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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2018

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Computational Scientist at the American University of Sharjah

Job of the Week: HPC Computational Scientist at the American University of Sharjah

The American University of Sharjah (AUS) in the United Arab Emirates is seeking an HPC Computational Scientist in our Job of the Week. "AUS is seeking a highly motivated senior programmer with proven experience in developing …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automation Requires Lifelong Learning

Automation Requires Lifelong Learning

Agreed, most important will the kind of learning and training that will be required, which will also be a dynamically changing target.    Our own look at tasks that comprised jobs, and the continual redefinition of jobs, made…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Intelligence vs Operations Intelligence

Business Intelligence vs Operations Intelligence

Had heard the Operational Intelligence term, but was not often mentioned in the enterprise.   This piece defines both methods and how they interact.   OI could be a place to start when you are trying to define and model specific…

From insideHPC

How to Prepare Weather and Climate Models for Future HPC Hardware

How to Prepare Weather and Climate Models for Future HPC Hardware

Peter Dueben from ECMWF gave this talk at the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference. "Learn how one of the leading institutes for global weather predictions, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), is preparing…

From Computational Complexity

Kolmogorov Complexity and Causation

I got an interesting email question.
Suppose I give you a set of points S of the form (x,y). He suggested ideally they would be pairs of a real numbers. Supposing there is a causal relationship between x and y of some kind…

From insideHPC

Fujitsu to build 4 Petaflop Supercomputer for Hokkaido University

Fujitsu to build 4 Petaflop Supercomputer for Hokkaido University

Today Fujitsu announced that it has received an order from the Information Initiative Center of Hokkaido University for an interdisciplinary, large-scale computing system with a theoretical peak performance of 4.0 petaflops, …

From insideHPC

Dr. Eng Lim Goh from HPE to keynote PASC18 in July

Dr. Eng Lim Goh from HPE to keynote PASC18 in July

Today PASC18 announced that Dr. Eng Lim Goh from HPE will deliver a keynote presentation on scientific computing. Registration is now open for the conference, which takes place July 2-4 in Basel, Switzerland. "Traditionally, …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Consider the Bento Browser

Consider the Bento Browser

Makes much sense if you do organize the information well.

Bento Browser Makes It Easier To Search On Mobile Devices
By Carnegie Mellon University, original article.

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers have developed a new…

From Schneier on Security

Font Steganography

Font Steganography

Interesting research in steganography at the font level....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Summary of AI in Retail

Summary of AI in Retail

Been asked to look at this, here is a start.  And the continued moves in the smarter home, and as assistants.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Retail Market to hit $8bn by 2024    Posted by Sagar  in DSC.

Artificial Intelligence…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Wants AI Features in all of its Devices

Samsung Wants AI Features in all of its Devices

I was was recently shopping for new home appliances, and paid attention to what the major players had in terms of integrated 'smart' capabilities.   I noted that Samsung was mentioning their Bixby assistant language in their


From insideHPC

How Intel will deliver on the Promise of AI

How Intel will deliver on the Promise of AI

In this video, Naveen Rao keynotes the Intel AI DevCon event in San Francisco. "One of the important updates we’re discussing today is optimizations to Intel Xeon Scalable processors. These optimizations deliver significant performance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Benchmark Suite for Assessing Machine Learning

Benchmark Suite for Assessing Machine Learning

Ultimately key to making this work.    Measuring the results, starting with benchmarks.

How to Evaluate Machine Learning?  U of Toronto Research Supports Latest Benchmark Initiative 
U of Toronto News   By Nina Haikara

An industrial…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever and WPP Collaborate for Disruptive Tech

Unilever and WPP Collaborate for Disruptive Tech

Unilever and WPP Launch Collaboration in Singapore

SINGAPORE – Unilever and WPP have established an in-house collaboration with Unilever Foundry and its start-up community.

The partnership, which involves a flexible new Team Unilever…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Authentic Emotional Intelligence

Authentic Emotional Intelligence

Can they be separated?  Can deep learning be yet more precise in making a distinction?   In some early work with MIT Media lab we tried to detect emotion and engagement when people interacted with product.   Can artificial neurons…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ahold Delhaize Focusing Digital Efforts

Ahold Delhaize Focusing Digital Efforts

Have been impressed wth AHold efforts over the years, now with a lab for Digital:

Ahold Delhaize focuses its digital efforts
By Rachel England, @rachel_england   in Progressive Grocer

Ahold Delhaize is launching a new department…

From insideHPC

Supercomputer Simulations help fight Dengue Virus

Supercomputer Simulations help fight Dengue Virus

Researchers are using supercomputers to combat the Dengue virus and related diseases spread by mosquitos. "Advanced software and the rapid calculation speeds of both Comet and Bridges made the current simulations possible. In…

From insideHPC

Mark Stickells appointed Director of Pawsey Supercomputing Centre

Mark Stickells appointed Director of Pawsey Supercomputing Centre

Today the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre announced the appointment of Mark Stickells as the new Director of the Centre. "Mark’s experience with government, industry, research and technology will bring synergy to Pawsey, and will…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Terri Quinn on Hardware and Integration at the Exacale Computing Project

Podcast: Terri Quinn on Hardware and Integration at the Exacale Computing Project

In this podcast, Terri Quinn from LLNL provides an update on Hardware and Integration (HI) at the Exascale Computing Project. "The US Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories will acquire, install, and operate the nation…

From insideHPC

Prof. Yutong Lu from China will Chair ISC 2019

Prof. Yutong Lu from China will Chair ISC 2019

Today ISC announced that Prof. Yutong Lu from the National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou, China will be the ISC 2019 Program Chair. This new appointment begins a new journey for ISC High Performance, which has only seen …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Counterfeit Goods Detector

Counterfeit Goods Detector

We worked on the detection of counterfeit goods for some time, this would have been very useful. Will take a deeper look.

IBM built a handheld counterfeit goods detector
The AI tricorder knows those aren't official Yeezys.

By Rachel…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Walmart Pauses on Scan & Go

Walmart Pauses on Scan & Go

Been following for a while.   Tested many checkout options.  Seems to work better at Sam than Wal-Mart.

Walmart drops Scan & Go tech – again      by George Anderson in Retailwire

Walmart’s self-checkout Scan & Go technology has…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching Through Stories

Teaching Through Stories

This time of year I think a lot about how I teach. There is something about the end of the year and evaluating how much my students have (or have not) learned that causes me to think about how much of what they learn (or don’t)…

From Schneier on Security

Supermarket Shoplifting

Supermarket Shoplifting

The rise of self-checkout has caused a corresponding rise in shoplifting....

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Does 1 Times 1 Equal 2?

A diversion in mathematical consistency Cropped from source Terrence Howard is an actor and singer who has been in a number of films and TV series. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the movie Hustle & Flow…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

U.S. Department of Energy Request for Information on Machine Learning for Geothermal Energy and the Geosciences

U.S. Department of Energy Request for Information on Machine Learning for Geothermal Energy and the Geosciences

The following is a Request for Information (RFI) from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.  The Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO), within the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking About Virtual Worlds

Thinking About Virtual Worlds

Even a simple mirror can create a virtual world.  I remember when we experimented with data immersion using VR in virtual worlds, it was remarkable to see how hard navigation was.  To the point that you often had to go back to…

From insideHPC

NVIDIA Releases Cuda 9.2 for GPU Code Acceleration

NVIDIA Releases Cuda 9.2 for GPU Code Acceleration

Today NVIDIA released Cuda 9.2, which includes updates to libraries, a new library for accelerating custom linear-algebra algorithms, and lower kernel launch latency. "CUDA 9 is the most powerful software platform for GPU-accelerated…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Laser Power Insect Robotics

Laser Power Insect Robotics

Having very small flying robots that can be tasked to jobs, alone or in groups,  will change many things.  We examined how tasks and services might be solved by such methods.  There continue to be updates.

Laser-Powered Robot

From The Eponymous Pickle

Simplified Machine Learning

Simplified Machine Learning

Simplified and non-technical view:

Machine learning: A quick and simple definition
Get a basic overview of machine learning and then go deeper with recommended resources.  By James Furbush in O'Reilly

The following overview covers…