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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2015

From Putting People First

Conference Call: Design Anthropological Futures

Conference Call: Design Anthropological Futures

Design Anthropological Futures conference Organised by the Research Network for Design Anthropology August 13-14, 2015 Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts – School of Design in Copenhagen, Denmark The Design Anthropological Futures…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What Question Might Turing Pose Now?

What Question Might Turing Pose Now?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Packaged Decision Optimization Cloud

Packaged Decision Optimization Cloud

A packaging of a number of IBM's optimization and analytics capabilities.   Clever solution oriented packaging.      But will it get ahead of open source solutions?   Interesting views of the under use of optimization technologies…

From Computational Complexity

An Intentional and an Unintentional teaching experiment regarding proving the number of primes is infinite.

I taught Discrete Math Honors this semester. Two of the days were cancelled entirely because of snow (the entire school was closed) and four more I couldn't make because of health issues (I'm fine now). People DID sub for me…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Rooms in the Smart Home

Virtual Rooms in the Smart Home

In ReadWrite Web:   Good piece.  Look forward to compare it to out innovation home."Virtual Rooms" For The Apple Smart Home Sound Like A Great Idea ...  A new "Home" app could make smart homes easier for users.Since Apple announced…

From The Eponymous Pickle

May - June 2015 Analytics Magazine

May - June 2015 Analytics Magazine

A Publication of Informs: Analytics malfeasance, unified analytics and human resource analytics are some of the many topics explored in the current May/June issue of Analytics magazine. The issue also offers an analytical approach…

From insideHPC

Call for Presentations: PBS Works User Group

Call for Presentations: PBS Works User Group

"Have you simplified your HPC environment or improved productivity with the use of PBS Works products? If so, Altair invites you to share your experiences, tips and tricks and practical lessons through case study style presentations…

From Apophenia

The Cost of Fame

The Cost of Fame

We were in Juarez Mexico. We had gone there as a group of activists to stage a protest over the government’s refusal to investigate the disappearance and brutal murders of hundreds of women. It was a V-Day initiative and so there…

From Schneier on Security

New Pew Research Report on Americans' Attitudes on Privacy, Security, and Surveillance

New Pew Research Report on Americans' Attitudes on Privacy, Security, and Surveillance

This is interesting: The surveys find that Americans feel privacy is important in their daily lives in a number of essential ways. Yet, they have a pervasive sense that they are under surveillance when in public and very few…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NAS Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in Convergence Research

NAS Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in Convergence Research

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has announced the creation of the new Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in Convergence Research, convergence research is the integration of research in two or more of the following disciplines…

From insideHPC

German HPC Leads European Research

German HPC Leads European Research

The spotlight has fallen on German supercomputing with several announcements about European-wide research which Germany's Gauss Centre for Supercomputing enables.

The post German HPC Leads European Research appeared first on …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Creating Rapport with an Organization

Creating Rapport with an Organization

In Bob Herbold's Blog:  Creating rapport with an organization, from his interesting organization management writings.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards Having Smart Computers on my Team

Towards Having Smart Computers on my Team

CSIG talk today by Barbara Grosz of Harvard: “Is Your Intelligent Computer Smart Enough To Be on My Team” or more serious title: “Interactive Intelligence and Health Care Coordination”.   Slides here.   Some excellent description…

From insideHPC

SC15 Announces Test of Time Award Winners

SC15 Announces Test of Time Award Winners

Today SC15 announced the winners of their annual Test of Time Award. The Award recognizes an outstanding paper that has deeply influenced the HPC discipline.

The post SC15 Announces Test of Time Award Winners appeared first on…

From insideHPC

Rescale Rolls Out Cloud HPC and Simulation Platform

Rescale Rolls Out Cloud HPC and Simulation Platform

This week Rescale announced their new cloud HPC and simulation solution called ScaleXTM Enterprise. "ScaleX Enterprise is Rescale’s secure and flexible solution for enterprise companies, combining its award-winning engineering…

From insideHPC

Direct N-Body Simulation

Direct N-Body Simulation

In some domains, an N-Body simulation is key to solving for the movement and forces of a dynamic system of particles. At each time step, the force that one body exacts on each other, and then the velocity can be computed. The…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science and ?

Computer Science and ?

Several conversations lately have me thinking about combining computer science with other subjects in school. My thinking regularly comes back to that for a number of reasons. One is that it reflects the real world today. Computer…

From insideHPC

Comparing OpenACC and OpenMP Performance and Programmability

Comparing OpenACC and OpenMP Performance and Programmability

"OpenACC and OpenMP provide programmers with two good options for portable, high-level parallel programming for GPUs. This talk will discuss similarities and differences between the two specifications in terms of programmability…

From Schneier on Security

The Logjam (and Another) Vulnerability against Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

The Logjam (and Another) Vulnerability against Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Logjam is a new attack against the Diffie-Hellman key-exchange protocol used in TLS. Basically: The Logjam attack allows a man-in-the-middle attacker to downgrade vulnerable TLS connections to 512-bit export-grade cryptography…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation

Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation

Was reminded of this resource recently.  Had used it to inspire some of our work with agent based models, good to see they are still going strong.  Articles vary in technical depth.   From their description:" ... The Journal

From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Computer Scientist who Challenged the Nash Equilibrium

The Computer Scientist who Challenged the Nash Equilibrium

In November 2014, I was privileged to meet Constantinos Daskalakis, a Greek Computer Scientist and Associate Professor at MIT’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department. Daskalakis is best known for his work inContinue…


St. Petersburg National Research U­niversity ITMO Wins 2015 ACM-ICPC World Finals

St. Petersburg National Research U­niversity ITMO Wins 2015 ACM-ICPC World Finals

ITMO becomes the first team to solve all 13 problems in the ACM-ICPC World Finals!

From Schneier on Security

Research on Patch Deployment

Research on Patch Deployment

New research indicates that it's very hard to completely patch systems against vulnerabilities: It turns out that it may not be that easy to patch vulnerabilities completely. Using WINE, we analyzed the patch deployment process…

From CERIAS Blog

Two Items of interest

Two Items of interest

Here are a couple of items of possible interest to some of you.

First, a group of companies, organizations, and notable individuals signed on to a letter to President Obama urging that the government not mandate “back doors”about…

From CERIAS Blog

Two Items of interest

Two Items of interest

Here are a couple of items of possible interest to some of you.

First, a group of companies, organizations, and notable individuals signed on to a letter to President Obama urging that the government not mandate “back doors”about…

From CERIAS Blog

Two Items of interest

Two Items of interest

Here are a couple of items of possible interest to some of you.

First, a group of companies, organizations, and notable individuals signed on to a letter to President Obama urging that the government not mandate “back doors”about…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Target Item Level RFID Tags on Fast Track

Target Item Level RFID Tags on Fast Track

In Retailwire:  Experimented with the idea as early as 2000.  Note to be used in some categories only. As we did in areas like Shaving.   But those experiments could spread.  To what degree will this replace the barcode, which…

From insideHPC

Interview: HPC Success Stories Session Coming to ISC’15

Interview: HPC Success Stories Session Coming to ISC’15

This year, the ISC High Performance Conference will feature a new session called Great Success Stories of HPC. To learn more, we caught up with session chair Frank Baetke from HP.

The post Interview: HPC Success Stories Session…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Human Computation Roadmap Summit Report

CCC Human Computation Roadmap Summit Report

The organizing committee for the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Human Computation Roadmap Summit have released their workshop report. The visioning workshop, hosted by the CCC, explored the design and analysis of information…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AC Usage in Middle Class

AC Usage in Middle Class

In IEEE Spectrum:  World's Middle Class embraces air conditioning.  Implications for energy usage.

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