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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2017

From Computational Complexity

Students try to memorize rather than understand! Who knew! (everyone)

Discrete Math. Required for CS majors, taken mostly by Sophmores.  Goal is to teach them how to think  rigorously. Topics are logic, number theory (not much), induction, sets, functions, relations, combinatorics (includes Pigeon…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Examining Digital Advertising

Examining Digital Advertising

In Technology Review.    Read the complete thing.

Digital Advertising Takes a Hit
Big-name advertisers have begun to question whether they’ve placed too much faith—and money—in targeted advertising.   by Kate Kaye   

Since its infancy…

From insideHPC

Video: HPC at NIBR

Video: HPC at NIBR

"Focused on High Performance and Scientific Computing at Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research (NIBR), in Basel Switzerland, Nick Holway and his team provide HPC resources and services, including programming and consultancy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Teaching Facebook's Machines to Think

Teaching Facebook's Machines to Think

Building behavior Models of individuals?

Meet the man who makes Facebook’s machines think
By Alex Kantrowitz 

Nearly 3,000 miles away from Facebook's Menlo Park headquarters, in an old, beige office building in downtown Manhattan…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Computer Scientist at Naval Air Systems Command

Job of the Week: Computer Scientist at Naval Air Systems Command

The Naval Air Systems Command is seeking a Computer Scientist in our Job of the Week.

The post Job of the Week: Computer Scientist at Naval Air Systems Command appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Home Follows Conversational Recipes

Google Home Follows Conversational Recipes

Following a cooking recipe is a simplified kind of conversation.   The assumed script is something that has been standardized over time. There are ingredient list and quantities,  cooking instructions,  Serving instructions.


From The Eponymous Pickle

Block Chain Vendors

Block Chain Vendors

Interesting list of companies working this space, via Gartner Blog

Gartner’s Cool Vendors in Blockchain Applications
by Rajesh Kandaswamy 

Blockchain can be more than a technology that solves specific problems. While it may appear…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Vertex Solution Science

Vertex Solution Science

Brought to my attention:  Vertex

" ... Every business faces challenges. There are some challenges that - if persist longer –turn into problems. So, you need solutions that can address these challenges before they turn into obstacles…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Aims to Ease the Re-Order

Wal-Mart Aims to Ease the Re-Order

Note that this is about a patent, so its speculative.  Not unexpected that Wal-Mart would also push this.  Even implies there is an automatic replenishment element.  Which we note Amazon is already trying to federalize.  In Reuters…

From insideHPC

Video: IBM Datacentric Servers & OpenPOWER

Video: IBM Datacentric Servers & OpenPOWER

"Big data analytics, machine learning and deep learning are among the most rapidly growing workloads in the data center. These workloads have the compute performance requirements of traditional technical computing or high performance…

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: Hot Interconnects

Call for Papers: Hot Interconnects

The 25th International Symposium on High Performance Interconnects (HotI 2017) has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place August 29-30 at the Ericsson Campus in Santa Clara, California. "Hot Interconnects is the premier…

From The Eponymous Pickle

NASA Speeding up Fortran

NASA Speeding up Fortran

NASA wants to reinvent, or at least make faster, the programming language Fortran. For purposes of speeding legacy air flow simulation software they have.  Surprising to some, there is still lots of valuable work that still exists…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Laser Branding Replaces Produce Stickers

Laser Branding Replaces Produce Stickers

Marking produce in grocery has long been an  issue.   Saw a similar approach suggested years ago.  Appearance like a cattle brand.   Looks like it works well on produce with big a flat surface area, like potatoes, but how about…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotion Detection using Machine Learning

Emotion Detection using Machine Learning

Emotion detection regarding product impressions was a long time goal of our research.

Emotion Detection Using Machine Learning
Pulling out context from the text is one of the most remarkable procurements obtained using NLP. A few…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Why Voice Now?

Why Voice Now?

It has caught the public imagination, though it still has some rough spots as an ideal channel.

Why Alexa and why now?
Phillip Hunter  of Amazon discusses the reasons why voice-driven experiences are now more common. ...      Video…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Real Challenge of Home Robotics

The Real Challenge of Home Robotics

In Sciam.  This remains a considerable challenge.  Its all in the sensors. 

The Life Robotic: When Autonomous Machines Can Do More Than Just Vacuum
A leading technologist imagines what will happen when home robots take on a larger…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Communications

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Communications

In the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana, males use body patterns to communicate with both females and other males: To gain insight into the visual communication associated with each behavior in terms of the body patterning's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

UC Analytics Summit, May 19, 2017

UC Analytics Summit,  May 19, 2017

I will be speaking at the UC Analytics Summit:  May 19, 2017

The UC Analytics Summit 2017 is May 19 @Sharonville Convention Center

Three keynote speakers, 5 all-day tracks, machine learning, predictive analytics, data visualization…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Application of Contest Theory

The Application of Contest Theory

Abstract, Video, full text in ACM digital.

Contest Theory   By Milan Vojnović 
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 60 No. 5, Pages 70-80

A variety of Internet online services are designed based on contests. A canonical…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Walmart, Tagging and Sensing

Walmart,  Tagging and Sensing

This is from a patent, which is always speculative, but shows Walmart is looking outward, even into the smart home.   Of course manufacturers might be responsible for all this tagging and packaging. Increasing costs?  Also implies…

From insideHPC

Sixteen Teams to Compete in SC17 Student Cluster Competition

Sixteen Teams to Compete in SC17 Student Cluster Competition

Today SC17 announced that 16 teams will take part in the Student Cluster Competition. Hailing from across the U.S., as well as Asia and Europe, the student teams will race to build HPC clusters and run a full suite of applications…

From insideHPC

Podcast: PortHadoop Speeds Data Movement for Science

Podcast: PortHadoop Speeds Data Movement for Science

In this TACC Podcast, host Jorge Salazar interviews Xian-He Sun, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Computer Scientists working in his group are bridging the file system gap with…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (May 5th, 2017)

Science and Technology links (May 5th, 2017)

Lungs make blood cells: In experiments involving mice, the team found that they produce more than 10 million platelets (tiny blood cells) per hour, equating to the majority of platelets in the animals’ circulation. Scientists…

From insideHPC

Nominate Your Customers for the 2017 HPC Innovation Awards

Nominate Your Customers for the 2017 HPC Innovation Awards

"Hyperion research (previously the HPC team at IDC) has launched a program to both collect this data and recognize noteworthy achievements using High Performance Computing (HPC) resources. We are interested in Innovation and/or…

From insideHPC

Slidecast: BXI – Bull eXascale Interconnect

Slidecast: BXI – Bull eXascale Interconnect

"The interconnect is going to be a key enabling technology for exascale systems. This is why one of the cornerstones of Bull’s exascale program is the development of our own new-generation interconnect. The Bull eXascale Interconnect…

From Mostafa Dehghani

Aleksandr's Thesis Cover

Aleksandr's Thesis Cover

I've designed the thesis cover for one of the ILPSers, Aleksandr Chucklin who has just defended his PhD. His thesis is about "Understanding and Modeling Users of Modern Search Engines". Here is the thesis cover: and here  is its…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Investment in the Coming Decade of AI

Investment in the Coming Decade of AI

A view in CIO of how AI is emerging in a number of dimensions.  Investments being made.  Good generalized piece.

" ...  in a blog last year that we are at the dawn of a new age of artificial intelligence (A.I.). And 2017 certainly…

From Schneier on Security

Why is the TSA Scanning Paper?

Why is the TSA Scanning Paper?

I've been reading a bunch of anectotal reports that the TSA is starting to scan paper separately: A passenger going through security at Kansas City International Airport (MCI) recently was asked by security officers to remove…

From Writing

The Truth About Startups

The Truth About Startups

Today, I’m happy to share the video and slides of a talk I gave at the MIT Martin Center for Entrepreneurship, as well as the Trinity College Blackstone Launchpad. It’s a talk I wish someone gave me when I was in college to help…

From Writing

The Truth About Startups

The Truth About Startups

Today, I’m happy to share the video and slides of a talk I gave at the MIT Martin Center for Entrepreneurship, as well as the Trinity College Blackstone Launchpad. It’s a talk I wish someone gave me when I was in college to help…