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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Intelligence in Healthcare

Augmented Intelligence in Healthcare

Expert discusses Augmented Intelligence in Healthcare

 in Public Library of Science

The potential of using machine learning techniques in medicine is immense. As electronic health records have become widely available, there is


From The Eponymous Pickle

How Will GDPR Impact Machine Learning

How Will GDPR Impact Machine Learning

Well done piece on the issue.  Still unclear how this effect experimentation and delivery. 

How will the GDPR impact machine learning?
Answers to the three most commonly asked questions about maintaining GDPR-compliant machine


From Schneier on Security

Accessing Cell Phone Location Information

Accessing Cell Phone Location Information

The New York Times is reporting about a company called Securus Technologies that gives police the ability to track cell phone locations without a warrant: The service can find the whereabouts of almost any cellphone in the country…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Doctor Comes via 5G

Virtual Doctor Comes via 5G

An interesting preview.  Will 5G be fast enough everywhere to provide services like imaging?  I note also the term IOMT Internet of Medical Things.

Previewing 5G’s effect on the health care industry  via Qualcomm
Your (virtual)…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Adds AI Labs

Facebook Adds AI Labs

Need for analytics and advanced AI capabilities continues to expand.  Saw this at today's Analytics for Leadership Meeting at the Center for Business Analytics Summit 2018. ...

 ... Participated in a talk on Analytics Leadership…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rapid AI Experimentation with AWS

Rapid AI Experimentation with AWS

Via O'Reilly:

Rapid AI experimentation and innovation on Amazon Web Services

Dan Mbanga explores how accelerating AI experimentation has influenced innovations such as Amazon Alexa, Prime Air, and Go.

This is a keynote from the


From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Validating UTF-8 strings using as little as 0.7 cycles per byte

Validating UTF-8 strings using as little as 0.7 cycles per byte

Most strings found on the Internet are encoded using a particular unicode format called UTF-8. However, not all strings of bytes are valid UTF-8. The rules as to what constitute a valid UTF-8 string are somewhat arcane. Yet it…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Indoor Precision Location

Indoor Precision Location

New Methods Drive Indoor Location Technologies Beyond the Beacon
Posted by David Oro  in Apps and Tools in IOTCentral

As demand for location services in all areas of the Internet of Things (IoT) grows, so too has the requirement…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet

Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet

CCC Council member Maja Mataric from the University of Southern California provided contributions to this post. If we train Artificial Intelligence (AI) to do our work for us it will still need to be periodically checked for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cell Carriers are Selling Your Location

Cell Carriers are Selling Your Location

Not unexpected, privacy implications.  Probably not much to most people.  Good to know though.

Your Cell Carrier Is Selling Your Location Data   By Ryan Whitwam in Extremetech

There’s a lot of hand-wringing over the amount…

From insideHPC

Universal Coding of the Reals: Alternatives to IEEE Floating Point

Universal Coding of the Reals: Alternatives to IEEE Floating Point

Peter Lindstrom from LLNL gave this talk at the Conference on Next Generation Arithmetic in Singapore. "We propose a modular framework for representing the real numbers that generalizes IEEE, POSITS, and related floating-point…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Artificial Empathy Needed

Artificial Empathy Needed

Also includes engagement.   Gets back to the nature of a conversation.   Does it engage, promote understanding, remember past interactions, help?   All those lead to a minimum amount of empathy.  If a conversation does not have…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Asks for Higher Priced Products

Wal-Mart Asks for Higher Priced Products

Not a surprise, different competitive positioning, margins.

No joke – Walmart asks CPGs for higher priced products
by Matthew Stern  in Retailwire with expert comments.

Walmart is known for its commitment to low prices, but the


From insideHPC

DDN GridScaler Powers Neuroscience and Behavioral Research at Harvard

DDN GridScaler Powers Neuroscience and Behavioral Research at Harvard

Today DDN that Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences Research Computing (FASRC) has deployed DDN’s GRIDScaler GS7KX parallel file system appliance with 1PB of storage. The installation has sped the collection of images…

From insideHPC

Ohio Supercomputer Center Upgrades HPC Access Portal

Ohio Supercomputer Center Upgrades HPC Access Portal

The Ohio Supercomputer Center has updated its innovative web-based portal for accessing high performance computing services. As part of this effort, OSC recently announced the release of Open OnDemand 1.3, the first version using…

From insideHPC

HPE: Design Challenges at Scale

HPE: Design Challenges at Scale

Jimmy Daley from HPE gave this talk at the HPC User Forum in Tucson. "High performance clusters are all about high speed interconnects. Today, these clusters are often built out of a mix of copper and active optical cables. While…

From insideHPC

High Performance Big Data Computing Using Harp-DAAL

High Performance Big Data Computing Using Harp-DAAL

Harp-DAAL is a framework developed at Indiana University that brings together the capabilities of big data (Hadoop) and techniques that have previously been adopted for high performance computing.  Together, employees can become…

From Schneier on Security

Sending Inaudible Commands to Voice Assistants

Sending Inaudible Commands to Voice Assistants

Researchers have demonstrated the ability to send inaudible commands to voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. Over the last two years, researchers in China and the United States have begun demonstrating that…

From Computational Complexity

What does it mean for a student to guess an answer?

On my final in Aut Theory I wanted to ask a TRUE/FALSE/UNKNOWN TO SCIENCE

question but did not want them to guess. Hence I had +4 for a right answer, -3 for a wrong answer.

Here is the question:


From The Eponymous Pickle

Automated Checkout Growing

Automated Checkout Growing

Seems that checkout-free experiences will be the future.

Amazon will open checkout-free stores in Chicago and San Francisco

You won't have to visit Seattle to experience automated shopping.

By Jon Fingas, @jonfingas in Engadget


From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

ACM-W Connections – May 2018

ACM-W Connections – May 2018

Letter from ACM-W Chair News from ACM-W Celebrations News from ACM-W Professional Chapters News from ACM-W Student Chapters News from ACM-W Europe Welcome from the ACM-W Chair  Back in December, we announced the launch of our…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Is research sick?

Is research sick?

One of the most important database researchers of all time, Michael Stonebraker, has given a talk recently on the state of database research. I believe that many of his points are of general interest: We have a lost our consumers…

From Schneier on Security

Details on a New PGP Vulnerability

Details on a New PGP Vulnerability

A new PGP vulnerability was announced today. Basically, the vulnerability makes use of the fact that modern e-mail programs allow for embedded HTML objects. Essentially, if an attacker can intercept and modify a message in transit…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Deepmind for Navigation

Google Deepmind for Navigation

Another kind of problem, which may well have applications in industry.

Google DeepMind's AI Learns Human Navigation Skills 
In The Guardian  By Ian Sample

Google's DeepMind unit has developed an algorithm that outperforms people…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchain for Marketing

Blockchain for Marketing

Another example where Blockchain has potential use.

What Blockchain Could Mean for Marketing   By Anindya Ghose in the HBR

Companies are collecting more data than ever before, and are making significant business decisions based…

From insideHPC

BSC Powers Climate Services for Agriculture in Europe

BSC Powers Climate Services for Agriculture in Europe

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is a partner in the MED-GOLD project, which will foster the creation of highly specialized climate services for wine, olive oil, and durum crops, providing indicators to optimize agricultural…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

AMIA Webinar on Sociotechnical Interventions for Health Disparity Reduction

AMIA Webinar on Sociotechnical Interventions for Health Disparity Reduction

The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) will hold a webinar on sociotechnical interventions for health disparity reduction on Wednesday, May 16th at 1pm ET. During the webinar, Katie Siek (Indiana) and Tiffany Veinot…

From insideHPC

Quantum Computing: Its Principles, Capabilities and Challenges

Quantum Computing: Its Principles, Capabilities and Challenges

Dr. Mark Mattingley-Scott from IBM gave this talk at the Swiss HPC Conference. "Quantum Computing is here, right now - and we are at the start of a new way of computing, which will impact us the way the revolution started by …

From insideHPC

Let’s Talk Exascale: Making Software Development more Efficient

Let’s Talk Exascale: Making Software Development more Efficient

In this episode of Let's Talk Exascale, Mike Heroux from Sandia National Labs describes the Exascale Computing Project’s Software Development Kit, an organizational approach to reduce the complexity of the project management …

From Schneier on Security

Critical PGP Vulnerability

Critical PGP Vulnerability

EFF is reporting that a critical vulnerability has been discovered in PGP and S/MIME. No details have been published yet, but one of the researchers wrote: We'll publish critical vulnerabilities in PGP/GPG and S/MIME email encryption…

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