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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2014

From Computational Complexity

Losing the Middle

In the 70's growing up, to listen to music I had a turntable for vinyl records. The quality of music went up almost continuously with the amount you were willing to spend. In the mid-80's we had digital compact discs and we…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at an Analytics Solutions Cloud Marketplace

A Look at an Analytics Solutions Cloud Marketplace

The medium size business always needs help with choices.  They need easy to make choices that are as inexpensive as possible, and link directly to their current infrastructure.  That's what makes the choices less expensive and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Bayesian Methods to Find the Malaysian Airplane

Using Bayesian Methods to Find the Malaysian Airplane

Via the SAS Blog.  Good example of predictive analytics with a not generally well known technique for Big Data practitioners.  Set in a real world tactical problem.   Good practical details.  Have written about this method many…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco CEO on E-Commerce

Tesco CEO on E-Commerce

Been looking at how retailers address e-commerce futures.  Here a piece by the Tesco CEO on e-commerce.  Not too unexpected." ... Tesco group chief executive Philip Clarke discusses the opportunities that exist at the intersection…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning in Excel

Machine Learning in Excel

Slide show on a number of techniques, including add-ons to Excel for machine learning.  Not much detail, but informative about software I had not seen as yet.

From Schneier on Security

Seventh Movie-Plot Threat Contest Semifinalists

Seventh Movie-Plot Threat Contest Semifinalists

On April 1, I announced the Seventh Movie Plot Threat Contest: The NSA has won, but how did it do it? How did it use its ability to conduct ubiquitous surveillance, its massive data centers, and its advanced data analytics capabilities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rise of the All Data Enterprise

Rise of the All Data Enterprise

It has arrived, but many companies are discovering that putting all this data together is harder than you think.   Not all is captured, or structured, or even fully understood.    Beyond that the piece takes a look at Big Data…


What It Takes to Be a Successful High School Computer Science Teacher

What It Takes to Be a Successful High School Computer Science Teacher

We should not prepare high school CS teachers the way we prepare software developers. Successful CS teachers use different skills.

From Schneier on Security

Espionage vs. Surveillance

Espionage vs. Surveillance

According to NSA documents published in Glenn Greenwald's new book No Place to Hide, we now know that the NSA spies on embassies and missions all over the world, including those of Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, the European Union…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USTR Annual Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights

USTR Annual Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights

Piracy of devices, storage technologies, and mobile technologies is growing worldwide according to the USTR’s annual Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights. The USTR also reports an increase in software and devices…

From The Eponymous Pickle

ExperienceOne Customer Engagement Solution

ExperienceOne Customer Engagement Solution

Just brought to my attention:IBM just released ExperienceOne - an analytics and automation-based customer engagement solution that ties together marketing, sales and service.   Site. Have taken only a cursory look so far but…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Morphological Approaches to Engineering Design

Morphological Approaches to Engineering Design

A long time correspondent,  Tom Ritchey, sends a note about an analytical approach that is little used in  enterprise, but should be much better known.  Using the structure, or morphology, of a business decision problem to improve…

From Schneier on Security

New Al Qaeda Encryption Software

New Al Qaeda Encryption Software

The Web intelligence company Recorded Future is reporting -- picked up by the Wall Street Journal -- that al Qaeda is using new encryption software in the wake of the Snowden stories. I've been fielding press queries, asking…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automatic Design: Learning from a Network

Automatic Design: Learning from a Network

The connection between automated configuration and design.  Here Cisco is talking about a technical network thing.  I am not so much interested in how networks are designed.  But I am interested in how design might be automated…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Python and Pi Helped Make Go Code Girl 2014 A Great Success

Python and Pi Helped Make Go Code Girl 2014 A Great Success

On the last two Saturdays of March, a group of high school girls came to both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa to learn about computer science and try their hand at coding.  This was our second annual Go Codehere…

From Schneier on Security

Computer Forensics in Fiction

Computer Forensics in Fiction

New television show -- CSI: Cyber. I hope they have some good technical advisers, but I doubt they do....

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

NEXP and the Next Generation

Saluting Alan Selman upon the occasion of his retirement Photos by Marty Kerker Alan Selman is retiring after a long and illustrious career, the longest part spent alongside me in Buffalo. He arrived in August 1990, a year after…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

NEXP and the Next Generation

Saluting Alan Selman upon the occasion of his retirement Photos by Marty Kerker Alan Selman is retiring after a long and illustrious career, the longest part spent alongside me in Buffalo. He arrived in August 1990, a year after…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco Plans a Smartphone

Tesco Plans a Smartphone

Retail giant Tesco plans to introduce an Android smartphone this year.   In Retailwire.    Most interesting part: " ... Tesco's smartphone, and the Hudl, will include a "T-button" to provide instant access to Tesco's digital…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Analytics Handbook, Part III

Free Analytics Handbook, Part III

As I mentioned, this is less a handbook, and more a set of informative interviews of practitioners and promoters of the topic.   Now Tristan Tao writes:" We are excited to share with you the final edition of The Data Analytics…

From CERIAS Blog

In Memorium: Wyatt Starnes

In Memorium: Wyatt Starnes

William Wyatt Starnes passed away unexpectedly on May 10th, 2014 at the age of 59. Wyatt was a serial entrepreneur, known for his work in computing — and especially cyber protection — as well as for his mentorship and public …

From CERIAS Blog

In Memorium: Wyatt Starnes

In Memorium: Wyatt Starnes

William Wyatt Starnes passed away unexpectedly on May 10th, 2014 at the age of 59. Wyatt was a serial entrepreneur, known for his work in computing — and especially cyber protection — as well as for his mentorship and public …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics for CPG

Analytics for CPG

From Accenture.   An interesting overview report with quite a bit of detail.   Pointing to a recent study. No specific companies are mentioned, but I do know some of their connections.   " ... Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Drone with Oculus Support

Drone with Oculus Support

IEEE Spectrum reports on a natural progression, the interaction of physical devices, like drones, and Augmented reality interfaces, like the Oculus Rift. display.   The connection between our senses and mobile sensory devices…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Management Best Practices at GE

Management Best Practices at GE

Have always been impressed in my occasional collaboration.  Includes some interesting examples.  " .... A fundamental challenge of any firm – especially a huge global company such as GE – is how to balance nurturing tomorrow’s…

From Schneier on Security

New NSA Snowden Documents

New NSA Snowden Documents

Glenn Greenwald's book, No Place to Hide, has been published today. There are about 100 pages of NSA documents on the book's website. I haven't gone through them yet. At a quick glance, only a few of them have been published…

From Schneier on Security

Steganography in Tweets

Steganography in Tweets

Clever, but make sure to heed the caveats in the final two paragraphs....

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Does moving to a better university make you a better researcher?

Does moving to a better university make you a better researcher?

Deville et al. studied the performance of physics professors as they moved from one job to another. They found that moving to a lesser school lowered the impact of one’s research papers on average a tiny bit (by a fraction of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Understanding Faces and Consumer Behavior

Understanding Faces and Consumer Behavior

Understanding consumer behavior by building on facial recognition software.  Work that came out of MIT where we saw it being used to trap and classify emotional responses to products via a set of digital eye glasses.    The first…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Home Appliances from LG

Smart Home Appliances from LG

An area we examined for years.  How could smart appliances be integrated into the home?  And what are the implications for the large CPG company?  A short look at how always innovative Korean appliance manufacturer LG is bringing…

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