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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2010

From Michael Nielsen

Interesting sentences

Interesting sentences

From Pierre Levy’s book Collective Intelligence: mankind’s emerging world in cyberspace: Groups learn even more slowly than individuals. The flipside to this is that sometimes groups learn things that individuals can’t or won’t…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Practicing the Google Rule

Practicing the Google Rule

Michael Schrage asks why many people do not use the information easily available to them. Obvious, but also worth repeating. We were always taught that before any first meeting, client or interviewer, we should do a search…

From Schneier on Security

Outsourcing to an Indian Jail

Outsourcing to an Indian Jail

This doesn't seem like the best idea:

Authorities in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh are planning to set up an outsourcing unit in a jail. The unit will employ 200 educated convicts who will handle back office operations…

From Computational Complexity

Boycotting Arizona

I heard a suggestion that computer science conferences not be held in Arizona because of their new anti-immigration law. Both Bill and I have discussed academic boycotts before in regards to China, Israel and South Dakota. IThe…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2010 U.S. Innovative Education Forum!

2010 U.S. Innovative Education Forum!

Do You Innovate? Apply now for the 2010 U.S. Innovative Education Forum!

You could be selected to attend events in Washington, DC this summer and Cape Town, South Africa in the Fall. Visit the 2010 U.S. Innovative EducationPartners…

From My Biased Coin

Harvard News Items

Harvard News Items

Some highlights: 1) From the Crimson:  "An undergraduate has been dismissed from Harvard College after allegedly hacking into online accounts of the teaching staff in his courses."  Makes me wish I was still on Faculty Council…

From Putting People First

Embedded anthropology

Embedded anthropology

Anthropologist Simon Roberts, who manages the social science research and design research team for Digital Health Group at Intel in Ireland, spoke last week at an RSA event on Embedding Design in London, UK, on the role of anthropology…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google and the Newspaper Industry

Google and the Newspaper Industry

In the Atlantic: Quite interesting detailed article: How to Save the News, by James Fallows: " ... Everyone knows that Google is killing the news business. Few people know how hard Google is trying to bring it back to life, or…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Engaging to Compete

Engaging to Compete

New from the Seriosity blog: Engaging to Compete. Also a link there to a full chapter of the book. I talk about the book at greater length here. Its about using the strong engagement aspects of games to drive real work.

From Schneier on Security

Insect-Based Terrorism

Insect-Based Terrorism

Sounds like fearmongering to me.

How real is the threat? Many of the world's most dangerous pathogens already are transmitted by arthropods, the animal phylum that includes mosquitoes. But so far the United States has not been…

From Computational Complexity

When to go Low Tech

Recently someone asked me to subreferee a paper for a conference. She emailed me a pdf file but when I printed it out it was unreadable- the spacing was all off. What should I do? Print it out in different ways with different…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of May 17

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of May 17

May 20

Hearing: The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on the nomination of Carl Wieman to be the Associate Director for Science at the Office of Science and Technology Policy. 2:30 p.m…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Iconoclasts Think

How Iconoclasts Think

A good podcast: Featured Guest: Gregory Berns, the Distinguished Chair of Neuroeconomics at Emory University and author of Iconoclast: A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently ... '

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neural Data and fMRI Scans Confirmed

Neural Data and fMRI Scans Confirmed

In Roger Dooley's Neuromarketing Blog: ' ... Now, new research published in Nature has shown that there is indeed a correlation between neuronal activity and what the fMRI can measure ... It remains to be seen whether fMRI will…

From Putting People First

User experiences for children, for seniors and for play

User experiences for children, for seniors and for play

UX Matters is another one of these great resources for the user experience community. Here three recent articles: Designing user experiences for children By Heather Nam (Mediabarn) Creating a great experience for Web site users…

From Putting People First

Bringing behavioural change from lab to studio

Bringing behavioural change from lab to studio

Nick Marsh recently published an article with Dan Lockton in the fourth edition of Touchpoint, the Service Design Network journal. The issue is completely focused on the relationship between service design and behaviour change…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-05-17

links for 2010-05-17


From Schneier on Security

Software Liabilities in the UK

Software Liabilities in the UK

The British High Court ruled that a software vendor's EULA -- which denied all liability for poor software -- was not reasonable.

I wrote about software liabilities back in 2003.


On FIFA World Cup 2010: Football and Internet in Latin America

On FIFA World Cup 2010: Football and Internet in Latin America

Quick view on how the FIFA Football World Cup will affect Internet in Latin America.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 17 May 2010

Interesting Links 17 May 2010

I have quite an eclectic mix of links this week. Some career information, some Windows Phone programming links, Internet safety, school IT information and more. I hope you

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stengthening Brand America

Stengthening Brand America

Edward Burghard, Retired Harley Procter Marketer, Procter & Gamble, has made me aware of the Strengthening Brand America Project. It is focused on catalyzing the transfer of product and corporate branding knowledge from the…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Quiet Period for This Blog

Quiet Period for This Blog


From Putting People First

UX reflections in UX Magazine

UX reflections in UX Magazine

UX Magazine keeps to its high standards with these three well written contributions: Curators of the Real-Time Web: Distilling the chatter to relevant, actionable information By Jonathan Gosier (Appfrica) “Information wants to…

From Putting People First

Why it

Why it

Is there an alternative to the seemingly inevitable cuts to public services? Hilary Cottam of Participle poses the question. “The scale of the challenge to our public services is clear. The mainstream debate is all about cuts…

From Putting People First

Danah Boyd and the Facebook privacy discussion

Danah Boyd and the Facebook privacy discussion

Microsoft researcher Danah Boyd doesn’t need much introduction as her outspoken and well-developed analysis is frequently quoted on this blog. Two long articles — each with many comments — react to the current Facebook privacy…

From Putting People First

The trust economy: A world of P2P money-lending

The trust economy: A world of P2P money-lending

Wired UK has published a long article on P2P money-lending in its June issue: The article devotes particular attention to, a San Francisco-based peer-to-peer (P2P) non-profit, which uses the principles of social networking…

From Putting People First

Can business analysts become UX designers?

Can business analysts become UX designers?

Mike Gualtieri and Mary Gerush of Forrester Research have just published a paper entitled Business Analysts: Seize the opportunity to deliver compelling user experiences – Make a big difference to your organization by focusing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Soft Reliability

Soft Reliability

The concept of soft reliability came up again in a recent conversation. Had not brought it up here for more that a year. Good overview site here. If anyone has insider information about new developments in this realm, comment…

From Putting People First

Researchers study behavior in social networks

Researchers study behavior in social networks

Research scientists Cameron Marlow (Facebook Inc.) and D.J. Patil (LinkedIn Corp.) have access to the interactions of groups of people that outnumber populations of whole countries and therefore unprecedented windows into the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Faceted Search in Linkedin

Faceted Search in Linkedin

I have always thought that Linkedin had a messy user interface. It especially confuses new users, who I heard from in the enterprise. Just read of some changes they made in the key 'people you may know' interface, including faceted…

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