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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2019

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart AI Store of the Future Opens to Public

Wal-Mart AI Store of the Future Opens to Public

Good to see this, and new competition with Amazon in brick and mortar.  Look forward to learning about other technical details.  How about their Fresh Block chain?  More for now at the link.

Walmart unveils an A.I.-powered store…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart's Food Safety Blockchain

Wal-Mart's Food Safety Blockchain

For an upcoming talk, took a re-look at the Wal-Mart's food safety Blockchain effort.  Will be following up with more details. good simple example, as stated in a previous mention. Know more about tech details?  Pass them along…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Where are my Robot Servants?

Where are my Robot Servants?

Note from 5 Years ago, note what has happened, and what has not.

So, Where Are My Robot Servants?  In IEEE Spectrum
Tomorrow’s robots will become true helpers and companions in people’s homes—and here’s what it will take to develop…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Sensor Environment Chip

AI Sensor Environment Chip

More players in the stream for enabling analytics AI from sensor data.

AIStorm raises $13.2M for its analog data-reading sensor chips   By Mike Weatley

AIStorm, a maker of specialized computer processors for sensors that detect…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Institutions that last Ten Thousand Years

Institutions that last Ten Thousand Years

We had early interaction with some of the founders of the Long Now Foundation, which was very thought provoking.   Here an interview with its Exec Director in the Edge:

How to Create an Institution That Lasts 10,000 Years
A Conversation…

From insideHPC

IBM Q Network Expands to Drive Educational Opportunities in Quantum Computing

IBM Q Network Expands to Drive Educational Opportunities in Quantum Computing

Today IBM announced the expansion of the IBM Q Network to include a number of global universities. The expanding academic network is designed to accelerate joint research in quantum computing, and develop curricula to help prepare…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Seeing the Black Hole with Big Data

Podcast: Seeing the Black Hole with Big Data

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team discusses how the news of the cool visualization of an actual black hole leads to interesting issues in HPC land. "The real point: the daunting 1.75 PB of raw data from each telescope …

From insideHPC

Personalized Healthcare with High Performance Computing in the Cloud

Personalized Healthcare with High Performance Computing in the Cloud

Wolfgang Gentzsch from the UberCloud gave this talk at the HPC User Forum. "The concept of personalized medicine has its roots deep in genomic research. Indeed, the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 marked…

From insideHPC

Intel Addresses the Convergence of AI, Analytic, and Traditional HPC Workloads

Intel Addresses the Convergence of AI, Analytic, and Traditional HPC Workloads

HPC workloadsHPC is no longer just HPC, but rather a mix of workloads that instantiate the convergence of AI, traditional HPC modeling and simulation, and HPDA (High Performance Data Analytics). Exit the traditional HPC center that just runs…

From Computational Complexity

Geo-Centric Complexity

An interesting discussion during Dagstuhl last month about the US-centric view of theory. Bad enough that all talks and papers in an international venue are in English but we also have

Manhattan Distance. How are foreigners…

From Schneier on Security

Fooling Automated Surveillance Cameras with Patchwork Color Printout

Fooling Automated Surveillance Cameras with Patchwork Color Printout

Nice bit of adversarial machine learning. The image from this news article is most of what you need to know, but here's the research paper....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Autonomous in Body Navigation

Autonomous in Body Navigation

A considerable development.

A first in medical robotics: Autonomous navigation inside the body in TechExplore

Bioengineers at Boston Children's Hospital report the first demonstration of a robot able to navigate autonomously inside…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The shopper’s dilemma: wait for new technology or buy now?

The shopper’s dilemma: wait for new technology or buy now?

Technology is accelerating. It took less than a decade for smartphone to go from 1% of the population to almost everyone. Television took longer. The phone even longer. Anyone who has been in the market for a technology product…

From insideHPC

Xilinx to Acquire Solarflare

Xilinx to Acquire Solarflare

Today Xilinx announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Solarflare Communications. "The acquisition will enable Xilinx to combine its industry-leading FPGA, MPSoC and ACAP solutions with Solarflare's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Maximo for Civil Infrastructure

IBM Maximo for Civil Infrastructure

A considerable move, including IOT and AI powered solutions.

IBM to Develop an AI-Powered IoT Solution to Help Clients Manage and Monitor Aging Bridges, Tunnels, Highways and Railways

Using drones for inspection. ORLANDO, Fla.,…

From insideHPC

DOE Announces $20 Million in AI Research Funding

DOE Announces $20 Million in AI Research Funding

DOE’s Office of Electricity has selected eight projects to receive nearly $7 million in total to explore the use of big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies to improve existing knowledge and discover…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Amazon Pricing Effect

The Amazon Pricing Effect

Some good data and analysis here.   How much is the effect and in what business contexts?  Striking how much private label development is going on now in traditional Grocery, price competition there too. 

The 'Amazon Effect' Is…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Painting Streets with Augmented Reality

Painting Streets with Augmented Reality

Not a new idea, though the approach is closer to making this work broadly.  Why not start with existing mapping examples?

Mapping the World in 3D Will Let Us Paint Streets With Augmented Reality 
Technology Review    By Charlotte…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Blue Sky Conference Track held at the 2019 iConference

Blue Sky Conference Track held at the 2019 iConference

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently sponsored a Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track at the 14th annual iConference, March 31- April 3, 2019 in Washington, DC. This special track for 2019 sought ideas and visions that…

From insideHPC

Addison Snell presents: The New HPC

Addison Snell presents: The New HPC

Addison Snell from Intersect360 Research gave this talk at the Swiss HPC Conference. "Intersect360 Research returns with an annual deep dive into the trends, technologies and usage models that will be propelling the HPC community…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Managing the Managers

Managing the Managers

More insertion of AI into daily interactions and tasks.  Considering, when and how ... and how do you measure the uptake? 

The Robots That Manage the Managers    By The Wall Street Journal  (Will require registration)

The platforms…

From insideHPC

Supermicro Shipping new Scale-Up In-Memory Computing Platforms with Intel Xeon Scalable processors

Supermicro Shipping new Scale-Up In-Memory Computing Platforms with Intel Xeon Scalable processors

Today Supermicro announced that its new 4-socket servers featuring 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors and Intel Optane DC persistent memory are now shipping in volume. "Our 4-socket servers are proven, reliable machines that…

From insideHPC

NEC-X Opens Vector Engine Data Acceleration Center in Silicon Valley

NEC-X Opens Vector Engine Data Acceleration Center in Silicon Valley

Today NEC-X launched the Vector Engine Data Acceleration Center (VEDAC) at its Silicon Valley facility. This new VEDAC is one of the company’s many offerings to innovators, makers and change agents. The NEC X organization is …

From insideHPC

Velocity Compute: PeerCache for HPC Cloud Bursting

Velocity Compute: PeerCache for HPC Cloud Bursting

In this podcast, Eric Thune from Velocity Compute describes how the company's PeerCache software optimizes data flow for HPC Cloud Bursting. "By using PeerCache to deliver hybrid cloud bursting, development teams can quickly …

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Why Check A Proof?

Why check another’s proof? [Russell and Whitehead ] Bertrand Russell and Alfred Whitehead were not primarily trying to mechanize mathematics in writing their famous book. They wanted to assure precision and certainty in proofs…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assistants Answering All Your Questions?

Assistants Answering All Your Questions?

Good research being done here.  Good points made,  no they can't, but I think that they can be helpful in certain focused skill areas.    We had lots of experience creating these for certain skill areas for CPG, like cleaning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Better Way to Use Predictive Analytics

Better Way to Use Predictive Analytics

Good thoughts about analytics using proxies.   And the ever present issue of the lack of needed data.  We often did something similar.   Podcast and transcript.

Beyond Clicks: Getting the Most out of Big Data

Wharton's Hamsa Bastani…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Psychology of Selling

The Psychology of Selling

Some interesting thoughts on selling vs buying and how we arrange to influence the proposition.

Selling Versus Buying  By Frank Sarr  in CustomerThink

The Premise: The “psychology of purchase” dictates that a person’s drive to


From Schneier on Security

Vulnerability in French Government Tchap Chat App

Vulnerability in French Government Tchap Chat App

A researcher found a vulnerability in the French government WhatsApp replacement app: Tchap. The vulnerability allows anyone to surreptitiously join any conversation. Of course the developers will fix this vulnerability. But…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Announces New Council Members

CCC Announces New Council Members

The Computing Research Association (CRA), in consultation with the National Science Foundation (NSF), has appointed seven new members to the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council: Sujata Banerjee, VMware Elisa Bertino,…