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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2017

From insideHPC

Why IMC is Right for Today’s Fast-Data and Big-Data Applications

Why IMC is Right for Today’s Fast-Data and Big-Data Applications

IMCMany more companies are turning to in-memory computing (IMC) as they struggle to analyze and process increasingly large amounts of data. That said, it’s often hard to make sense of the growing world of IMC products and solutions…

From insideHPC

Cray and Markley Group to Offer Supercomputing as a Service

Cray and Markley Group to Offer Supercomputing as a Service

Today Cray and the Markley Group announced a partnership to provide supercomputing as a service solutions. "The need for supercomputers has never been greater,” said Patrick W. Gilmore, chief technology officer at Markley. “For…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Alexa will Deliver Skill-Based Notifications

Amazon Alexa will Deliver Skill-Based Notifications

This does not sound like much, but it is a considerable thing.   You still have to ask for the notification. Which could cause a problem depending on how many notifications you have.  It seems it would also be useful to allow…

From insideHPC

Fujitsu and 1QBit Collaborate on Quantum-Inspired AI Cloud Service

Fujitsu and 1QBit Collaborate on Quantum-Inspired AI Cloud Service

Today Fujitsu and 1QB Information Technologies Inc. announced that they are collaborating on quantum-inspired technology in the field of artificial intelligence, focusing on the areas of combinatorial optimization and machine…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Research Agenda in Intelligent Infrastructure to Enhance Disaster Management, Community Resilience and Public Safety

Research Agenda in Intelligent Infrastructure to Enhance Disaster Management, Community Resilience and Public Safety

Contributions to this blog were made by Michael Dunaway from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and CCC Council Member Daniel Lopresti from Lehigh University.  What if a Category 5 hurricane were heading towards New Orleans…

From insideHPC

Livestream: 2017 MSST Mass Storage Conference

Livestream: 2017 MSST Mass Storage Conference

We are very excited to bring you this livestream of the 2017 MSST Conference in Santa Clara, Californing. We'll be broadcasting all the talks for the next two days starting Tuesday, May 16 at 8:30am PDT.

The post Livestream:insideHPC…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Next Gen Stores

Wal-Mart Next Gen Stores

In Retailwire, with discussion.  Not too different from our own retail store labs.  Except,  the testing the much stronger connection to online ordering.

Will Walmart’s next-gen store fly with shoppers?  by Matthew Stern

" ...


From The Noisy Channel

Query Scoping

Query Scoping

In the previous post, we discussed how query segmentation improves precision by grouping query words into semantic units. In this post, we’ll discuss query scoping, another query rewriting technique that improves precision by…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF WATCH TALK- Secure Hardware and Cryptography: Contrasts, Synergies and Challenges

NSF WATCH TALK- Secure Hardware and Cryptography: Contrasts, Synergies and Challenges

The next WATCH talk, called Secure Hardware and Cryptography: Contrasts, Synergies and Challenges is Thursday, May 18th, from 12 PM-1 PM ET. The presenter is Srini Devadas, the Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering and…

From Schneier on Security

Did North Korea Write WannaCry?

Did North Korea Write WannaCry?

The New York Times is reporting that evidence is pointing to North Korea as the author of the WannaCry ransomware. Note that there is no proof at this time, although it would not surprise me if the NSA knows the origins of this…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Drone Economy

Drone Economy

Particularly interested in the data collection and autonomous, sensor driven  aspects of drones.

Join HBR and Chris Anderson as we look at the world of unmanned Aerial Vehicles In:

The Drone Economy
This isn't just about little


From The Eponymous Pickle

An Executive Guide to Machine Learning

An Executive Guide to Machine Learning

Good,  well written, non-technical, also a bit dated (from mid 2015)  as to current influences this tech is having.  An executive's view, with a number of useful points.  From McKinsey quarterly.   Via DSC.

An executive’s guide…

From insideHPC

Genome Analytics Driving a Healthcare Revolution

Genome Analytics Driving a Healthcare Revolution

genome analyticsNext-generation sequencing methods are empowering doctors and researchers to improve their ability to treat diseases, predict and prevent diseases before they occur, and personalize treatments to specific patient profiles. "With…

From Computational Complexity

If an ugrad asks `is field X worth studying' the answer is almost always yes

An undergraduate Freshman recently emailed me that he was very interested in Quantum Computing and wanted to know

1) Who on the fCS aculty works in QC (Answer: Andrew Childs though you should ask him about postdocs, grad students…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaborative Robotics: CoBots

Collaborative Robotics: CoBots

The term is not much used, but makes the point.  All computing systems are collaborative in some way.  We have accepted the assistance of computers for a long time.  But actual android helpers are still not common, and our reactions…

From Schneier on Security

NSA Brute-Force Keysearch Machine

NSA Brute-Force Keysearch Machine

The Intercept published a story about a dedicated NSA brute-force keysearch machine being built with the help of New York University and IBM. It's based on a document that was accidentally shared on the Internet by NYU. The article…

From Schneier on Security

Using Wi-Fi to Get 3D Images of Surrounding Location

Using Wi-Fi to Get 3D Images of Surrounding Location

Interesting research: The radio signals emitted by a commercial Wi-Fi router can act as a kind of radar, providing images of the transmitter's environment, according to new experiments. Two researchers in Germany borrowed techniques…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Synthetic Sensors

Synthetic Sensors

 Most interesting development to make implementing sensors more efficient.

Internet of Things Made Simple: One Sensor Package Does Work of Many 
Carnegie Mellon News (PA)

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's (CMU) Human-Computer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson for Cyber Security

Watson for Cyber Security

Good example in these days of increasing cyber security risk.  Watson for Cyber Security. This appears to be a less quantitative and more semantic domain than most.  So might be an interesting for other domains that need to capture…

From Schneier on Security

The Quick vs. the Strong: Commentary on Cory Doctorow's Walkaway

The Quick vs. the Strong: Commentary on Cory Doctorow's Walkaway

Technological advances change the world. That's partly because of what they are, but even more because of the social changes they enable. New technologies upend power balances. They give groups new capabilities, increased effectiveness…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GE Digital Industrial Transformation Playbook

GE Digital Industrial Transformation Playbook

Good information about GE's efforts.

GE Draws Up Playbook for Digital Transformation
GE spent several years trying to effect its own digital transformation; now it's issued a playbook on how it's done.

Everybody talks about digital…


Older Adults Learning Computer Programming: Motivations, Frustrations, and Design Opportunities

Older Adults Learning Computer Programming: Motivations, Frustrations, and Design Opportunities

I summarize the first known research study of older adults (aged 60 and over) learning computer programming.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Call for Nominations! — 2017 CCC Leadership in Science Policy Institute

Call for Nominations! — 2017 CCC Leadership in Science Policy Institute

The following is a guest blog post by CRA Government Affairs Director, Peter Harsha.  As part of its mission to develop a next generation of leaders in the computing research community, the Computing Research Association‘s Computing…

From insideHPC

Penguin Computing Adds Support for Singularity Containers on POD HPC Cloud

Penguin Computing Adds Support for Singularity Containers on POD HPC Cloud

cloud computingToday Penguin Computing announced support for Singularity containers on its Penguin Computing On-Demand (POD) HPC Cloud and Scyld ClusterWare HPC management software. "Our researchers are excited about using Singularity on POD…

From insideHPC

Mellanox InfiniBand to Power Science at University of Waterloo

Mellanox InfiniBand to Power Science at University of Waterloo

Today Mellanox announced that the University of Waterloo selected Mellanox EDR 100G InfiniBand solutions to accelerate their new supercomputer. The new supercomputer will support a broad and diverse range of academic and scientific…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Has the Internet killed real estate agents yet?

Has the Internet killed real estate agents yet?

Back in 2002 when I was first interested in buying a house, I went on the Internet and found lots of houses for sale, directly from the sellers. I bought the house I own right now directly from the seller. At the time, I wasContinue…

From insideHPC

Gauss Centre in Germany Awards 2.1 Billion Core Hours for Science

Gauss Centre in Germany Awards 2.1 Billion Core Hours for Science

Today the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) in Germany approved 30 large-scale projects as part of their 17th call for large-scale proposals. Combined, these projects received 2.1 billion core hours, marking the highest total…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Personal Assistants Come to the Fridge

Personal Assistants Come to the Fridge

Assistants spreading out through the home.   Note again that Samsung owns Harman-Kardon, which is embedding Cortana in a future smart speaker.   This is getting complex.

Samsung’s Bixby assistant is coming to smart fridges
by Ashley…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at the New Volta GPUs for HPC & AI

Radio Free HPC Looks at the New Volta GPUs for HPC & AI

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at Volta, Nvidia's new GPU architecture that delivers up to 5x the performance of its predecessor. "At the GPU Technology Conference, Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang introduced a lineup…

From insideHPC

Intel Omni-Path Architecture: What’s a Supercomputer App Want?

Intel Omni-Path Architecture: What’s a Supercomputer App Want?

supercomputer appsThe Intel Omni-Path Architecture is the next-generation fabric for high-performance computing. In this feature, we will focus on what it takes for for supercomputer application to scale well by taking full advantage of processor…

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