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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2012

From Putting People First

Interview with and lecture by Daniel Kahnemann

Interview with and lecture by Daniel Kahnemann

Debunking the Myth of Intuition Can doctors and investment advisers be trusted? And do we live more for experiences or memories? In a SPIEGEL interview, Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman discusses the innate weakness…

From Putting People First

Be Everyday

Be Everyday

On Be Everyday, the site of a Brussels-based project, you can follow the stories of inspiring people that live in European cities and who have found their own creative ways to lead sustainable and meaningful lives, everyday!…

From Putting People First

Mobile: A Serious Contender to the Desktop Computer

Mobile: A Serious Contender to the Desktop Computer

With the introduction of mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and various other smart phones and tablets, the demand for websites to be

From Putting People First

Obama White House unveils plan to bring US Federal Government into the mobile age

Obama White House unveils plan to bring US Federal Government into the mobile age

The White House has unveiled plans to bring US governance into the mobile-centric twenty-first century. Dubbed the

From Putting People First

Journal of Business Anthropology

Journal of Business Anthropology

The Journal of Business Anthropology is an Open Access journal which publishes the results of anthropological and related research in business organizations and business situations of all kinds. On the website you will find the…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Turning the Body Into a Wireless Controller

Turning the Body Into a Wireless Controller

New Scientist

From The Eponymous Pickle

Game Dynamics of Customer Loyalty

Game Dynamics of Customer Loyalty

Good piece on the topic. Gaming principles applied to customer acquisition using virality and examples in a number of current systems. Good to answer client questions about where this can work now.

From Schneier on Security

The Explosive from the Latest Foiled Al Qaeda Underwear Bomb Plot

The Explosive from the Latest Foiled Al Qaeda Underwear Bomb Plot


Although the plot was disrupted before a particular airline was targeted and tickets were purchased, al Qaeda's continued attempts to attack the U.S. speak to the organization's persistence and willingness to refine…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Kinect for Windows: SDK and Runtime version 1.5 Released

Kinect for Windows: SDK and Runtime version 1.5 Released

If you are using the Kinect sensor for projects, especially if you have the new Kinect for Widows version, you will want to get the latest software development kit and related tools. There is a full list of what is involved at…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowd Modeling and Simulation

Crowd  Modeling and Simulation

Crowd Modeling and Simulation. A favorite topic as we examined in store behavior. This takes it much further, but the elements of simulation are useful.

From Wild WebMink

Does the verdict neuter WORA?

Does the verdict neuter WORA?

The stunning win by Google this week in their defence against Oracle over Java patents in Android may well meal that Write One Run Anywhere is no longer enforceable. Read more in my instant opinion article in yesterday’s InfoWorld…

From Computational Complexity

STOC 2012- workshop and honored talks

I went to an enjoyed STOC this year. Today I talk about the workshops and the papers that either won awards or seem to be in the running. I may blog on other things, or expand on these, at a later point. On Saturday there…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mindshare and Unilever

Mindshare and Unilever

Mindshare retains Unilevers 1.38 billion US advertising business.

From Schneier on Security

The Ubiquity of Cyber-Fears

The Ubiquity of Cyber-Fears

A new study concludes that more people are worried about cyber threats than terrorism.

...the three highest priorities for Americans when it comes to security issues in the presidential campaign are: Protecting government computer…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A Retrospective on Alan Turing

A Retrospective on Alan Turing

Ahead of the Alan Turing Centenary next month,

From Putting People First

RSA Animate: The Power of Networks

RSA Animate: The Power of Networks

In this new RSA Animate, Manuel Lima, senior UX design lead at Microsoft Bing, explores the power of network visualisation to help navigate our complex modern world: Network visualization has experienced a meteoric rise in the…

From Schneier on Security

The Banality of Surveillance Photos

The Banality of Surveillance Photos

Interesting essay on a trove on surveillance photos from Cold War-era Prague.

Cops, even secret cops, are for the most part ordinary people. Working stiffs concerned with holding down jobs and earning a living. Even those who…

From Putting People First

Design for the next billion 2012: What

Design for the next billion 2012: What

In a blog post, Niti Bhan, the head of Experientia’s Emerging Market Business Unit, writes about her realization that there is a huge gap in design for the next billion (and more). “The subsequent domino effect has left a lack…

From Putting People First



Aljazeera’s The Stream reports on how people declare economic independence by establishing alternative currencies. “People and businesses are establishing micro-currencies in the wake of the global financial crisis in order to…

From Putting People First

Ericsson User Experience Lab blog

Ericsson User Experience Lab blog

Cristian Norlin, master researcher at the Ericsson Research User Experience Lab, alerted me via Twitter to the Lab’s new blog. The User Experience Lab at Ericsson Research studies people and make prototypes to better understand…

From Putting People First

Site works also as a full-screen swipeable tablet web app Today granstudio, the international design studio based in Turin, launches its new website, created by Experientia. Founded by internationally-renowned designer Lowie…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson



Back in the day when I went to a college with A computer room with A computer it was cool enough that there was a computer there and that it was available to students. Today that

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph

In ReadWwriteWeb: A look at how Google is reoriented search to include more semantic knowledge. And provides a connection to related knowledge.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wolfram System Modeler

Wolfram System Modeler

Newly announced a System and equation modeling tool based on Mathematica.Have not looked deeper yet, but this appears to be quite impressive. The post linked to here has quite a few details including visualizations. Worth a much…

From Schneier on Security

Lessons in Trust from Web Hoaxes

Lessons in Trust from Web Hoaxes

Interesting discussion of trust in this article on web hoaxes.

Kelly's students, like all good con artists, built their stories out of small, compelling details to give them a veneer of veracity. Ultimately, though, they aimed…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Microsoft Research Names 2012 Faculty Fellows

Microsoft Research Names 2012 Faculty Fellows

Microsoft Research

From The Eponymous Pickle

NFC Use Expands

NFC Use Expands

In Computerworld. NFC is a wireless transmission method, operating over a few centimeters, that is typically used for payment from smartphones. It is now being seen for broader applications. We explored it for tethering laboratory…

From Schneier on Security

Privacy Concerns Around "Social Reading"

Privacy Concerns Around "Social Reading"

Interesting paper: "The Perils of Social Reading," by Neil M. Richards, from the Georgetown Law Journal.

Abstract: Our law currently treats records of our reading habits under two contradictory rules

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog



A little over two years ago, we blogged about the

From Putting People First

Design prototypes as boundary objects in innovation processes

Design prototypes as boundary objects in innovation processes

Holger Rhinow, Eva K