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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2018

From insideHPC

Univa to host Breakfast Briefing on HPC in the Cloud at ISC 2018

Univa to host Breakfast Briefing on HPC in the Cloud at ISC 2018

Univa will host a Breakfast Briefing on HPC in the Cloud at ISC 2018. "You are invited to attend this briefing on HPC in the Cloud at ISC 2018. A panel of product executives from Amazon Web Services and Nvidia will join Univa…

From insideHPC

Designing Scalable HPC, Deep Learning and Cloud Middleware for Exascale Systems

Designing Scalable HPC, Deep Learning and Cloud Middleware for Exascale Systems

DK Panda from Ohio State University gave this talk at the Swiss HPC Conference. "This talk will focus on challenges in designing HPC, Deep Learning, and HPC Cloud middleware for Exascale systems with millions of processors and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Addessing Causation vs Curve Fitting

Addessing Causation vs Curve Fitting

The below comes from   It addresses some of the comments by Judea Pearl's recent post commented on here.  Beyond the first few paragraphs it is thoughtful but very technical.

ML beyond Curve Fitting: An Intro to Causal…

From The Eponymous Pickle



In Knowledge @ Wharton:

How Companies Can Instill Mindfulness

Mindfulness and meditation have made deep inroads into the corporate world. The benefits are proving out, notes this opinion piece by Christian Greiser and Jan-Philipp…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gigaom Continues Voices in AI

Gigaom Continues Voices in AI

Voices in AI – Episode 44: A Conversation with Gaurav Kataria
Byron Reese in GIgaOM

In this episode, Byron and Gaurav discuss machine learning, jobs, and security.

Byron Reese: This is Voices in AI brought to you by GigaOm. I am…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Comic

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Comic

It's not very good, but it has a squid in it. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

From Schneier on Security

Security and Human Behavior (SHB 2018)

Security and Human Behavior (SHB 2018)

I'm at Carnegie Mellon University, at the eleventh Workshop on Security and Human Behavior. SHB is a small invitational gathering of people studying various aspects of the human side of security, organized each year by Alessandro…

From insideHPC

Interview: What’s in store for SCinet at SC18

Interview: What’s in store for SCinet at SC18

In this interview from the SC18 Blog, Jason Zurawski describes what's in store for the SCinet high performance show network at the SC18 conference. "In November, SCinet will bring the world’s fastest and most powerful network…

From insideHPC

Video: Andrew Ng on Deploying Machine Learning in the Enterprise

Video: Andrew Ng on Deploying Machine Learning in the Enterprise

Andrew Ng from and gave this talk at Intel AI DevCon. "Artificial intelligence already powers many of our interactions today. When you ask Siri for directions, peruse Netflix’s recommendations or get…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Learn Like a Child

Learn Like a Child

Learn the way a child does?   Tabula Rasa?  A very old idea that has not seen much success over decades.   Is this a new hybrid neural approach?

How Researchers Are Teaching AI to Learn Like a Child    In Science Mag


From insideHPC

DDN’s Yvonne Walker joins CRN’s 2018 Women of the Channel List

DDN’s Yvonne Walker joins CRN’s 2018 Women of the Channel List

Today DDN announced that CRN has named Yvonne Walker, DDN’s partner and customer relations manager, to its prestigious 2018 Women of the Channel list. The professionals who comprise this annual list span the IT channel, representing…

From insideHPC

Advanced Networking: The Critical Path for HPC, Cloud, Machine Learning and More

Advanced Networking: The Critical Path for HPC, Cloud, Machine Learning and More

Erez Cohen from Mellanox gave this talk at the Swiss HPC Conference. "While InfiniBand, RDMA and GPU-Direct are an HPC mainstay, these advanced networking technologies are increasingly becoming a core differentiator to the data…

From insideHPC

Hyperion Research to host Annual HPC Market Update Breakfast at ISC18

Hyperion Research to host Annual HPC Market Update Breakfast at ISC18

Hyperion Research will host their Annual HPC Market Update Breakfast at ISC18. "We look forward to seeing you at our annual HPC Market Update Breakfast Briefing at the ISC conference. If you plan to attend, we encourage you to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Convincing Customers to Share Data After GDPR

Convincing Customers to Share Data After GDPR

Good look at the general idea of sharing under GDPR

How to Convince Customers to Share Data After GDPR  By Einat Weiss in the HBR

In recent years, marketers have lived through the Era of Big Data, and the Era of Personalization…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GDPR is Here

GDPR is Here

Been following for some time,  made adjustments to my blog.  Blog visits are up rather than down so far.  Thought more from Asia.  Here is a quick overview from Technology Review.   Click through to get more information.  What…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa adds Better Smart Meetings

Alexa adds Better Smart Meetings

Probably essential if they hope to have a credible  Alexa for business.  Will be testing. Most of my issues were regarding the voice to text, rather than the appointment entering.

Alexa gets smart meeting scheduling, a boost to…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Can We Get there (#CSforAll) From Here?

Can We Get there (#CSforAll) From Here?

When I was in high school (I graduated in 1971 so this was a while ago) there was a computer in the building. If you got an A in Calculous as a junior you could take the computer class as a senior. With 5,000 students in theSome…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Saving Lives with Swarms of Drones

Saving Lives with Swarms of Drones

Self assembling and autonomous drones for safety and rescue platforms.

Saving Lives with Aerial Drones in CACM

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania General Robotics, Automation, Sensing & Perception Laboratory have created…

From Schneier on Security

Detecting Lies through Mouse Movements

Detecting Lies through Mouse Movements

Interesting research: "The detection of faked identity using unexpected questions and mouse dynamics," by Merulin Monaro, Luciano Gamberini, and Guiseppe Sartori. Abstract: The detection of faked identities is a major problem…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chatbots for Setting up and Maintaining Meetings

Chatbots for Setting up and Maintaining Meetings

For some time have been using assistants on Siri, Alexa and Google to manage meetings.   And several times its been suggested that this kind of very common activity should be done by a meeting chatbot.  I agreed, but quickly


From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey AI Frontier: 400 Use Cases

McKinsey AI Frontier: 400 Use Cases

Mostly non-technical:

McKinsey: Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning

An analysis of more than 400 use cases across 19 industries and nine business functions highlights the broad use and significant…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchains Talking to Each Other

Blockchains Talking to Each Other

For backups, and for other housekeeping and updating functions?  For assembling contracts among component pieces?  Smart Contracts are mentioned as a form of Blockchain architecture being enabled.

How to get blockchains to talk…

From The Eponymous Pickle

When to Hold Em, When to Compete

When to Hold Em, When to Compete

Nash Equilibrium's use in Competitive Situations is re-examined, with hope for its use in competitive behavior situations.  We looked at it for that and found no golden egg, but it doesn't mean others couldn't find it.   A reexamination…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Gender and peer review

Gender and  peer review

Modern science works in the following manner. You do the research. You write a paper. You publish the paper. For historical reasons, “publishing the paper” typically means “submit it to a committee of your peers and get their…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dysfunctional Relationship with AI

Dysfunctional Relationship with AI

Nice thoughts on  our relationship with Analytics and ultimately AI.  But its not new, its been changing since the industrial revolution.  The details are just getting more and more buried into the complexity.

 It’s Me, Not You…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Graph algorithms and software prefetching

Graph algorithms and software prefetching

A lot of data in the real world can be represented as graphs: you have nodes connected through vertices. For example, you are a node in a graph where friendships are vertices. I recently met with professor Semih Salihoglu, an…

From insideHPC

The Effects of Flash Storage on Storage Infrastructure

The Effects of Flash Storage on Storage Infrastructure

storage infrastructureFlash storage has attained significant market growth over the years, with enterprise SSD revenues nearly quadrupling between 2012 and 2017.  In this guest article, HPE explores how flash storage is changing the landscape of storage…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Why Don’t Universities Require Computer Science?

Why Don’t Universities Require Computer Science?

We talk a lot about requiring computer science as a high school graduation requirement. It is an issue that is not without controversy. (Should Palo Alto students be required to study computer science?) While discussing thatWhy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Contract Guardian Acquired

Contract Guardian Acquired

A company to look at to understand the value basis of simple agreements, and where this can be taken beyond for much more value.   Note the inclusion of risk assessments, a good start beyond simple contract expirations and renewals…

From insideHPC

Video: Intel to Bring AI Technology to future Olympic Games

Video: Intel to Bring AI Technology to future Olympic Games

Today Intel announced a partnership with the International Olympic Committee to use the company's leading technology to enhance the Olympic Games through 2024. Intel will focus primarily on infusing its 5G platforms, VR, 3D and…