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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2018


Integrating CS to Improve Scores in Math, Science, and English Language Arts: New Result from and Outliers

Integrating CS to Improve Scores in Math, Science, and English Language Arts: New Result from and Outliers

Evidence from Broward County of integrated CS curriculum having an impact on standardized tests 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Talks to Books

Google Talks to Books

Google makes interesting use of their scanned books.  Could this also be used with other documents, say the knowledge of an enterprise?

Via Quartz:   (Many more good examples there)

 " .... Imagine if you could gather thousands…

From insideHPC

HPE Teams with University of Bristol for ARM-based HPC

HPE Teams with University of Bristol for ARM-based HPC

Today the University of Bristol announced an initiative to accelerate the adoption of

ARM-based supercomputers in the UK. "HPE is excited to work with Arm, SUSE, and other key partners to offer the HPC community a fresh alternative…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Iterating in batches over data structures can be much faster…

Iterating in batches over data structures can be much faster…

We often need to iterate over the content of data structures. It is surprisingly often a performance bottleneck in big-data applications. Most iteration code works one value at a time… for value in datastructure { do something…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unintended Consequences of AI

Unintended Consequences of AI

Well put piece, we should be aware of the consequences of all forms of augmentation.  This one may be more hidden than most.

Tackling AI's Unintended Consequences     By Chris Brahm from Bain.

" ... How can companies address the…

From insideHPC

StorONE and Mellanox Build Wire-Speed TRU Storage Solutions

StorONE and Mellanox Build Wire-Speed TRU Storage Solutions

Today StorONE announced that it has partnered with Mellanox Technologies to leverage each other’s technological approaches in order to create powerful, scalable and flexible storage solutions. These solutions achieve the enterprise…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Shopping Actions for Purchase

Google Shopping Actions for Purchase

Was just asked to take a look at 'Shopping Actions' by a client.    Then saw this related piece on Retailwire.  Intriguing.   Connections to Google Home voice integration.   Indicates there might be a way to insert an assistant…

From insideHPC

E8 Storage steps up to HPC with InfiniBand Support

E8 Storage steps up to HPC with InfiniBand Support

Today E8 Storage announced availability of InfiniBand support to its high performance, NVMe storage solutions. The move comes as a direct response to HPC customers that wish to take advantage of the high speed, low latency throughput…

From insideHPC

Ceph on the Brain: Storage and Data-Movement Supporting the Human Brain Project

Ceph on the Brain: Storage and Data-Movement Supporting the Human Brain Project

Adrian Tate from Cray and Stig Telfer from StackHPC gave this talk at the 2018 Swiss HPC Conference. "This talk will describe how Cray, StackHPC and the HBP co- designed a next-generation storage system based on Ceph, exploiting…

From insideHPC

DOE INCITE Program Seeks Advanced Computational Research Proposals for 2019

DOE INCITE Program Seeks Advanced Computational Research Proposals for 2019

The DOE Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program is now seeking proposals for high-impact, computationally intensive research campaigns in a broad array of science, engineering and computer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Knowledge Studio

Using Knowledge Studio

For the developer, a video showing how to use Knowledge Studio for a classic form of machine learning application.  Development-technical, but relatively straight forward example

Use Watson Knowledge Studio to build a custom machine…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alliance for Intelligence Driven Security

Alliance for Intelligence Driven Security

We connected with Recorded Future at an early stage.  Good to see their continued work.

Recorded Future Connect Xchange: Alliance for Intelligence-Driven Security

Integrations to Expand Impact of Traditional Security Operations…

From Schneier on Security

Hijacking Emergency Sirens

Hijacking Emergency Sirens

Turns out it's easy to hijack emergency sirens with a radio transmitter....

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Introducing GapminderVR: Data Visualization in Virtual Reality

Introducing GapminderVR: Data Visualization in Virtual Reality

I am a big fan of sites such as Gapminder and Our World in Data. Such data visualization sites are like intellectual pornography. You want to know which countries are doing better? Which continents drink more alcohol? How isContinue…

From Computational Complexity

Is DTIME(n) closed under concat? star? of course not but...

(STOC 2018 will offer child care for the first time. I was emailed the following and asked to

pass it on:

We are pleased to announce that we will provide pooled, subsidized

child care at STOC 2018. The cost will be $40 per day…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alibaba Developing Driverless

Alibaba Developing Driverless

Expect even more of this where there is less regulation.

Alibaba is developing its own driverless cars in MIT Technology Review

The Chinese tech giant comes to the self-driving game later than rivals Baidu and Tencent, but says…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

John Hennessy and David Patterson Share ACM Turing Award

John Hennessy and David Patterson Share ACM Turing Award

The following is from the ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture Today Blog by CCC Vice Chair Mark D. Hill, the John P. Morgridge Professor and Gene M. Amdahl Professor of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

(Updated) Talk: Linking Analytics to Models of Process for Frictionless Transformation

(Updated) Talk: Linking Analytics to Models of Process for Frictionless Transformation

Talk this week a favorite topic of mine. About linking analytics directly to operational and strategic models of process.  Analytics now also means the use of cognitive and embedded logical capabilities.  Known broadly now as…

From insideHPC

Pawsey Supercomputing Centre Hosts GPU Hackathon this week

Pawsey Supercomputing Centre Hosts GPU Hackathon this week

Australia’s Pawsey Supercomputing Centre is hosting a GPU Hackathon this week in Perth, Australia. "The GPU Hackathon is a free event taking place at Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle, from Monday 16 April to Friday 20 April. Six …

From insideHPC

Industry Insights: Download the Results of our AI & HPC Perceptions Survey

Industry Insights: Download the Results of our AI & HPC Perceptions Survey

The results from our HPC & AI peception survey are here. "90 percent of all respondents felt that their business will ultimately be impacted by AI. Although almost all respondents see AI as playing a role in the future of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bird Calls from Audubon

Bird Calls from Audubon

A bit of a bird enthusiast myself, found this interesting.  It is quite simple. You recite the name of a bird, and you get back something like:  'There are 6 calls for this bird', and you choose one and it is played for you. …

From The Eponymous Pickle

RFID File Tracking

RFID File Tracking

Fascinating application of RFID tagging.   Reminds me of some of the challenges we had designing a much less challenging operation in retail.  Considerable detail, non technical:

Largest RFID File-Tracking System Goes Live in


From insideHPC

Atos Quantum Learning Machine can now simulate real Qubits

Atos Quantum Learning Machine can now simulate real Qubits

Today Atos announced unprecedented simulation features in Quantum computing. Researchers at the Atos Quantum Laboratory have successfully modeled ‘quantum noise’ and as a result, simulation is more realistic than ever before,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Common Sense - Project Alexandria

Common Sense - Project Alexandria

See my tag links below on our past looks at common sense based reasoning. Ultimately essential to get us to machine intelligence. 

Paul Allen Wants to Teach Machines Common Sense

Project Alexandria   By Cade Metz in The New York…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Identity via the Blockchain

Global Identity via the Blockchain

The idea of using blockchain for identity seems to be the clearest example of its use.  Had not seen Sovrin before, worth a look.

Via Sovrin, IBM supports user-centric global identity on blockchain

By James Kobelius in SiliconAngle…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Knitting in 3D

Knitting in 3D

Beyond the usual 3D approach.

Software Automatically Generates Knitting Instructions for 3D Shapes
Carnegie Mellon University
Byron Spice

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers have developed a system that can translate various…

From insideHPC

Scratch to Supercomputers: Bottoms-up Build of Large-scale Computational Lensing Software

Scratch to Supercomputers: Bottoms-up Build of Large-scale Computational Lensing Software

Gilles Fourestey from EPFL gave this talk at the Swiss HPC Conference. "LENSTOOL is a gravitational lensing software that models mass distribution of galaxies and clusters. It is used to obtain sub-percent precision measurements…

From The Noisy Channel

Search Results Clustering

Search Results Clustering

Search queries that express broad intent often return intractably large result sets. We’ve already discussed faceted search as a way to help users narrow their intent by refining the initial query. Another way to address queries…

From insideHPC

DDN Builds New Engineering Facility in Colorado focused on AI, Cloud, and Enterprise Data Challenges

DDN Builds New Engineering Facility in Colorado focused on AI, Cloud, and Enterprise Data Challenges

Today DDN announced the opening of a new facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, including a significant expansion of lab, testing and benchmarking facilities. The enhanced capabilities will enable DDN to accelerate development…

From Schneier on Security

The DMCA and its Chilling Effects on Research

The DMCA and its Chilling Effects on Research

The Center for Democracy and Technology has a good summary of the current state of the DMCA's chilling effects on security research. To underline the nature of chilling effects on hacking and security research, CDT has worked…

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