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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2019

From Putting People First

Old, online, and fed on lies: How an aging population will reshape the internet

Old, online, and fed on lies: How an aging population will reshape the internet

Although many older Americans have, like the rest of us, embraced the tools and playthings of the technology industry, a growing body of research shows they have disproportionately fallen prey to the dangers of internet misinformation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchains for Fees, Payments.

Blockchains for Fees, Payments.

Been asked to look at real, novel, unique applications of Blockchain technology.     Will be posting them here ongoing.   Comments are welcome.   Do also pass along any I any I have not not seen.

Singapore's Biggest Online Mall…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Computing Beyond Moore's Law

Computing Beyond Moore's Law

Is hardware or software dominating?  Is brain inspiration and neurscience taking us beyond?   Will this form of bio-mimicry lead us beyond?  It should always be noted that the current neural algorithms are not accurate analogs…

From insideHPC

Thorny Flat Supercomputer comes to West Virginia University

Thorny Flat Supercomputer comes to West Virginia University

Today West Virginia University announced of one of the state's most powerful computer clusters to help power research and innovation statewide. "The Thorny Flat High Performance Computer Cluster, named after the state's second…

From insideHPC

Video: How Intel Data-Centric Technologies will power the Frontera Supercomputer at TACC

Video: How Intel Data-Centric Technologies will power the Frontera Supercomputer at TACC

In this video, researchers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center describe how Intel data-centric technologies power the Frontera supercomputer, which is currently under installation. "This system will provide researchers the…

From insideHPC

Registration Opens for ISC 2019 in Frankfurt

Registration Opens for ISC 2019 in Frankfurt

Early registration is now open for ISC High Performance, the largest high performance computing forum in Europe. The event takes place June 16 - 20 in Frankfurt, Germany. "ISC High Performance is recognized internationally for…

From insideHPC

Video: HPC Market Update from Hyperion Research

Video: HPC Market Update from Hyperion Research

In this video from the HPC User Forum in Santa Fe, Earl Joseph from Hyperion Research presents an HPC Market Update. The company helps IT professionals, business executives, and the investment community make fact-based decisions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Where do Shoppers Start Search>

Where do Shoppers Start Search>

Thinking about my own behavior, this at first surprised me.  But then thinking it through, Amazon does a better job of curating  the product specific search.   By providing alternatives, interactive reviews, images ....  And


From insideHPC

XTREME-Stargate G2 Service to offer Next-gen cloud Supercomputing for AI

XTREME-Stargate G2 Service to offer Next-gen cloud Supercomputing for AI

Today Cloud HPC company XTREME-D today announced the official release of XTREME-Stargate G2, what it calls "next-gen cloud supercomputing for AI" with Intel’s latest CPU. "Announced in October, XTREME-Stargate has an increasing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Healthcare Patent for Sale

Healthcare Patent for Sale

Via IdeaConnection:  Click through for details ....

Method and Apparatus of Remotely-operated Automated External Defibrillator Incorporated into a Handheld Device

AED mobile defibrillator. A rescue cell apparatus used for cardiac…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Council Member Shwetak Patel receives ACM Prize in Computing

CCC Council Member Shwetak Patel receives ACM Prize in Computing

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has announced its 2018 Prize in Computing award to Shwetak Patel, of the University of Washington and Google and a Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council Member.  The ACM Prize…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Access Clouds with a Spreadsheet

Access Clouds with a Spreadsheet

Nice, simple idea,  especially for those already used to spreadsheet interfaces.  And  when you want to give test access to management without coding.   An overlay of some decision logic that would act as an algorithm?   An ethics…

From Schneier on Security

How Political Campaigns Use Personal Data

How Political Campaigns Use Personal Data

Really interesting report from Tactical Tech. Data-driven technologies are an inevitable feature of modern political campaigning. Some argue that they are a welcome addition to politics as normal and a necessary and modern approach…

From The Eponymous Pickle

South Korea Goes 5G

South Korea Goes 5G

Korea to launch country wide 5G,  impressive claimed 20X speed move. How will this change the overall computing experience?  In particular applications like VR?  Will less happen at the smartphone edge?  Big trouble is still


From The Eponymous Pickle

Boston Dynamics Acquires 3D Vision

Boston Dynamics Acquires 3D Vision

May lead to better sight for warehouse operations via 3D Vision.  Smart Factories will likely need autonomous sensing and manipulation abilities for dynamically varying contexts, goals and environments.  A factory or warehouse…

From insideHPC

Intel Rolls Out 48-Core Cascade Lake-SP Xeon Processors for HPC, AI, & Data-centric Workloads

Intel Rolls Out 48-Core Cascade Lake-SP Xeon Processors for HPC, AI, & Data-centric Workloads

Today Intel unveiled a new portfolio of data-centric solutions consisting of "Cascade Lake-SP" Intel Xeon Scalable processors, Intel Optane DC memory and storage solutions, and software and platform technologies optimized to …

From insideHPC

Survey: Companies are moving Mission Critical Apps to the Cloud

Survey: Companies are moving Mission Critical Apps to the Cloud

For the first time, a majority of companies are putting mission critical apps in the cloud, according to the latest report released today by Cloud Foundry Foundation. The study revealed that companies treat digital transformation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

BMW and Microsoft Team for Open Manufacturing

BMW and Microsoft Team for Open Manufacturing

An interesting combination of tech for manufacturing.

Microsoft teams up with BMW for the IoT-focused Open Manufacturing Platform
By Ingrid Lunden    @ingridlunden   in TechCrunch

Car companies are making big investments in technology…

From insideHPC

New Fujitsu Technology Accelerates Deep Learning on ResNET-50

New Fujitsu Technology Accelerates Deep Learning on ResNET-50

Today Fujitsu Laboratories announced that it has developed technology to improve the speed of deep learning software, which has now achieved the world's highest speed when the time required for machine learning was measured using…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing the Complexities of Brian Waves

Supercomputing the Complexities of Brian Waves

Scientists are using the Comet supercomputer at SDSC to better understand the complexities of brain waves. With a goal of better understanding human brain development, the HBN project is currently collecting brain scans and EEG…


Will We All Be Wearing Wearables?

Will We All Be Wearing Wearables?

If wearable computing products are really needed, what are the biggest practical and research challenges to mainstream adoption?

From insideHPC

LRZ in Germany joins the OpenMP effort

LRZ in Germany joins the OpenMP effort

The Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) in Germany has joined the OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB), a group of leading hardware and software vendors and research organizations creating the standard for the most popular …

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) calling for proposals “to the Operations Engineering program into operational methods to discover, disrupt and disable illicit supply networks,”…

From insideHPC

Piz Daint Supercomputer to Power LHC Computing Grid

Piz Daint Supercomputer to Power LHC Computing Grid

The fastest supercomputer in Europe will soon join the WLHC Grid. Housed at CSCS in Switzerland, the Piz Daint supercomputer be used for data analysis from Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. Until now, the ATLAS, CMS and…


Five Research Questions Raised by a Pre-Mortem on the 60 Minutes Segment on

Five Research Questions Raised by a Pre-Mortem on the 60 Minutes Segment on

If undergraduate CS research doesn't become gender-balanced in 10 years, why didn't it?

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI and Creativity

AI and Creativity

A considerable and interesting transcript of an interview.   A favorite topic. So what is creativity?

Can A.I. truly be creative? One brilliant Brit makes a compelling case
Interview with Marcus du Sautoy in Digitaltrends

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Starts Google Voice Ordering

Wal-Mart Starts Google Voice Ordering

Another strong step in assistant style voice ordering, with Wal-Mart competing with Amazon.  Details and links to delivery will be interesting.

Walmart Unveils Voice-Activated, Google-Powered Grocery Shopping
By Matthew Boyle in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Vint Cerf on the NSF

Vint Cerf on the NSF

A technical view of the value of the NSF since the 60s.  Was honored to see much of the progress first hand.

In Debt to the NSF    By Vinton G. Cerf 

Communications of the ACM, April 2019, Vol. 62 No. 4, Page 5  10.1145/3313989…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking Instagram to Get Free Meals in Exchange for Positive Reviews

Hacking Instagram to Get Free Meals in Exchange for Positive Reviews

This is a fascinating hack: In today's digital age, a large Instagram audience is considered a valuable currency. I had also heard through the grapevine that I could monetize a large following -- or in my desired case -- use…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Plalantir Army Intelligence System

Plalantir Army Intelligence System

Defense advances with data analysis, actions and reactons.

Palantir Wins Competition to Build Army Intelligence System 
The Washington Post
By Shane Harris

The U.S. Army has chosen Palantir Technologies to deploy a complex battlefield…