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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2019

From The Eponymous Pickle

USPS Tests Self Driving Trucks

USPS Tests Self Driving Trucks

Not home delivery yet, but trucking. 

USPS starts testing self-driving trucks
The US Postal Service has begun a two-week test using self-driving trucks to transport mail between Phoenix and Dallas. The startup that developed the…

From Schneier on Security

Fingerprinting iPhones

Fingerprinting iPhones

This clever attack allows someone to uniquely identify a phone when you visit a website, based on data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensors. We have developed a new type of fingerprinting attack, the calibration…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Patient Adherence Measures in Medical Regimens

Patient Adherence Measures in Medical Regimens

Had not heard the term adherence used before, but see the measure including a combination of compliance and persistence.   We typically used compliance by itself to bundle both, but I like thinking of both as measures.


From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Using Gamification in Warehouses

Amazon Using Gamification in Warehouses

Had not heard of this, but always looking for ways we can augment work by tweaking behavior.  Like adding some elements of fun.   Don't know if it actually works in practice,  but it is worth the try.

‘MissionRacer’: How Amazon…

From The Eponymous Pickle

State of AI and Machine Learning

State of AI and Machine Learning

This looks quite good, reading now.  Figure-eight deals with the most important part of the problem:  Where do you get the right data to support the learning you need?   The right Data is used to teach the method used, the inclusion…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wireless Networking for Everywhere

Wireless Networking for Everywhere

What are the implications for new infrastructure of Wifi Networking Everywhere?

Enterprise Networks in Cisco Blog
Next Generation Wireless Infrastructure for Intent-based Networking Everywhere   By Anand Oswal

We’ve come to expect…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Request Comments on Draft: A 20-Year Community Roadmap for AI Research in the US

Request Comments on Draft: A 20-Year Community Roadmap for AI Research in the US

CCC Chair Mark D. Hill, CCC Vice Chair Liz Bradley, and CCC Director Ann Schwartz Drobnis provided significant contributions to this post. The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) requests comments by May 28, 2019 on a draft…

From insideHPC

GCS Sponsors University Teams for ISC19 Student Cluster Competition

GCS Sponsors University Teams for ISC19 Student Cluster Competition

The Gauss Centre for Supercomputing is sponsoring the two German student teams for the Student Cluster Competition at ISC 2019 in Frankfurt. The teams, representing the University of Hamburg and Heidelberg University, are among…

From insideHPC

Forum Teratec to Spotlight HPC, AI, and Digital Transformation in Europe

Forum Teratec to Spotlight HPC, AI, and Digital Transformation in Europe

Registration is now open for the Forum Teratec in France. The event takes place June 11-12 in Palaiseau. "The Forum Teratec is the premier international meeting for all players in HPC, Simulation, Big Data and Machine Learning…

From insideHPC

GPU Hackathon gears up for Future Perlmutter Supercomputer

GPU Hackathon gears up for Future Perlmutter Supercomputer

NERSC recently hosted its first user hackathon to begin preparing key codes for the next-generation architecture of the Perlmutter system. Over four days, experts from NERSC, Cray, and NVIDIA worked with application code teams…

From insideHPC

Catalyst UK Program Fosters Arm-based HPC Systems

Catalyst UK Program Fosters Arm-based HPC Systems

"Clearly Arm will fit in as part of a broader HPC ecosystem, as we move towards systems that involve multiple chip architectures. In terms of scientific research, it may mean we run one stage of a simulation workflow on an Arm…

From insideHPC

The Pending Age of Exascale

The Pending Age of Exascale

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Robert Roe looks at advances in exascale computing and the impact of AI on HPC development. In March it was announced that a new exascale system was on the horizon…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Making Up Tests

It’s harder to make up tests than to take them [ Recent photo ] Ken Regan has been busy these last few days working on making a final exam, giving the exam, and now grading the exam. Today Ken and I want to talk about tests.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Enterprise Needs to Invest for Machine Learning

Enterprise Needs to Invest for Machine Learning

Good piece.  Yes, usually in conjunction with companies and academia.   Also a way to train management and decision makers on its uses.  Enterprise wants examples of off the shelf results.  Also needs to be investment in understanding…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Announces New Glass

Google Announces New Glass

Emphasis on enterprise makes sense, we looked at the early versions, and there was not enough useful business content to make these work for key applications like plant machine maintenance.  Once this emerges, the demand for


From Schneier on Security

How Technology and Politics Are Changing Spycraft

How Technology and Politics Are Changing Spycraft

Interesting article about how traditional nation-based spycraft is changing. Basically, the Internet makes it increasingly possible to generate a good cover story; cell phone and other electronic surveillance techniques make…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Telecom Customer Analytics

Telecom Customer Analytics

Good piece from DSC on definitions used for customer analytics in Telecom industry.   Specifics of the definitions are interesting, and can be further considered in other industries.   Need for measures and goals can be determined…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning Book, Slides.

Machine Learning Book, Slides.

Had mentioned this once before, by its nature slightly out of date but good resource.  Continuing to read it now.

Foundations of Machine Learning
book (PDF, HTML).
lecture slides.

From Schneier on Security

The Concept of "Return on Data"

The Concept of "Return on Data"

This law review article by Noam Kolt, titled "Return on Data," proposes an interesting new way of thinking of privacy law. Abstract: Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet…

From insideHPC

DDN Completes Acquisition of Nexenta

DDN Completes Acquisition of Nexenta

Today DDN announced the successful completion of the acquisition of Nexenta, the market leader in Software Defined Storage for 5G and Internet of Things (IoT), creating the Nexenta by DDN division. "The acquisition brings three…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Retail Ethics Challenge?

Amazon Retail Ethics Challenge?

From a retailers and retail expertise and their customers perspective, with further expert comments at the link:

Just How big is Amazon’s Ethics Challenge? in Retailwire   by Tom Ryan

Axios Harris’ 2019 poll of the 100 Most Visible…

From The Eponymous Pickle

360 Degree AI Agent View

360 Degree AI Agent View

Intriguing idea.   Many applications to maximize information.  Although also likely a distraction as well. Like the idea of an 'Agent' being beyond a person with that role, but also any kind of information gathering system, human…

From insideHPC

Agenda Posted for PASC19 in Zurich

Agenda Posted for PASC19 in Zurich

PASC19 has posted its Full Conference Program. The event takes place June 12-14 in Zurich, Switzerland. "PASC19 is the sixth edition of the PASC Conference series, an international platform for the exchange of competences in …

From The Eponymous Pickle

MIT and Air Force

MIT and Air Force

Examining this now:

MIT and U.S. Air Force sign agreement to launch AI Accelerator
New program will focus on rapid deployment of artificial intelligence innovations in operations, disaster response, and medical readiness.

Rob Matheson…

From insideHPC

Barcelona Supercomputing Centre opens Arm Centre of Excellence for HPC

Barcelona Supercomputing Centre opens Arm Centre of Excellence for HPC

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and Arm Research have signed a multi-year agreement to establish the Arm-BSC Centre of Excellence. The move reflects a long history of BSC pioneering Arm technologies in HPC with the …

From insideHPC

Mellanox Introduces High Speed Ethernet Cloud Fabric Technology

Mellanox Introduces High Speed Ethernet Cloud Fabric Technology

Today Mellanox introduced breakthrough Ethernet Cloud Fabric (ECF) technology based on Spectrum-2, the world’s most advanced 100/200/400 Gb/s Ethernet switches. ECF technology provides the ideal platform to quickly build and …

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Catalyzing Computing Podcast Episode 10 – Interview with Beth Mynatt Part 2

Catalyzing Computing Podcast Episode 10 – Interview with Beth Mynatt Part 2

Part 2 of the Catalyzing Computing podcast interview with Dr. Beth Mynatt is out now. Dr. Mynatt is the Executive Director of Georgia Tech’s Institute for People and Technology (IPaT), a College of Computing Distinguished Professor…

From insideHPC

Video: Exascale Deep Learning for Climate Analytics

Video: Exascale Deep Learning for Climate Analytics

Thorsten Kurth Josh Romero gave this talk at the GPU Technology Conference. "We'll discuss how we scaled the training of a single deep learning model to 27,360 V100 GPUs (4,560 nodes) on the OLCF Summit HPC System using the high…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Better, Faster Decisions: Faster is a Context

Better, Faster Decisions: Faster is a Context

Its all about decisions.   Not only our own but also those we make based on help from systems.   And, increasingly autonomous decisions.   And faster may not be better without understanding risk in various contexts.  And speed…

From Computational Complexity

Notorious L.A.H or Notorious LAH? OR You always need one more proofread

I noticed a while back that even on the nth proofread of a document there are still corrections. So I decided to keep track of how many corrections there are in a paper I was working on. I chose a non-technical paper so that

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