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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2016

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shapes Constraint Language

Shapes Constraint Language

Brought to my attention.  Technical.  Note the mention of data quality use, using the concept of 'shape',  a recent concern." .... The Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) is an evolving specification produced by the W3C RDF Data…

From The Eponymous Pickle

COGs Ladder

COGs Ladder

Procter & Gamble colleague George O Charrier recently passed away.  He developed a collaboration model called the COGs ladder.   In use by a number of groups today.  If you have an case studies of its use,  please pass them along…

From Putting People First

Two reports on age-friendly banking

Two reports on age-friendly banking

Age-friendly banking: What it is and how you do it Age UK 30 April 2016 The new report showcases examples of good practice which, if rolled out more widely, could revolutionise the way in which the banks interact with older people…

From Putting People First

New book series: Connected Youth and Digital Futures

New book series: Connected Youth and Digital Futures

Building on research supported by the MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning initiative, New York University Press launches Connected Youth and Digital Futures, a new series that explores young people’s day-to-day …

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computing Community Consortium Symposium

Computing Community Consortium Symposium

Over the past 10 years, the Computing Community Consortium has hosted dozens of research visioning workshops to imagine, discuss, and debate the future of computing and its role in addressing societal needs. The Computing Research…

From updated sporadically at best

Why It's Not Academia's Job to Produce Code That Ships

Why It's Not Academia's Job to Produce Code That Ships

My scientist friends often scoff at crime show writers' creative interpretation of technological limits.

The technology shiny world of CSI: Cyber.
"Let's zoom in here," a character says in an investigation room with floor-to-ceiling…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Linked Data in the Enterprise

Linked Data in the Enterprise

I am reminded of the term,  definition from the WP below:    What are the best examples of its use in the enterprise?   The DBPedia is an easily understandable example, where the data is derived from the Wikipedia or similar"…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Toward a Layer of Common Sense

Toward a Layer of Common Sense

Admittedly dated, but been reexamining the 'common sense' ontology Cyc again recently, this article reexamines the premise and progress. Circa 2005. I recall thinking that we might be able to build our own ontologies on top of…

From insideHPC

Video: Accelerating Code at the GPU Hackathon in Delaware

Video: Accelerating Code at the GPU Hackathon in Delaware

In this video from the GPU Hackathon at the University of Delaware, attendees tune their code to accelerate their application performance. The 5-day intensive GPU programming Hackathon was held in collaboration with Oak Ridge…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Pre-Sales Engineer at SGI

Job of the Week: HPC Pre-Sales Engineer at SGI

SGI_logo_platinum_lgSGI is seeking an HPC Pre-Sales Engineer in our Job of the Week. "The HPC Pre-Sales Engineer role provides in depth technical and architectural expertise in Federal Sales opportunities in the DC area, primarily…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeking: Building AI that Builds AI

Seeking:  Building AI that Builds AI

Building AI is hard work,  have been working on it for years.  Even if we are attempting to just improve relatively common cognitive business tasks.  Forgetting for now hoping to build complete 'brains'.   So can it be automated…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Disrupting Manufacturing

Disrupting Manufacturing

In Brookings:Disrupting manufacturing: Innovation and the future of skilled labor  by Daniel Araya and Christopher Sulavik" ... The common assumption today is that robots will soon drive our cars, manage our work, and manufacture…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data University

Big Data University

Brought to my attention by Jim Spohrer, a community that pulls together a number of introductory segments on data engineering (broadly defined to include analytical and cognitive methods).What is Big Data University?An IBM community…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Firefly Squid in the News

Friday Squid Blogging: Firefly Squid in the News

It's a good time to see firefly squid in Japan. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From Technology News

Simulation tool uses FinTech quant techniques and big data to guide best health insurance plan

Simulation tool uses FinTech quant techniques and big data to guide best health insurance plan

Using technologies originally developed to evaluate complex investments and portfolios, a new data-driven simulator is being developed to help individuals and families evaluate health plans and select the health insurance policies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeing, Sensing and Reproducing Color

Seeing, Sensing and Reproducing Color

In the New Yorker:   The Search for Our Missing Colors, By Amos Zeeberg.  You would think that in our digital world we could sense, see and reproduce most any color.  Well, not quite.  What are the implications for the increasingly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Is RFID Ready for Prime Time in Retail?

Is RFID Ready for Prime Time in Retail?

Perhaps piggybacking on the IOT craze?  Our original prediction from the innovation center proved to be very wrong.  The particular lack of progress was fed by the lack of thinking about what could be done with the data, beyond…

From insideHPC

Register for ISC 2016 by May 11 for Early Bird Discounts

Register for ISC 2016 by May 11 for Early Bird Discounts

There is still time to take advantage of Early Bird registration rates for ISC 2016. You can save over 45 percent off the on-site registration rates if you sign up by May 11. "ISC 2016 takes place June 19-23 in Frankfurt, Germany…

From updated sporadically at best

Dual Booting Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04

Dual Booting Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04

For a couple of years, secure boot was making it harder every time to install a Windows/Linux dual boot. I've just finished successfully setting up a dual boot on my Lenovo X1 Carbon and am happy to report that it requires more…

From Schneier on Security

Dilbert on Electronic Voting Machines

Dilbert on Electronic Voting Machines

Accurate (the cartoon, not the machines)....

From The Eponymous Pickle

VR Revolutionizing Data Visualization

VR Revolutionizing Data Visualization

We experimented in this in a number of ways, virtual words and using 3D viewers ...  Visualization should also be part of the first few steps in any analytics project.In Forbes, by Bernard Marr" .. Visualization is often a key…

From insideHPC

Video: Brendan Gregg Looks at Tools & Methodologies for Linux System Performance

Video: Brendan Gregg Looks at Tools & Methodologies for Linux System Performance

In this video from the 2016 Percona Data Performance Conference, Brendan Gregg, Senior Performance Architect from Netflix presents: Linux Systems Performance. “Systems performance provides a different perspective for analysis…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Professors intentionally slow down science to make themselves look better

Professors intentionally slow down science to make themselves look better

Recently, the president of the United States announced a big anti-cancer initiative, to be headed by his vice-president Joe Biden. Will it be fruitful? Maybe. But an important obstacle has become clear. Researchers are glad to…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Supercomputing Gels with Stampede

Podcast: Supercomputing Gels with Stampede

In this TACC Podcast, Jorge Salazar looks at how researchers are using the Stampede supercomputer to shed light on the microscale world of colloidal gels — liquids dispersed in a solid medium as a gel. "Colloidal gels are actually…

From insideHPC

A Perspective on Power Management for Hard Disks

A Perspective on Power Management for Hard Disks

Kirill Malkin from SGI presented this talk at the 2016 MSST conference. "Malkin will talk about the impact of power management on reliability of hard disk devices based on a field experience with SGI’s MAID product (formerly …

From insideHPC

Submissions Open for Newly Merged TOP500 and Green500

Submissions Open for Newly Merged TOP500 and Green500

Today the ISC Group announced that the Green500 will be integrated with the TOP500 project with a single submission process. "This merge is of great significance to the high performance computing community,” said Erich Strohmaier…

From Technology News

Air power now weapon of choice

Air power now weapon of choice

Air power has become the weapon of choice for Western politicians because it causes maximum destruction with the minimum of commitment, according to new research from a University of Exeter academic.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Materials

Designing Materials

In Nature:  A look at how machine learning can be used for material design.  Visually realized.   So why not for any other kind of parameter, or structure driven design?  We did this for package design a long time ago.  Now the…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP


Some fun rejection comments Joshua Gans and George Shepherd were doctoral students in economics at Stanford University back in the 1990s. They wrote an interesting paper that I just came across entitled How Are the Mighty Fallen…

From Schneier on Security

White House Report on Big Data Discrimination

White House Report on Big Data Discrimination

The White House has released a report on big-data discrimination. From the blog post: Using case studies on credit lending, employment, higher education, and criminal justice, the report we are releasing today illustrates how…