public services in Ireland

Governments, public sector and community organisations are addressing increasingly complex challenges such as the ageing society, climate change, sustainable behaviour change, youth unemployment, impacts of austerity, health,…

From insideHPC

Slidecast: Advantages of Offloading Architectures for HPC

Slidecast: Advantages of Offloading Architectures for HPC

In this slidecast, Gilad Shainer from Mellanox describes the advantages of InfiniBand and the company's off-loading network architecture for HPC. “The path to Exascale computing is clearly paved with Co-Design architecture. By…

From Schneier on Security

Details about Juniper's Firewall Backdoor

Details about Juniper's Firewall Backdoor

Last year, we learned about a backdoor in Juniper firewalls, one that seems to have been added into the code base. There's now some good research: "A Systematic Analysis of the Juniper Dual EC Incident," by Stephen Checkoway,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Testing Facebook Chatbots

Testing Facebook Chatbots

Certainly Facebook has the largest and most varied domain to test the idea. How 'AI strong' can a chatbot be?   Does it need to be?   Companies testing:    In CWorld:   " .... When The Muppets Studio wanted Miss Piggy to be able…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Books Copyright Case

Google Books Copyright Case

Success, I think for broad knowledge access.  Long followed.  In the CACM:Fair Use Prevails as Supreme Court Rejects Google Books Copyright CaseThe Supreme Court on Monday declined (PDF) to hear a challenge from the Authors Guild…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Inventory Accuracy with RFID

Inventory Accuracy with RFID

Ultimately we sought accuracy in inventory at shelf and warehouse by RFID driven transparency.   Here an example of success:RFID Brings Lululemon's Inventory Accuracy to 98 PercentThe women's sportswear retailer has increased…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Listening to Customers

Listening to Customers

Are you really listening to what your customers are saying?  We did, but many companies do not.  McKinsey writes:Too many companies squander the treasure that is customer feedback. The solution is systematically measuring the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Form of Driverless Cars

The Form of Driverless Cars

Driverless Cars Must Have Steering Wheels, Brake Pedals, Feds SayAutonomous vehicles could meet current safety standards, but only if they include standard features found in traditional models By Larry Greenemeier on March 16…

From insideHPC

ORiGAMI – Oak Ridge Graph Analytics for Medical Innovation

ORiGAMI – Oak Ridge Graph Analytics for Medical Innovation

Rangan Sukumar from ORNL presented this talk at the HPC User Forum in Tucson. "ORiGAMI is a tool for discovering and evaluating potentially interesting associations and creating novel hypothesis in medicine. ORiGAMI will help…

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