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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards

Tribeca Disruptive  Innovation Awards

Colleague Louis Killeffer reports on the" .... 6th Annual Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards. As in every preceding year, the scope and scale of this year’s honorees’ ambitions and achievements are breathtakingAnd if that sounds…

From insideHPC

Lenovo Integrates Diablo’s Memory Channel Storage

Lenovo Integrates Diablo’s Memory Channel Storage

Today Diablo Technologies announced that its Memory Channel Storage (MCS) architecture has been integrated into the latest edition of Lenovo’s X6 server solutions. The news comes on the heels of Diablo winning a series of legal…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

End of year thoughts

End of year thoughts

Its that time of year for end-of-year projects, crazy state testing schedules (in Ohio at least) and other random activities. As an end-of-year project, many of us assign open ended projects so our students can demonstrate their…

From insideHPC

Video: The Future of Interconnect with OpenPOWER

Video: The Future of Interconnect with OpenPOWER

"ConnectX-4 EDR 100Gb/s with CAPI support tightly integrates with the POWER CPU at the local bus level and provides faster access between the POWER CPU and the network device. We will discuss the latest interconnect advancements…

From insideHPC

Gartner Recognizes CoolIT Systems in New Datacenter Report

Gartner Recognizes CoolIT Systems in New Datacenter Report

Today CoolIT Systems announced that it has been named as one of four "Cool Vendors in Data Center Management, Power and Cooling" in a new analyst report by Gartner. As part of an annual series, the report offers insight on a …

From insideHPC

New ANSYS Enterprise Cloud Scales Simulation

New ANSYS Enterprise Cloud Scales Simulation

Today ANSYS announced that the company is making its flagship engineering simulation software available on the cloud via Amazon Web Services. The new ANSYS Enterprise Cloud running on AWS enables customers to scale their simulation…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CAREER Program in Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI)

NSF CAREER Program in Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI)

The following is a letter to the community from Sushil K. Prasad in the Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI) at the National Science Foundation (NSF)…

From insideHPC

SC15 Seeking Nominations for Cray, Fernbach and Kennedy Awards

SC15 Seeking Nominations for Cray, Fernbach and Kennedy Awards

The SC15 conference is now seeking nominations for the Cray, Fernbach, and Kennedy awards. The submission deadline is Wednesday, July 1, 2015.

The post SC15 Seeking Nominations for Cray, Fernbach and Kennedy Awards appeared first…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking further back at Origins of AI

Looking further back at Origins of AI

In the CACM:  Looking yet further back at the history of AI.  My father worked on the Norden at Sperry in WWII.  I particularly note some of the connections between sensors and analytics and cognitive AI.  It started with linking…

From Schneier on Security

Stealing a Billion

Stealing a Billion

It helps if you own the banks: The report said Shor and his associates worked together in 2012 to buy a controlling stake in three Moldovan banks and then gradually increased the banks' liquidity through a series of complex transactions…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Old people are not very sharp, are they?

Old people are not very sharp, are they?

Depression, obesity, stress, sleep deprivation and age affect negatively your brain. However, as I have previously argued, the commonly reported decline in intellectual productivity with age is not so simple as it was once thought…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Measurement and Models

Measurement and Models

Just now In the Edge:   Popper Versus BaconA Conversation With Peter Coveney  intro by John BrockmanPeople have to go around measuring things. There's no escape from that for most of that type of work. There's a deep relationship…

From Apophenia

Are We Training Our Students to be Robots?

Are We Training Our Students to be Robots?

Excited about the possibility that he would project his creativity onto paper, I handed my 1-year-old son a crayon. He tried to eat it. I held his hand to show him how to draw, and he broke the crayon in half. I went to open…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Advanced Holograms

Advanced  Holograms

In CWorld:   The advance mentioned below is important:  ... Holograms have been part of the business and science community's toolset for some time but Microsoft is highlighting just how advanced they have become lately. .... 


A Taste of CHI Interactivity in Seoul

A Taste of CHI Interactivity in Seoul

Observations from CHI 2015, the first SIGCHI annual conference held in Asia.

From Schneier on Security

Online Dating Scams

Online Dating Scams

Interesting research: We identified three types of scams happening on Jiayuan. The first one involves advertising of escort services or illicit goods, and is very similar to traditional spam. The other two are far more interesting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Measuring Relatedness of Knowledge Graphs

Measuring Relatedness of Knowledge Graphs

Interesting and technical talk on how research labs are using Map-Reduce to examine the closeness of terms in text.   Looks at the efficiency of doing this for very large examples of knowledge bases.   Creates a measure of relatedness…

From insideHPC

NAG Library adds New Algorithms for Application Developers

NAG Library adds New Algorithms for Application Developers

Today the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) released their latest NAG Library including over 80 new mathematical and statistical algorithms.

The post NAG Library adds New Algorithms for Application Developers appeared first on…


Learning About Parallel and Distributed Computing

Learning About Parallel and Distributed Computing

Parallel and distributed computing are now in the core CS curriculum, and every CS program should be teaching their students about it. How can CS educators learn about it?

From insideHPC

Video: OpenACC for Fortran Programmers

Video: OpenACC for Fortran Programmers

"Learn how to program NVIDIA GPUs using Fortran with OpenACC directives. The first half of this presentation will introduce OpenACC to new GPU and OpenACC programmers, providing the basic material necessary to start successfully…

From The Eponymous Pickle

General Morphological Analysis for the Wicked

General Morphological Analysis for the Wicked

Just received, points to excellent resources and examples of morphological, or 'structural' analysis. This should see much more application,  consider applying it before detailed quant data is acquired for a complex problem. …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet of Things to Surge Productivity

Internet of Things to Surge Productivity

Had not thought of the connection directly, but a reasonable idea, and information technology has done that. Efficiency, and disrupting innovation?    An economist's view. " ... The view from Harvard's Michael Porter, an economist…

From insideHPC

Video: Soft RoCE Drivers

Video: Soft RoCE Drivers

Soft-RoCE is the software implementation of the RoCE standard and compatible with any standard Ethernet networks.

The post Video: Soft RoCE Drivers appeared first on insideHPC.

From Computational Complexity

The Virtuous Cycle

Last week we have a celebration of the new CS graduates at Georgia Tech where each graduating student says what their plans are for next year. Other than the few going to grad school, they all have great jobs but the difference…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nepal: CRICIS Computing is Needed

Nepal: CRICIS Computing is Needed

The following is a guest blog post by Dr. Robin Murphy, Raytheon Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Faculty Fellow for Innovation in High-Impact Learning Experiences at Texas A&M University.  The Nepal earthquake…

From insideHPC

Video: Docker, Monitoring, and SLURM Dashboards

Video: Docker, Monitoring, and SLURM Dashboards

"Based on a containerized HPC environment this talk shows of a state-of-the-art stack including performance monitoring, log event handling and GraphDB based inventory to provide insights into what is going on within a SLURM cluster…

From Writing

A Guide to Hiring for your Startup

A Guide to Hiring for your Startup

On April 30, 2015, I gave a talk called "A Guide to Hiring for your Startup", where I discussed what to look for in a candidates, where to find them, how to interview them, and how to make an offer they can't refuse. This talk…

From Schneier on Security

Another Example of Cell Phone Metadata Forensic Surveillance

Another Example of Cell Phone Metadata Forensic Surveillance

Matthew Cole explains how the Italian police figured out how the CIA kidnapped Abu Omar in Milan. Interesting use of cell phone metadata, showing how valuable it is for intelligence purposes. See also this example....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Learning with Structure and Interpretation

Deep Learning with Structure and Interpretation

A dozen years ago we were using neural nets to capture aspects of consumer behavior and interpret the results to apply to marketing decisions.  Not what is today called 'Deep Learning', but uses the same some of the same math…

From insideHPC

Video: NVM Burst Buffers

Video: NVM Burst Buffers

"The Cray XC series DataWarp applications I/O accelerator technology delivers a balanced and cohesive system architecture from compute to storage. It allocates storage dynamically in either private (dedicated) or shared modes…